
Opinion, criterion, judgment, point of view, assessment, evaluation, vision, evaluation, estimation, conviction, version, conception, view, understanding, interpretation, persuasion, understanding, induction, all of these are synonyms, which is the same as, ¿what do you think about this? ¿What do you think about this? ¿What do you think about this?

All of these synonyms are conducts, behaviours that man has, which are more or less strong conducts or behaviours, depending on whether he has had or received information, and which, according to him, fit or not with his lived experiences.

These synonyms are what make the world move the way it does, Scientists, for example, will make their opinions or formulas, which people will understand or not, only those who are at this level will do so, and agree with this information or behaviour, and understand what he means with these formulas, and that is not easy, just like the writer, philosopher, politician or simply a person, the level does not matter, everyone has their formula or opinion of things, because we all have our opinion, whether true or not, but all people in the world have our opinion of life, but as we can see day to day, when discussing a topic or a synonym, no matter what it is, we will see that we do not understand the formula of the interlocutor, or we do not agree, and how distant we are from each other, and the problem is that this formula of the interlocutors is different from one to the other, one does not understand the formula of the other, and even if one explains the formula, the other does not always understand it or does not agree, and this deserves a deep analysis.

 Actually, one of the most important things that a living being has is what I have said before and that I will call from now on “Opinions”, but the meaning is all the synonyms of Opinion or Formula, which are almost 20. Now it will be just “Opinions”, so we can understand each other a little better.

Both animals and men have an opinion of things when we deal with each other, or not, we have information, according to our environment, education and an innumerable rain and bombardment of information through parents, school, society, media, TV, internet, etc. and this makes each person have completely different information from other people, or perhaps they have the same information, but they interpret it in a different way than other people.

However, we have an opinion on everything, we have an opinion on life, death, society, sex, politics, religion, our father, families, friends, time, the future, everything that concerns us, and we do not always agree with our interlocutors, or other opinions from other sources, and we change our opinions, not specifically, because of guilt or reasons, with our conceptions of things, but many times for our convenience, even though we do not agree.

There are interlocutors who try to unify opinions, like politicians to channel or unify opinions, religions also to unify or channel opinions.

There are many interlocutors with whom we identify and follow this line, because we agree, and where we feel good with this line, it has nothing to do with whether it is correct or not, but for us it is.

There are some groups that try to group or unify opinions, however, this group, but very superficial with the content, but very important for the conduct of society, since these opinions are carriers of the opinions of the people, I will explain, I speak of the politicians, of the religious, of those who make their own the innumerable opinions that we have and unify them towards a direction, and this makes them be within one of these large groups, for example, a communist society makes your opinions go in one direction, and you may or may not agree, but this can only go with the political opinion, and nothing else, your other opinions will be completely different, although the political ideas are very strong, now if we talk about religion, another, very strong tendency, and so it is with all the large groups such as left, centre, right, extreme, England has two large groups, Liberals and Conservatives, all the others are almost marginalized, the U.S.A. is just two groups, with religion it is more complicated because there are many religions, but also one direction.

However, despite all these large groups, the most interesting thing is to analyse the opinions, also those of these large groups, however, what is the opinion? Because you can say what opinion you have of communism, of capitalism, of socialism, of Christianity, of Protestantism, of the Muslim religion, and that is also an opinion.

 However, within this there are other opinions, however what has interested us is the opinion, and nothing more than that, and as an essence, we have to summarize and isolate the opinion with the form, which we are ultimately talking about, and isolate it so that we do not have several answers, until we find only one, which must be unique, indivisible, and indisputable, because, if it is divisible, you must go deeper and find the divisible opinions until they are not divisible, and that is the solution and the end of the question, however, that is where I am going.

Opinions can also be small conclusions of a general opinion that includes and includes many opinions, for example, the line of a political party, of a religion, of an opinion on gender, of abortion, etc. There are many general opinions, however, these are made, and they include many opinions, and it is here that it is difficult for us to break down, analyse the opinions, however, that does not mean that it is not interesting, because for me it is very interesting.

Isolating the opinion we are talking about is the essence and end of the matter, that which defines the opinion as precisely as possible, for example, the opinion of a Catholic, who condemns abortion, or adultery outside of marriage, is an opinion, but for someone who is not Catholic, it is not necessarily so and will not condemn it, both are two opinions, one is against and the other is not, however, this opinion is not conflictive, everyone understands it, if one is Catholic, he does what religion establishes, if not, this opinion will be different from the Catholic.

Conflicts, discussions, confrontations, disputes come when one does not agree with the opinions of others, and with those that I have mentioned there is no problem, if one is Catholic and the other is not, and the latter accepts, it is clear that these behaviours, what creates the opinion, is the information, or the lack of information of an opinion or we can say of a behaviour, but the most important thing is to define the exact purpose of this, of the opinion, well, another opinion!! That is why we must be very careful that the opinion is well analysed and above all in the most exact context possible, and what I say is also an opinion that can be the opposite of yours, the opinion is what happens every day, but it is what moves the world.

And that is how opinions are, it is the essence of life, and what as I have said moves the world, and can even generate discussions, fights and wars.

Studying these is studying man and his behaviour, which by the way is not complicated, but is rather simple, and very primitive, but he has to analyse, to know how he is, and thus we will behave better.

Two people discuss a topic, whether they agree or not, however, it happens every day millions and millions of times, because there are 8 billion people in the world, because there are 8 billion opinions.

I’m going to give an example that could be for children, but it is quite describable, and it is that there are two people, one in front of the other, and one writes the number 6 on the ground with chalk, and asks the person in front of him what number he wrote, the person tells him that the number in front of him is 9, there are two opinions and both are right, the problem is that in this opinion, it is not well defined, like almost all the other opinions.

In mathematics everything is simpler, 2 + 2 equals 4, and that is indisputable, so, ¿can we define Truth? ¿and what is it?

It is true when a postulate can be demonstrated, proving said hypothesis through experience, experiments and empirical evidence, such as 2 + 2 = 4 or 10/2 = 5 or the speed of light or the speed of sound or Pi = 2.1416, but be careful, because before the earth was flat, and this was indisputable until it was not.

When a postulate can be empirically demonstrated, then it is true, if not, it is just an opinion

But man, unfortunately for him, because he likes to be contrary, but here he has given up, and so we should also study as with the exact sciences, and study the behaviour of this animal, “man”, deepen, define and study the different angles and views of opinions, it would be a good thing, another way of seeing what an opinion is, I would mention reading “Values ​​​​and Controls of Behaviour”

Well, opinion and conduct have a lot to do with these two concepts.

Enric Giné

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