Possible Strategies


Això és una continuació de l’anàlisi que faig en l’anàlisi anomenada “Estratègia Política Catalana- Espanyola” , i és aquí on indico unes estratègies, raonables, on poden funcionar, ja que alguna cosa hem de fer per sortir d’aquest carreró no way out where we are now, and we have to open a dialogue where we all have to say our opinion, and the more we are, the better!! Firstly, I would like to make some comments on the current situation that the Spanish government has unleashed with the pardons.

The Spanish government partly due to pressure from Europe and partly due to its ignorance, has been forced to do something, and apparently with success, but look a little deeper, the Spanish Justice is quite discredited, and still it will be more with the pardon, but it seems that the government of Spain is rectifying the Spanish image a little, and this can be seen in the foreign press. Another reason is the position taken by the Spanish government, as good people. They open a superficial dialogue, and now it is the Catalans who have to move the table. Well, all of this can be very easily refuted, but I don’t want to go into it here, I just want to give a cursory profile, so as not to go on too long. On the other hand, we have 9 people who are apparently free, if they are behaving well, and who are convicted of doing something they did not do, and I am glad that they are out of prison, because they never would have been to be inside, both the pardon and the amnesty, it is the same for them and for the Catalans, therefore, with a pardon or without, we would be in the same place as on October 10, 2017, after our president declared the independence of Catalonia and 10 seconds later suspended it. Catalonia did not declare itself independent, but the Spanish government did not understand it that way and punished some people for doing something they had not done.

Well, although with or without the pardon, or with or without amnesty, we would be in the same place as on October 10, and then what? This is not the solution, the solution is to leave Spain, and here is the essence of the matter, how do we do it… one of the solutions is as I said before:

1) Catalans who feel Catalan must behave like Catalans, within a State that has us, for war merits, as a colony or region or autonomy or that administers our economy, language and culture. Under these circumstances, we are greatly weakened, but not defeated or annihilated. There have been many Empires that have tried, but with us they have not been able to for the moment. We must behave, like what we are “a colony”, however we must fight, democratically and intelligently, to get out of this nightmare, and we will have to follow some guidelines to be able to do so.

2) The Council of the Catalan Republic, under the name of MH president Carles Puigdemont, should now lift the suspension and make the declaration of the Catalan Republic.

3) The Council for the Republic should lead all the actions that we should do for the liberation of the Catalan State as a full Country or Nation. But what I think is very important is that a “source of union” should be made or created, an agile, fast, light source, nevertheless very effective, where all Catalans who wanted to, could say, or give your strategy, to get out of the black hole and thus democratically enrich your strategy. Today it is possible with the means of communication we have on the Internet, and everything under the tutelage of El Consell per la República, and perhaps it could be done, physically by “El Consell per la República Catalana”, we have to go very alert, intelligent and very united. We are where we are because we are dissolved, and disunited. We live in the same territory, but we are not united, we do not talk to ourselves, only regrets. This is the weakest point that Catalans have, and this is what we must correct. We must have a connection, intimate, vital, where we can express our strategies, but we must be aware that it should not be a place of regrets, gossip, banal information, since we have other means on the networks to do that. It must be a place of maximum union to give very concrete strategies, because we must be careful that 7.8 million Catalans can say many things, and if we are not careful this place of union is important and vital , it can end up being a disaster… And this source could be “The Local Council for the Catalan Republic” where they should study how to be able to communicate with the 947 Local Councils * RC, and thus be able to organize very quickly and democratically and give the results to “C * LR” in the Foreigner so that it gives the command.

4) We must broaden the basis of sovereignty to be able to have a majority, and of course in all the City Councils.

5) We must use the Town Halls whenever we can, and this can only be if we have a majority to be able to do it democratically.

6) Declarar els Municipis, o Republicans, o Independents, sempre que hi hagi una majoria sobiranista al municipi, i aquest últim sempre que no comporti mesures penals per part de la Justícia Espanyola, a més l’Idioma oficial a Catalunya és el català, exclusively

7) Declare the King “Persona non Grata” in all the Municipalities, again if there is a majority.

8) Comprar o tractar amb empreses catalanes, cap d’espanyoles, escoltar o veure TV o Ràdios o mitjans d’informació catalanes.

9) Strategy to pay the Generalitat both taxes, VAT, etc. No money in Spain.

10) The official language, only Catalan, both in the town councils and in the Generalitat.

11) Put in the entrances of the municipality where the name of the town is put, also put República Catalana.

12) Put the Balconies, windows, etc. Stars, and wear as possible, or a star or a badge on the lapel or in a visible place, to show that we are Catalan.

13) Put an Estelada at all the roundabouts in all the towns of Catalonia.

14) TV3, Catalan televisions and radios, will only broadcast in Catalan.

15) Informative signs, only in Catalan and English, both on motorways, expressways and streets.

16) It doesn’t matter what they are called, Casals, Catalan Embassies or, etc. They must be established abroad, representing Catalonia.

17) We encourage other cultures such as Galicia, the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Country, Northern Catalonia, to leave the Empire, since Spain is an Entelechy and as such does not exist.

18) Well, Spain should be what it has always had to be, a region of the Iberian Peninsula, exactly Castile, and this is what we must try to force it to become its own culture again, and stop exploiting the others, all cultures equally, and with mutual respect, since in this way cultures are enriched, not just one, but all.

19) From the Local Council for the Catalan Republic, hold frequent meetings to update the moment in which society lives and resume current strategies. This is very important, because there should be 947 Local Councils * R., because, in Catalonia, we have 947 municipalities, and the purpose is that there should be 947 Local Councils for the Republic. This is why we need to work, because the interconnection between all the 947 Councils is very important, more unity, more strength.

20) If there is a person who has a strategy, that they think is convenient, or interesting, then, let’s be there, they are very, very welcome. Write it below, and in this way we will make a better country, let’s do it, together, the more strategies the better. Thus, we will be able to choose among all, the best, or the ones that suit the most at the current moment, this is democracy!!!

Enic Giné i Orengo

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