Dependency or Independence, that is the question

                             Everyone has their thesis about Independence, but for me it is something special and I use it very often with very good results. That’s it, there are two ways to position yourself, one is to be Dependent and the other is to be Independent. The clerk is the one we Catalans have used for the last three hundred years. It is to give some money to Spain to administer us for 60 million euros a day, since the Catalans are fools and as there are people smarter than us, like the so-called Spaniards, or the Castilians, they do us this favor or work . Now they charge us this money to administer Catalonia, and now it is no longer as rich as it was before, when it was the most industrial, agricultural and livestock region and the richest in the kingdom. Now that Catalonia has become less rich and the poor regions have become less poor, such as Andalusia and Extremadura, we still have to be happy with our politicians who have managed to make us pay only 60 million a day… All a feat I always ask supporters of independence and very close friends of the Spanish that maybe now, after three hundred years, we could look for another administrator, for example, Germany, England or the Nordic countries. They have their countries very ordered and controlled and they could, for 22,000 million euros a year, administer our country. I’m sure they would be delighted with life and would do much better than the Spanish. You could even hold an auction and there would still be someone who would do it for us cheaper. The other possibility is to be Independent, maybe we are not as stupid as we think and could manage ourselves and thus save all this money. These are the two possibilities we have. I believe that there is no color, that the best is Independence. If we decided on the other one, the Dependency, I think it would be much more beneficial to us than, instead of Spain, as I have already said, if another country did it. The solution is as clear as water. Catalonia is already of age and knows how to administer its own resources without the need of anyone. In addition, it is a little incomprehensible that some people who have nothing to do with Catalonia know how to solve the problems of the Catalans. For example, how many train lines do the Catalans need, what timetables, all the roads or motorways or airports and thus an endless list of things to do from Madrid. Wouldn’t it be better for the Catalans to administer themselves according to our needs? Dependency or Independence! It is synonymous with Administration, and those in Madrid want to administer us because the administrators get a much better part of the Pie than the administered. Elementary Mister Watson, however, Dependence or Independence also means what the same word means, which is, or “Depend or not Depend” .Catalonia now “Depends” on Madrid , and this means that Madrid administers Catalonia, because it “Depends” on it. We need this money that the Spanish robbed us of to build roads, have a good railway network, good airports, good public health, good schools, etc., etc. 60 million euros a day is a lot, a lot of money. There is a lot of talk about Independence, but what we want is for Catalans to administer ourselves, say Independence or Administration. We want our language, which is Catalan, to be spoken in Catalonia. We are a Nation, and as a Nation we have a culture, a Language, customs, just like others such as Spanish, Galician, Basque, French, German, etc. and the only thing the Catalans want is to administer themselves, and to persevere in our culture, once again Independence is equal to Administration .

Enric Giné I Orengo

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