Who are we?

We are a Link in the Universe!

I would like to see what I understand about the human person, what relationship does he have with the environment that surrounds him? well, my analysis tells me that there is a lot, everything is related, everything has a balance and a logic, and I explain it here below, in a very simple way, because, I can say that if we observe ourselves, we will see what we are, simply a person, a unit, a Link within our Universe, just like the cells are within our body, if we look inside our body we will see that it is covered by a skin, and that is where it ends, but if we take a microscope, we will see that under the skin, there are some cells, and then we would see the “DNAs”, and if we continue to the end we would see the protons and electrons, all dancing around themselves with a fantastic balance.

All this is when we look inside our body, but if we now look outside our body, and if we make the same observation again, however this time outside our body, also with ourselves as the center, and looking up at the sky, if it is daytime we will see the Sun, and if it is night-time we will see the Moon and the stars and perhaps some nebula, however, this is also where it all ends, but if now instead of taking a microscope we take a telescope, we will see that there are more stars than we could see with the naked eye, we will see that the Moon, the planets, the Sun and the stars are also all dancing around themselves, the planets revolving around the Sun, as if they were dancing in balance, just as they did when we looked inside our body, the neutrons revolving around the protons.

It seems that there is a parallelism within the person and outside, it seems that there is a very intimate relationship, a balance, that we cannot ignore, what happens inside us and outside is the same thing, we are a Link of the universe, like thousands and thousands of millions of other Links, and all of these have an idiosyncrasy or a specific behaviour, which is closely related to the close contact that they make, in relation to their contact with the Link that they have next to them.

To make a deep analysis of these Links, we have to analyse them, first we would have to individualize them, and then analyse them as Links, with a general vision of the Universe, but nevertheless I do this so that it is better understood, but really the Links have a simple, common, logical and equal behaviour for everyone, when you understand this, you understand everything.

Each Link in the Universe behaves in a specific way, and a Link can be composed of one or more Links, from an electron, which behaves in a specific way, to a cell or other Links that are more visible to us, such as a virus, a bacteria, or animals that we know, such as an ant, an elephant, or every living and non-living being, which in the Universe are all Links just like ourselves, there is no difference, but each Link can be composed of millions of Links.

Types of Links

When we talk about a Link, we have to be very careful, because it is very difficult for us to know which Link we are talking about, is it man? Is it an elephant? An ant? A cell, a proton? A quark? That is why we have to define very well the Link we are talking about, when we talk about a Link, for example, is it man, that we want to analyse? As I have already said, it is built of many links, the blood circulation system is a link, since it has its own organisation system and is independent, although it is completely independent, it is not independent either, because like all links, it is subject to the environment, and this occurs with all links, is it the nervous system, what do we want to talk about? Smell? Sight? Touch? or millions of other links? in short, we must define very exactly the behaviour of what we want to analyse, and this results for all links that we want to analyse behaviour, imagine that the universe is built of quarks, everything else is constructions on top of these, including obviously man and the entire universe, for this reason we have to be very attentive when analysing the links.

The problem we humans have is the vision of ourselves, we believe that our Link is above everything, that we are superior to other Links, and we have to do a good reflection and analysis on this, to see what exactly is happening to us.

It seems that at first glance, for us humans, there are two kinds of Links in the universe, one inorganic and the other organic, that is, the Links that have life and those that do not, well, this is something paradoxical, because there is neither life nor death, there is only Universe, and this is where all the Links are present, both Organic and Inorganic have life, or rather, with close contact with other Links life is produced, they move, exchange, evolve, mutate, transform with the specific behaviour of said Link, this is very important, because they are Organic Links when there is presence of Carbon and when there is not, we say Inorganic, but we have to be careful with this, because very superficially we will also see a kind of Links, which we say, living, like bacteria, animals, people, etc, we all behave the same, we all have our behaviour, and we behave according to our Link.

Now, a very superficial feature to analyse, the person, the man, and his development, because we know him well, has been different from the other Links, but only apparently, we will see later, and why different? the development of man has been like other animals, but along his path, and with contact, both with his Links and with others, a special characteristic began, communication, now I will tell it.

 This set of Links called, alive, where specifically it is man, I would like to go into a little more depth, and here we will see that the behavioural characteristic is quite similar with all the other Links, and with man, the evolution that he has had has been possible, as with other Links, with communicating, exchanging, with others in his environment, but his development, through many thousands of years, as with other Links have acquired some characteristics due to their exchange, location, or by countless evolutions, mutations, the Links that I call alive, communicating between the other Links, also developed, in a characteristic way, which is by mouth, animals too, it depends on what kind of Links, some will chirp, others will bark, but almost all have an acoustic language, which only they understand, but it is a special characteristic of them.

With Man, this communication system has also been his language, now he doesn’t bark or chirp, but he sure did, now he communicates with others, speaking and this has made a before and after, but that’s not all, he also has the characteristic of writing, and other qualities of communication, etc., and he has also developed memory, which is a very important characteristic for his development, and for the transmission of all the acquired experience, all these characteristics, make him accumulate a series of experiences, and in this way, it is possible to transmit all his value, technological, cultural, with his descendants, for all this makes Man, have a privileged position and dominance where he lives.

¿Who are we? as Man

Man, like other Links, is made up of millions of them, and these are changing, mutating, every second of the life of the Link, now (Man), from the introduction of the sperm inside the ovary, that is, from the beginning of a new life, until his death, although the process continues afterwards, the Links never die, they only change and mutate, the whole process of the life of this Link (Man), will be changing, mutating, it will never be as before, every second of his life he will not be the same person, because his Links inside him change, mutate, and make him another Link (Man), and that is when we talk about us, but really this is attributed to all the Links, both organic and inorganic, everything changes and mutates constantly.

As I have already said, man is a Link exactly like an ant, an elephant or a bacterium, but like each Link, he behaves differently and in relation to his environment, just like the other Links.

One difference between humans and the rest of the Links is communication. With almost all the Links, whether organic or inorganic, communication is very primitive, especially inorganic, but effective.

The difference between a person and an animal is precisely this, language. A bird or another animal makes its nest just as it did thousands of years ago. Why is that? Because of language, the animal has not progressed, as a consequence of language, since they do not accumulate lived experiences, and precisely this accumulation of knowledge and experiences makes humans progress through the accumulation of human experiences.

Well now we know that we are a Link within the Universe, just like an ant, a bacterium, an elephant, we are completely equal, the only thing that our Link seems to us is that we have developed differently perhaps than others, but we are still Links, even though, for us, it seems that we are not Links, but our history says so (because of our language) we are, what we have always been.

Language is the most important medium and all its consequences of these, such as the accumulation of experiences, via language, writing, or other media where it has been possible to transmit, spread, divulge the messages of cultures, civilizations that have made it possible.

Now we are going to describe the evolution of man from what we can compile from what we know.

I have already described what the universe is and how it behaves, now I want to describe the behaviour of man, and I will do so from organic matter and specifically from the living Links, that is, animals, including man.

Our world

We live in a universe, let’s say the World, where there are two characteristics, and they are the most important that exist, and we have to be very careful, one characteristic is that living beings are predators, what does this mean? this means that the strongest, or the one who can do it the most, kills his Link on his side, either to eat him, or to take advantage of him, or for pleasure, this is the rule that has existed since the beginning of the universe, and it continues until now.

Another of the characteristics that has existed and still exists, are the Beliefs, the Faith, which has existed and still exists, and they are the Gods, and they are all related in that they created the Universe, they are love, and they encourage, promote and foster the esteem of others, but reality has another side, and has had other consequences, such as wars, killings, fights and even, promoted among themselves, because there have always been and still are wars, fighting between the different Gods or Religions.

The main Gods, or religions, are the following

1 Buddha 2 Christianity 3 Judaism 4 Hinduism 5 Islam.

Here below I make a summary of the main religions, perhaps it is a bit extensive.

Beliefs or Religion

One of the most important characteristics that has worried, agitated, disturbed, altered and changed society, unlike the other Links, and all because of language and derivatives of it, is and has been Faith, the 5 main religions of the world are 1. Christianity 2. Judaism 3. Hinduism 4. Buddhism 5. Islam

Religions are cultural systems or groups that share certain practices, worldviews, texts, sacred places or organizations that relate humanity with supernatural, transcendental or spiritual elements.

The practice of a certain religion includes rituals, sermons, commemorations or the veneration of a deity, gods or goddesses, in addition, depending on the aspect, it may have some sacrifices, festivals, initiations, funeral services, meditation, prayer, music, community service, among other aspects of human culture.

In addition, many religions include in their foundations the narratives and sacred stories that seek to explain the meaning of life or the origin of life and the universe, based on these beliefs about the cosmos, people can create a moral, ethical, religious laws or a lifestyle.

I will tell you a little about the 5 main religions most professed in the world.

1. Christianity

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, it is the most extensive religion in the world, which has about 2.4 billion followers, and Catholicism is the Christian branch with the most followers (with 1.36 billion believers).

2. Judaism

Judaism is the religion, tradition and culture of the Jewish people, historically, it is the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions, which are based on Christianity and Islam, originated in the Middle East and its spiritual tradition is identified with Abraham.

3. Hinduism

Hinduism is a religion (dharma belief, i.e. based on doing good to others, developing happiness and universal brotherhood) widely practiced in South Asia, which is characterized by being made up of different Hindu religious denominations.

4. Buddhism

Buddhism brings together a variety of traditions, religious beliefs and spiritual practices attributed mainly to Buddha Gautama, whose Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world with more than 500 million followers, that is, about 7% of the world’s population.

5. Islam

Islam, its main scriptures of Islam being the Quran, believed to be the verbatim word of God, as well as the teachings and practices, in traditional accounts, of Muhammad, is the second largest religion in the world, after Christianity, as it is estimated to have 1.9 billion followers, 24.9% of the world’s population. It is estimated that there are about 4,200 living religions worldwide, plus countless extinct creeds. In addition, a 2020 global survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 84.4% of the world’s population considers itself “religious” and 15.6% “non-religious.” For some, we are sent by forces, extra-terrestrials, like God, Buddha, etc., our life will be eternal, or hell, burning for all eternity, or heaven, surrounded by indescribable well-being, well, according to how we have behaved in life. Here we have two realities, one is our universe, with all the Links and among them the animals, and of course, man, and that all are predators, and the other reality is a multitude of Gods, where 84.4% of the population are believers, and also paradoxical, since this, considering clinging love and preaching love for one’s neighbour, but that 84.4%, fights with wars, against other people, of one or another religion.


Well, total chaos, we live in a universe, that these Links are, or we are predators, they have to kill each other to survive and there are also beliefs, extra-terrestrials, that are not in balance with the Universe.

Here we have to solve many things, the most difficult is predation, since this is how the universe works, and it cannot be changed, man can stop being a predator, looking for other ways to eat, and live.

The other is the Gods, Beliefs, Religion, or rather, Faith, and what is Faith? Faith is believing in something that does not necessarily exist, we could also consider it as an opinion, but I, already in a site of my Web, define what an opinion is, and summarizing it, here I leave it, When empirically a postulate can be demonstrated, then it is true, if not, it is only an opinion, each person can do what they want, but it would be better to follow what the Gods said, “Love your neighbour as yourself” and not fight or war.

 The living Links also have a common characteristic, which is Consciousness, and what is Consciousness? This is a very important characteristic, because it is what makes us behave with the conduct that the same living being desires, do not confuse Reflection with Consciousness, well, now I describe again an article that I also wrote on my Web, and here you can see it and it is the following, “If you want to walk, you will walk not when you say so, only when your Consciousness orders it, and absolutely it will be the Consciousness that will take the first step, but be careful, because now comes the most interesting part, and it is that after the order of the Consciousness to send the first step, the Consciousness withdraws, takes a step back, and stays in the background, because the Automatic Pilot, or call it Reflection, is set in motion, and it will be this that will make you continue walking to the destination, without the Consciousness being aware of taking each step, this will be so as long as there is no obstacle that prevent it, if it were so, Consciousness would take command again.”

All living beings have the ability to decide what they have to do for their survival, and everyone depends on everyone else, in addition to being predators by necessity, so an elephant, an ant, a sheep, a cow, a man, are completely equal within the Universe, the only thing that does not make them equal is Man, since he is the one who believes himself superior to all the other Links, that we kill millions of cows, sheep, fish, or birds other animals to eat, does not mean anything, or that we exterminate wolves, wild boars or others, because they eat our crops, fields or gardens, this is done by man, but in reality, we are all equal, when we exterminate an anthill, we do not put ourselves in the skin of the ants, we exterminate them and that’s it, but they have been organizing, working, to do a fantastic job, which then someone comes and destroys it, in the blink of an eye, an entire society destroyed and those who survive will continue working, with what their consciences decide, and they do it just as Man or another Link would do, all this is permitted, but killing a man is not permitted and is penalized, but exterminating man, with the excuse, justification of war, this is permitted, whatever the reason, and one that is still in force is religious war.

Another question is that the superior and intelligent man is the characteristic that allows that as long as he is well, everything is well, even if in the world that he lives in, there are 24 million people who are dying of hunger and 25% are children, as we see, ¿Who are we?

Returning to the Gods or to belief or Faith, I would like to comment that the Gods, encourage us to have a behaviour that they say has to be, if we do so we will be rewarded with a life when we die, full of happiness and eternal, if not, we will be punished in hell, burning eternally, I have thought a lot about this postulate, and of course, as a human, I cannot understand it, I find it very childish, first that it is an Eternal happiness, I have managed here on Earth, to be happy, but only for a little while, I cannot imagine a very long period of happiness, and even less, a whole life, and I cannot imagine how it can be thousands of years, or millions of light years, or to be eternally happy.

This is if we obey or comply with the criteria of the Gods, but if on the contrary we do not do so, we will be punished with the eternal fire of Hell, and this entails burning for thousands or millions of light years or eternally, all this is difficult to understand, but perhaps the one who made the first stone of the Universe, that is, the first Quark or Photon, could explain it to me better.

Well, I have made an analysis of what I believe the universe is, and within it, man, you may or may not agree with me, but this is what I believe, and if you believe that it is not so, and that I am wrong, I would really like you to contact me, and tell me your version, so that at least, we can try together, to be able to find a way to demonstrate our intention to find the truth.

I am a musician and writer, I have written a book where I describe the world I would like to live in, the book is called “Analysis for a Better World” and I have also composed 7 songs, here in this link, “Enric Music”you can listen to all the music I have composed, five of them are for my country, which is Catalonia, “Llibertat”, I composed it in 1976, the other 2 are “Estimme-se” and “Despertem se”, and it is the philosophy of my life which is “Love your neighbour as yourself”, and not war, I sing all the songs and play all the instruments.

It is not acceptable that man, who we believe is superior to the rest of the world, has that 84.4% of believers in the love of God, and that we kill ourselves with fights and wars, and that there are 24 million people who die of hunger every year, and we look to the sky instead of looking to the earth where our brothers are killing each other and starving.

Let’s put some order in this world of Predators and Gods

Summary – Extract

This whole analysis of “Who we are” can be summarized in three parts,

1) The Universe is composed of organic links, like animals, and inorganic, but they are all predators, this means that in the world where we live we have to be careful with the one we have next to us, because it is dangerous for us, because it can kill us, Predator, for me it is a diabolical word, but, it is like that, obviously, it is how our world or Universe is built.

2) The Gods, there are many, but the most important ones are, 1. Christianity 2. Judaism 3. Hinduism 4. Buddhism 5. Islam, and that 84.4% of the entire Universe believes in them, and they also seem to be predators, because they are at war with each other, and also, against others

3) Man, his intelligence, is also a very important problem, he knows that the Universe is composed of Links, and when he was like any other Link, there was no problem, but with the appearance of his intelligence, he considered that his Link was superior to the others, so now, Man is far superior to an ant, a fly, a dog, a horse, a cow, a sheep, and then he believes that he can and should kill one, or more of these that I have mentioned, it does not represent anything for him to do so, but in perspective of the Universe or World, no!, a Link is this!, a Link!, an Ant is equal to a Man, there have been and there are, still today, thousands, and millions of Men, exterminated in wars, and there are also thousands and millions of cows, pigs, sheep and ants, constantly exterminated today.

¿How can we solve these three problems? Well, I don’t know, because now we are intelligent, and it has betrayed us, and with this, we have seen that it goes against the Universe, but it is an analysis that I have personally done, and I use my principles, which paradoxically, are in favour, not of what religions or Gods do, but of what religions and Gods say or promulgate, and that is “Love your neighbour as yourself.” But we would have to analyse very well these two things, both the Depredation of the Universe, and that of the Gods.

I hope you understand everything I am explaining here, but it is not easy, but that is how I see the world, and the question continues to be the same, how small and insignificant man is, but essential like an ant, do you know now, ¿Who are we?

Enric Giné i Orengo

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