Catalan-Spanish Political Strategy

1) Catalan-Spanish History

First Spanish Flag 1785 Catalan 1050   

First Spanish Parliament 1785, Catalan Parliament 1192  

First Spanish President 1823, Catalan 1359  

First Spanish Constitution 1812, Catalan 1283  

Spain is an Entelechy , and why yes, then, because we see it, but it is an invention. The closest you can see is the word Hispania, which has nothing to do…with Spain and the language of Spain is Castilian, not Spanish. Spain does not have its own language and this was solidified with Cultures and Countries that did not belong to them, but that it has acquired through wars, violence and conquests. We see as an example South America, Central America, part of North America, the Philippines, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Galicia, the Basque Country, Catalonia, the Valencian Country, Ceuta and Melilla.

3) Continuing with Spain . The Spanish idiosyncrasy is conquering, dominant and clear, a Conqueror! with a lot of command experience, since that’s what he’s always done, it’s the skill that when you’re in command and have all the control apparatus, you perfect yourself and get what you want done.

4) For thousands of years , the control device has worked perfectly, always the same, it has not moved a millimeter. The first known monarchy was the six hundred and sixty BC and it was Jinmu , then the Romans, and so up to our time, everything remains the same. First the kings, at the end of feudalism, at the end of various states of government, but totally equal, the same as today, like Socialism, Communism, capitalism, Democracy, the Kings had the vassals, the army, the power judicial, and all forms of repression against the people. Feudalism made concessions, however with the condition of not weakening the apparatus of power, and so it has continued until our times. The apparatuses of power of the state are the same, they are untouchable, the governments, the armies, the institutions, the Justice (the judges), the teachings, in short everything, including the society, which has had the weight of the Empire under her

5) The role of Spain is complicated, because first as an old Empire, and second as a Dictatorship and has never broken with this phase of its relatively short, but active history, and this has been and is the problem. And its inhabitants themselves strongly believe in “the Unity of the Motherland”, and this is above all! In Spain you can do everything, and when I say everything, it’s everything!! Acts of corruption, criminals etc. but as long as it is in the name of, or for “The Unity of the Fatherland”, with this everything is allowed, and the king, the government, the army, the judges, and the whole apparatus have done it, do it and they will And that is why we have politicians in exile or in prison, not for having committed a crime (because Independence was suspended and was not effective), but for political ideas, it might have been more controversial if Independence had declared effective, because then a crime would have been committed. But that was not the case, because it was suspended. How can it be that a person with a fascist, Francoist, Falangist, or ultra-right tendency can do acts that are not legal, and a Republican, Independentist, or Rapper cannot do it. How can judges make such a difference. Well once again “the Unity of the Motherland”.

6) On the other hand , going deeper, with “The Unity of the Motherland”, what is this? Well that’s “I command and you obey”, and what’s more, you pay me because I’m in charge and you do what I say! And this is called “The Unity of the Fatherland”, both in times of kings, feudalism, or democracy and etc.

7) Spain has some difficult problems to solve if it wants to continue to be Spain, and it is the nationalities that really make up Spain. But of course, this would be with a different perspective, since the Spain we know is an Entelechy. However, if you wanted, you could try to make it like one with a federation, without headquarters in Madrid, where each country and culture were equal, and each culture was governed independently, and culturally independent, independent language. However, I do not want to enter here now, I will do so on another occasion. However, it is clear that the departure of Catalonia would be a hard blow for Spain’s economy, and they know this, and they also know that Spain cannot survive without Catalonia, and especially now.

8) Another impact that makes the Spanish suffer a lot is that an exit from Catalonia would give strength to the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, Ceuta and Melilla, to do the same, what would Spain do without all of them, nothing? And this is what makes them unable to sleep at night. But this implies having been a great and powerful Empire. All empires have been losing their colonies and have reached the beginning where they were. The USA and the United Kingdom are already in a crisis that is getting worse and will get worse with time, it’s just a matter of time.

9) En relació ara a la situació política Catalana-Espanyola , nosaltres els ciutadans catalans ens compliquem molt la vida, malauradament seguim com sempre, per això fa més de tres-cents anys que som on som, som llestos per parlar, lamentar-nos , and also to do nothing.

10) Catalonia, has existed since 990 . It has a Culture, its own language, dance, traditions, customs, gastronomy, but globalization, immigration, as in the years 1950 to 1960, there was a very strong immigration to Catalonia, with the result that the Catalans and the Catalan culture was greatly reduced. Well sociologists say that controlled immigration can even be good, always at a maximum limit of 12.5%, here it reached 46%, and that is not good for a culture.

Something similar happened in the former Yugoslavia . It was in Kosovo, which were Serbs, but it had a very strong immigration from Albania, which was fatal, and which reached 96%, where the Serbs were 4%. This led to the Kosovo Albanians democratically declaring the Independence of Kosovo. A parallelism that could happen, and is really happening, and you can see that the interests of Catalans are different from what non-Catalans feel, in Catalonia.

12) Neither Spain, nor the Spaniards will give their confirmation for a secession , neither for Catalonia nor for another community, and especially one like the Catalan one that would bring them very favorable economic benefits. There are 99.9% of Spaniards who do not even want to hear about this issue, “the Unity of the Fatherland” again, not about a secession, not even a referendum. Only 34% of socialists would let us hold a referendum.

13) An argument that they don’t believe, but that they always gesticulate is that the Sacred Constitution does not allow it, and what’s more, it was signed by all the democratic parties, after the Franco dictatorship, among them the Catalans, who now want to leave.

14) I would also like to say what many have already said. The transition was a problem. It was not a transition, it was a Francoist continuation, and the Sacred Constitution was controlled by one part of the army, and the dome of power, which could later be seen, by the other part of the army with the coup d’état

15) Another one of the issues of those times and still persists today is that they wanted to create a democracy, without democrats, and this is a little difficult in a country that says “I do this because I’m out of my ass” , pure democracy.

16) All Spanish political parties are exactly the same , be they Socialists, PP, Vox and even Podemos, and it is clear that there can be no dialogue, because both the leaders and a very important part of Spain do not understand the issue , partly because as much as the education they have received at school, as the media, as in the whole of Spanish society, they have not been told or taught the History of Spain, there is only “La Unitat of the Motherland”, and this “GEN” is very much within the Spanish people.

17) On October 1, 2017 , after the Referendum, the President of Parliament declared the Independence of Catalonia, but after a few seconds, he suspended it, meaning that the declaration was not effective. This led, in spite of everything, to prison terms and exile for some people who, although the declaration of Independence had been declared and suspended, for something that had not formally occurred, since it had been suspended, other civil leaders are sentenced to more than ten years in prison, for being the leaders of a civil cultural organization, such as Cultural Omnium and ANC, where they did not commit any crime, something never seen in Europe.

18) We have the politicians that we elected democratically, and now they are in exile or in prison, just to represent us, as is done in any democratic country. Here you can present to Parliament anyone with the political ideas you want, but nothing more… If you want to implement these ideas by a majority in Parliament, you can’t, that’s why our representatives are exiled and in prison, only them, that but we, the people, ‘no!! Those of us who voted for them are the only ones responsible, we are not penalized!!! Sure, they can’t put a whole town in jail.

18) Country with the name of Spain, it is not a country , it is a scam, as I said before, it is an Entelechy, with all the rules. It is not a country, but is held by various nationalities. It does not have its own language, because it is Spanish, and Spanish does not exist, and it is also a dictatorial country, and central. Everything is directed from Madrid, even if they say that there are autonomies, it is not democratic, everything is directed by “the Unity of the Fatherland” and because of a democratic reality, what is it like to vote on the 1st October 2017, Spain blames only the civil and political leaders who had participated. He condemned them as Sedition, but of course only to the leaders, they could not do it to those who actually went to vote. They were satisfied with the punishment of beatings, almost 1,000 were injured, and this in a Spain that calls itself democratic. However, as I said, some of the leaders are in exile and others in prison, and then sentenced to more than ten years in prison. However, again, the people who, according to them, did the Sedition, nothing, beatings, however, not judicially condemned, only the leaders, punished, because since they cannot condemn the whole country, it is a warning, of a Justice that cannot be held anywhere, again “the Unity of the Fatherland”.

19) The consequence of the conviction of Sedition has led, first, to nervousness in both Spain and Catalonia. In Spain, this nervousness is absolutely out of control. The government wants to grant a pardon, because it believes that this will end independence. It can be seen that they believe that the Catalans did something that was not very good, and if Pardon is granted now, we will be very grateful, and we will not do it again. The government does not want revenge, it says… The opposition is against it, it does not want a pardon, they believe (as do 63% of the socialists) that a pardon should not be given, and that means that, if the Catalan Parliament, which now has a majority for independence, wants to proclaim independence and the Catalan Republic, it cannot do so in a democratic way.

20) Catalan nervousness also exists. On the one hand, the Catalans having a majority in Parliament, we are not united at all. Time is used only with regrets, discussions that lead nowhere, and this has been done for more than three hundred years, solutions in the form of strategies to follow, none, and this makes the so-called Spain still stronger, because they see that repression works very well, and they will continue to do so until, of course, it stops working. Pardons and amnesties do not fix anything for us, only humiliation, by giving them we would be at the same starting point as on October 1st, it is only possible to restore our country again forever.

21) On August 23, 1833 , the Slavery Abolition Act was passed in the United States. In 1931 it was the law that gave women the right to vote for the first time in Spain. On July 5, 2010, the Abortion Law entered into force.

22) There are many laws that come into force throughout history, but I just want to say 3. The first the law that abolished the slavery of blacks in the USA, the second the law that gives equality in society to the woman, equality or the right to vote, and the third, the abortion law. Well before these events, which were illegal, or lack of freedom, from one day to the next they became illegal to legal. What I mean by this is that something that was once illegal, then after a while, can become legal, meaning that legality or illegality is very relative. You have to be illegal and fight to make it legal, and that needs to be analyzed very well.

23) What is a Culture? If we look around us, we will see it very clearly, we don’t have to go very far, since a Culture can be within a specific geography, or a language, gastronomy, music, dance, clothing, customs, etc. In the so-called Spain, there are many cultures, some that are and have already been considered as Countries, such as Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, to name Countries, and so we will see again, that Spain it does not exist, there is no such thing as Spain, yes there is a Castilian culture, which is Castile, and which speaks Castilian, but not Spanish.

24) In Catalonia there are two governments, one internal, the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the other in exile, “The Council for the Catalan Republic”. The first is very subordinated and bound by the jurisdiction of the Spanish government and justice, and the second is completely free to do what he thinks fit without any obstacle to its execution.

25) What solution do the Catalans have , to assume national sovereignty again? On the one hand, firstly the so-called Spaniards still have the ability to command the Catalans, since we also in the so-called “Continuation” period signed what could only be signed in those days, there was no other possibility . But now there is the Holy Spanish Constitution. On the other hand, the so-called Spain cannot do without Catalonia, not only economically speaking!! However, for her “The Unity of the Fatherland” is written in Article 2. The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that make it up and the solidarity between all of them. This Article 2 of the Constitution has been copied directly from the BOE and is above everything else. On the other hand, the Third, like any empire, the secession of a colony, leads to the collapse of the whole empire, and, on the other hand, Fourth and last, the mentality of the so-called Spaniards is that Catalonia is Spain, and there can be no dialogue or anything, only obedience to the State. That is why the importance of “the Unity of the Motherland” being in Article 2 of the Constitution.

26) Can the European Union provide a solution to the problem? The EU must support its 28 partners and help them. Then the EU will always support Spain, and its 27 remaining partners. In addition, the majority of its members are conservative, liberal and socialist, exactly like their Spanish colleagues. Here things are bad for the Catalans, but in the EU there is also a court of justice, just as it exists in the so-called Spain, and this is the difference, since it is not so contaminated by “the Unity of the Fatherland ” and that makes a difference.

27) What can be done under these circumstances? When the announcer you have to talk to is completely closed off, and dialogue is difficult, this is where the Catalans have a problem. If Spain does not give permission, and disobedience is a crime, we will always be repressed, and this is where all Catalans, but all, from the left, middle and right, must talk about how we should do things !!!! What strategies should be made? And how can we get out of this nightmare that we have been suffering for more than three hundred years? Do we want to continue like this? Do we want to annihilate our language? Our culture? As they very wisely have already done with many other cultures, especially in America, and they have not yet asked for forgiveness, but on the contrary, they are proud to have stolen their culture and imposed Spanish, we will passively wait for the same to happen with us, we already know how the Empire works.

28) And what is it that we Catalans must speak? Since we can only look for exit strategies, the dialogue with the state is already exhausted. They themselves say that neither Independence, nor a referendum, will ever take place in Spain. Then we have to do as was done with the right of abortion, or the right of women or the poor black, otherwise we will have to wait for more repression, or no right, and no freedom to do what the people want, to continue being illegal, to be in repression, domination and more humiliation, without freedom, and annihilation of our culture. With these premises we must free ourselves from the repressor, who seems not to have had enough of the more than three hundred years and wants to continue doing so.

29) It seems that we have a tool that we should try to exploit and it is “The Council for the Catalan Republic” we will call it “C * LR”, and this is our government in exile, that means in the outside, outside the influence of the repressor, and that is a very good thing. The “C*LR” doesn’t work too well now, but we need to make it work, and make it work perfect. We have almost 100,000 members. However, it works very slowly. We haven’t received the identity cards yet, but we hope it works well, and that everything goes well, very soon. The “C * LR” is a tool that we must prioritize, because, on the one hand, it gives very valuable information, which we would not have without its existence, and the other is that we must use it as platform, in the immediate future, to proclaim the Republic. Another thing we should do would be to remove the suspension from when the Republic was proclaimed, so that the Independence of Catalonia and the Catalan Republic came into force, and in this way, yes, do it now and, deserving of the crime that they put on us, when they suspended the Declaration of Independence. Now they could at least condemn us for an activity that we had done, this is the proclamation of Independence and the Catalan Republic. It would be a beginning, where citizens could follow it, it would be a new era that should be led by “C * LR”, from here it should be the tool that Catalans should follow, just as I don’t know if you remember the Democratic Tsunami, which set the pattern to follow. Well our “C * LR” should be the same. There should be the direction that the people should follow for their liberation.

30) The “C * LR” must be reformed , and take another structure different from the current one. Now it is very symbolic, and it does a very good job, especially informative, a job that is essential and very valuable, but in addition to all this, it should be formed as a platform for effective government, with the ability to govern for the people Catalan, that is, a government in exile, where the Generalitat should govern, in the same way or approximately as it does today, here in Catalonia. Això no obstant el “C * LR” només liderar políticament, a l’exterior, fora de Catalunya, fora de la influència espanyola, i seguir, nosaltres els Catalans, atentament, tots els moviments que nosaltres hauríem de fer pel nostre alliberament, i where at all times all Catalans should continue with military discipline, not with weapons and not with violence, but with obedience and discipline.

Enric Giné I Orengo

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