Current analysis of Catalonia

Tiredness and disappointment


The history of my country, and of many other cultures in the world, has been very painful, sad, bloody, plundered, with many lives sacrificed in wars, suffering for the simple reason that a culture, the Castilian one, with a sick desire for power to seize the goods of other cultures, and destroy said cultures, until their disappearance, to become an Empire, since this was the purpose, after more than three hundred years, we still continue, with all that this means an Empire, countries, entire nations plundered of their cultures.


We have and have had politicians, chosen by us, who only manage to continue in their jobs, with a salary that has not been chosen by us, but that does not matter to them, they receive a salary from us, which is much more than that of an office worker, but that is how things are, we will not lower their salary, and they will not do it either, but they will surely raise it themselves, and their school or university education is often less than that of an office worker, and when they speak, some of them seem illiterate, or if not ignorant, if we did not have those people called politicians, I am sure that Catalonia would have been an Independent Country for a long time, because Catalans want Independence, but politicians do not, they want their jobs and their salaries, and that is where we have one of the problems.

Loving Parents

Don’t you love dad more than mom? Or vice versa, right? They love each other equally, I am Catalan, but in 1973, I went to live in Denmark, it was during Franco’s time, and it was a shock for me, going from a dictatorship to a democratic country like Denmark, I have a daughter, son-in-law and 4 granddaughters who live there, my heart is broken in two, I love Catalonia as much as Denmark, I am part of these two cultures, and they have given me everything that I am, now I live in Catalonia, Denmark is independent, it does nothing to make it so, but that does not mean I have less identity, and that makes one wonder why many of those who call themselves Spanish fear that the so-called Spain will break up, so what? They will not prefer this culture, if they want it, the so-called Spain will not disappear, but will continue, not the opposite, like where they live, the country where they live, the culture is broken because the country they love, they broke it, and this is perverse ignorance.

Speaking a language that is not the culture of the country

I go into a shop and say “bon dia” and the shop assistant answers “Buenos días” and I answer and “am sorry” and he continues in English, when I get home I go to see my psychologist and explain my experience in the shop so that he can explain to me what I did not understand in the shop, he tells me that he is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist, he definitively says that he does not understand this behaviour either, but this behaviour is very widespread in the so-called Spanish mentality, speaking Castilian or English within another culture, Catalan, but they do not want to understand it, but a language that is not from this culture, Castilian or English, it does not matter which one, they can speak it, however, the Catalan language, the native one, no! What is the argument? It can only be perversion!


Since 1714, Catalonia has fought peacefully with the hope of being able to be what it was, the problem is that the Catalans have never understood that what is lost in a war, that is, with weapons, is difficult to return with dialogue, we Catalans are peaceful, and that is how we should be, but the Empire knows this, and it also knows that the Catalans are a rare race, for more than three hundred years, they have done nothing, well, yes we have done, and a lot, and it is the only thing we know how to do, it is to complain, we are the best at doing it, it is the only thing we know, we do it every day, thousands of times, it is on TV, Radio, newspapers, Catalan and pro-independence institutions, and people talk about lamentations, every day, the dialogues or conversations between friends and families, it is this, to complain about the Empire but nothing more, with lamentations everything ends, and the Empire thanks us.

Our Institutions

We have countless Institutions, which bombard us every day, with emails, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and so on. and these institutions are ANC, Òmnium, Consell Català per la República, there are many, I am a member of all of these and many more, I am member number 3999 of ANC, and I am a local administrator in some of them, well, what happens with these institutions? Well, nothing, they bombard us with a lot of information, which says nothing, only complaints, and I’m fed up with that, these institutions have fantastic and tremendous organizational options, but let’s look at where we are, I don’t want to say that they are very similar to politicians, because it is an insult, but the inactivity, and the results are the same, and it is sad, very sad, if now “Junts” and the “ANC”, and some others, say that they want amnesty, and a referendum, and this is nothing, just beating around the bush, with amnesty we would be in the same place as before October 1, 2017, with the referendum, because a referendum, already We have it, and we won it, and with a new one we could lose it, because we have many of the so-called Spaniards who reside in Catalonia, Well, I say, no!, no! and no!, I am not democratic in this respect, Catalonia belongs to the Catalans or to those who feel Catalan and love this country, it does not matter if they were born here or not, only if they love Catalonia.

What we have to do

What we have to do is organize ourselves, and build a new country, and this is the only priority we should have in our heads, nothing more than that, and how, and who has to do it? Well, we, the people who want change, together with the three Institutions that exist and with a command outside of the so-called Spain, “Òmnium Cultural”, its role is cultural, but it also stirs up part of the Catalans, “ANC”, is more political, and lately it wanted to present itself as a political party, and that is also good because it also stirs up many of us, the Catalan Council for the Republic, with its “Local Council for the Republic”, should be decisive in giving voice to the people, in order to be able to convey the decisions taken from the Local Council, since there are 947 Town Halls, and then the Catalan Council for the Republic, either in Brussels or abroad, out of the clutches of the enemy, both the Catalan Council for the Republic, Òmnium and ANC, should work very closely together, all three, in looking for strategies, to be able to get out of the Empire that exploits us and destroys our culture, and they are these three institutions and we from the Local Council for the Republic, which they have, and we have to do it, and this It is an enormous task, because the break with the so-called Spanish state involves two very important and difficult phases, and the question is: how can we do it? and how do we have to organize ourselves? In order to survive after the break, all of this has to be studied very rigorously, because it depends on whether we are successful, or whether we have to continue for 300 more years, so let’s all study it well, because it has to be very well tied up, without any cracks, and when everything is well tied up and studied, and well approved, without any incidents, then there has to be a command, as I have said abroad, where they must give the orders, which all of us Catalans have to follow, rigorously, with a lot of discipline, I would say almost military, but without violence, anything other than that is continuing with the same, and it is doing nothing.

Possible Strategies of Enric

1) We Catalans who feel Catalan must behave as Catalans, within a State that has us, by merits of war, as a colony or region or autonomy or that administers our economy, language and Culture. In these circumstances we are very weakened, but not defeated or annihilated. There have been many Empires that have tried it, but with us they have not been able to do so for the moment. We must behave as what we are “a colony”; however, we must fight, democratically and intelligently, to get out of this nightmare, and we must follow some guidelines to be able to do so.

2) The “Council of the Catalan Republic”, with the name of M.H. President Carles Puigdemont, should now lift the suspension and make the declaration of the Catalan Republic.

3) The “Council for the Catalan Republic” should lead all the actions that we should take for the liberation of the Catalan State as a full Country or Nation.

4) We must broaden the base of the independence movement, in order to have a majority, and of course in all the Town Halls.

5) We must use the Town Halls whenever we can

6) Declare the Municipalities either Republican or Independent

7) Declare the King persona non grata in all the Municipalities

8) Buy or deal with Catalan companies, none of them Spanish

9) Strategy to pay all taxes, VAT, etc. to the “Generalitat”, not giving any money to the so-called Spain.

10) The official language, only Catalan, both in the town councils and the Generalitat.

11) Put in the entries of the municipality is the name of the town, it is also the Catalan Republic.

12) Put on balconies, windows etc. Catalan flags, and wear personally as possible, or a flag or an insignia on the lapel or a visible site, to demonstrate that we are Catalans.

13) Put a flag at all the roundabouts in all the towns of Catalonia.

14) TV3, Catalan televisions and radios only broadcast in Catalan.

15) The information records, only in Catalan and English, both on Highways, or on roads.

16) It is the whatever they are called, Homes or Embassies Catalan, they have established the foreign country, representing Catalonia.

17) We encourage other Cultures such as Galicia, the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Country, Catalunya from Nord, to abandon the Empire, since Spain is an Entelechy and such does not exist.

18) Spain should be what it has always been, a region of the Iberian Peninsula, specifically Castella, and this is what we must try to force to become its own culture, and stop exploiting it. Others, all the cultures are equal, and both respect each other, since in this way the cultures are enriched, not just one, all.

19) From the “Local Council for the Catalan Republic”, hold meetings are held to update the moment in which the society came to life and to review current strategies. This is very important, because the Local Councils for the Republic. 947 have not existed, therefore, in Catalonia, we have 947 municipalities, and the finality is that there are 947 Local Councils for the Republic to continue working, because the interconnection between all the 947 Councils is crucial, the more united, the more forceful.

20) These are the best strategies, and here is the essence of the one you were trying to do, although there are some strategies, and with only one person per month, among all of us we can find other strategies and millions and it is here that we can study among all of them, to find out that the best ones are able to function satisfactorily.

If you have a description of my book you can click here

 Enric Giné i Orengo

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