Analysis for a Better World

Who are we?

  1. A link of the Universe

I would like to make an observation of what I understand of the person as human, what is his relationship with the environment that surrounds him? Well, a lot, everything is related, everything has a balance and a logic, and I explain it here below.

If we observe ourselves we will see what we are, simply a person, a unit, a link within our Universe, as are the cells within our body. If we look inside our body we will see that it is covered by a skin, and that is where it all ends, but if we take a microscope, we will see that under the skin, there are some cells, and then we will see the ” DNA’, and if we continue to the end we would see Protons and Electrons, all dancing around themselves in fantastic balance.

All this is when we look inside our body, but if we now look outside our body, and make the same observation again, however this time outside our body, also with us in the center, and looking towards in the sky, if it’s daytime we’ll see the Sun, if not it’s not cloudy, if it’s night and it’s not cloudy we’ll see the Moon and the stars and maybe some nebula. However, this is also where it all ends. However, if now instead of taking a microscope we take a telescope, we will see that there are more stars than we could see with the naked eye, we will see that the Moon, the planets, the Sun and the stars are also all dancing in the around themselves, the planets spinning around the Sun, as if dancing in balance, just as they did when we looked inside our bodies, the Neutrons spinning around the Protons.

It seems that there is a parallelism in the inside of the person and the outside, it seems that there is a very intimate relationship, a balance, that we cannot break. I mean we can’t remove a ring or ring, like remove a planet, or a star, because everything would go into imbalance, just like you can’t remove an electron or any other link without everything leading to imbalance. This is also valid with Nature, everything is in balance and we cannot destroy a ring as a species both Plant and Animal , and when I say Animal I also include the Person, the Man. It’s like breaking a chain, and we can’t do that without fatal consequences.

Also this theory is valid with Humanity. People like electrons or planets are in full contact and in balance. People are by our side, like the cells of our body, and like Nature and we must take care, to take care of them and take care of ourselves so that we cannot do without them, we cannot do without any link, this we have to keep in mind.

There was a Man who said: “We have learned to fly like birds, to swim like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living as brothers.” This was Martin Luther King .

This gives us a reflection, and it is that we must be in balance with our traveling companions who are Nature , Vegetation , Animals , and Man . These four means have always existed, for thousands of years, and have always been in balance, until the appearance of the intelligent Man , with the appearance of his intelligence , we all be and we are threatening death. This is where we must reflect, for our survival of the Planet and our own.

Why should we pollute? In the Sea , the Ocean , the Air , the Rivers , the Earth ? Why do we have to destroy the Forests, the Vegetation ? Why do we have to kill animals ? Why do we have to kill Men ? . If we organize ourselves well and understand what the thing is about, which is balance, this holocaust we are doing, this destruction, would no longer be necessary, because we need everything that surrounds us , Nature , Vegetation , Animals and man _

I am not religious, but there is a phrase that I also really like, and that makes a lot of sense, this is in balance with the Universe , and without this phrase, we go straight to the precipice, and it is: “Love your neighbor as yourself” . If that could be the case, we would be better off, and we would be happier, without wars, without the military, without the police, in short, a good dream. Why should we love our neighbor? Is it because it is the word of God? The reason to love or not is a question of balance survival , it is the Universe that is set up like this, with balance. The cells of our body are all in contact with each other and all are necessary. So one dies, others are born, one and the other are always in balance. When this is not the case, the system dies. That’s why we have to get along, with the people we’re living with just like with the cells of our body, and the whole universe behaves like this, and we have to do it this way, because we can’t go against the Universe

  • History of humanity

Let’s first do a deep analysis of the world we live in to be able to answer this question! Where is our civilization now? If we can say civilization! Well now we are in the same place as exactly five thousand, four thousand, three thousand or two thousand years ago, or in the times of the Romans . The person as a person has not changed anything. When we mean behaviorally, we are really stagnant, but technologically, there has been a significant development here. However, these two curves have not been parallel, the conductivity of the person has not been parallel to that of technology, and this has caused a spectacular lag in our civilization.

We can see here, that in our Planet, living in an environment between Plants, Nature , such as the Sea, Oceans, Air, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and Animals and among them Man , who are and are predators, to more than Man , who has been and is an Animal, who in addition to being a predator , lives isolated in his world and does not care about the well-being of other Animals or Vegetation, or Nature, and also does not care about the well-being of Vegetation, Animals, People and Nature. In addition to all this, he exploits them, just for the mere intention of making a profit for himself, everything that can benefit him, he does not care about the result, and so it has been, through mankind, in thousands and thousands years, it has not changed, humanity has been and is, in a wild state, just as it has always been.

In order to understand this, we have to do an analysis of why we are where we are, in this wild state, and if we look back, we will see that we are behaving in the same way as many thousands of years ago. And my theory has been the lack of human intelligence , or the misuse of it, well now I say intelligence , which is that word, since we are going to define it. I have to define everything, everything I don’t understand, I have to define it until I understand it, otherwise I can’t go on. Intelligence is a word that has been given an almost intellectual treatment , and really this word is very primitive. Our body does everything very primitively, but very intelligently , otherwise we could not exist. The heart beats without us giving it any order, just as we breathe, we grow. In our body everything that happens or does is intelligent , we could also say instinctively , otherwise we would not be able to live. Like intelligence to say a plan, or strategic to do something, to have a concept of countless things in life, they can even be philosophical, but it is simply a plan or a strategy , usually a plan very primitive, and this can be correct or incorrect . Fortunately, the environment that surrounds us is correct, like Nature, Vegetation, Animals, and Man , until his human intelligence appeared, and he used it against his neighbor. Well, this is his worst enemy, has been and is, and it is this human intelligence , which has served him to make wars, kill thousands of people and selfishly enrich himself, him and the group of people who have helped to commit these Abuses against the same people. Where human intelligence has greatly prospered, as I have said before, it is technology that has had a spectacular advance in relation to its behavior.

How can we fight against other People? Against ourselves? And thus producing deaths, misery, poverty, unhappiness, how can we be happy, when there are people in prison or in hospitals, people who are sick, people who are evicted, misery, suicides, wars, people who lose their jobs, epidemics, pandemics, people dying of hunger and many other things, how can you be happy like this? Or be satisfied with this world with our society, knowing all this suffering of our neighbor or our environment, without us doing anything!! Is this the world we want? Well, this is how Man has lived, since time immemorial without caring at all about his neighbor, in return, destroying everything around him, only interested in his well-being.

A reality is that the richest 1% of the world’s population has more money than the remaining 99% , and in addition, there are 24 million people in the world who die of hunger every year, and 25% are children, in addition there are 850 million people who go to bed hungry every day.

On the other hand, we have in 2017 a military expenditure of €1,730,000,000,000, which is €1,730,000,000,000 as we can allow such an aberration.

We’ve also had wars since time immemorial, wars that lasted decades and decades, slavery, rights didn’t exist, neither today, at least for most humans, we can finally remember, because it’s not that far away, the last days of the The First World War in 1914, the Second in 1940, the Spanish War in 1936, Vietnam, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and most recently Syria.

3) Definition of Environment

Now, after knowing that we are only an insignificant, but important link in the Universe, and the importance we have, of taking care of us or rather of the Environment, which is us and where we live, now we will define the environment I want to try to make a reasoning to analyze what we can do to correct the current human behavior to get out of this terrible variable that has led us to the environmental and human extermination of our Planet.

First and foremost, I would like to make an analysis, how they are constituted and what are the laws that govern them, and it is that here on our planet we live in an Environment , in which all human activity takes place, such as, Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man. Now I’m going to define to make it easier what the Environment is . Well , the Environment is this, where we live , that is, Nature , and what is Nature ?

1) “Nature” are the Seas, Oceans, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Air and Earth ,

2) ” Vegetation “, which is made up of Trees, like forests , and also of agriculture that humans need to live,

3) “Animals”, including all living animals, such as Birds, Fish, mammals, cockroaches, ants, in short all,

4) “The Man” , to summarize a little, the Environment is and consists of 4 brothers who are:

1) Nature,

2) Vegetation,

3) The Animals

4) Man , then when I say Environment , I mean these Four Premises .

4) Parallelism of the 10 Commandments

 The 10 Commandments were the first Human Constitution , which has existed since time immemorial, and which has worked, until man realized his intelligence. This was a framework, a milestone in the history of Humanity. We must make a very important change in our behavior in order to survive, then we must have other parameters, new Commandments , which I call Norms , and which I summarize in 4. I summarize these four Norms in a Norm , but always we must keep them very present, all four because it is our new Constitution , and our reason for life. However, the Norm is a Recommendation, Regulation , however, it is to give a parallel with the first Constitution , which was the one that administered, the one that commanded, from here comes the Commandments, to command , and after this came the other Constitutions , well first we will reduce or simplify the Four Norms .

5) Definition of Standard

Well, let’s see the construction of the Unique Commandment , or Norm , that we want to build in our society, and now we call them Norms, because Commandment comes from the word to order, to command , and that no longer exists in our society . The first and only Norm is “Love your Environment as yourself” . This is the whole essence that we have to build our society! And what is this about Loving the Environment, like yourself?

The first impression seems to be religious, Love God as yourself, right? But I can assure you that it has nothing to do with religion, however, at first glance it might seem like there is a parallel, and maybe there is, because in Love God as Yourself there is a sublime expression, which leaves no doubt of any kind, well I also see this sublime expression in “Love your Environment as yourself” as a sublimation, that there can be no doubt that if this is not done, it will not exist the planet Then this expression is the maximum meaning, the sublimation that there is no way out without “Love your Environment as yourself”.

The Universe is very intimately linked with the Environment , since this is part of a link of the Universe , on the other hand, Nature, vegetation, Animals, Man , or the Environment. These four elements are condemned to coexist intimately, due to the fact that it is an indissoluble part of the Environment and we cannot remove or fight, fight or annihilate, with any of the components that coexist with the Environment , and especially Man , but also each of the 4 that make up the Environment , and we must be well aware of this before continuing. The Environment is untouchable and indissoluble , and must be “Loved, Respected, Honored and Helped”, and it is not because we have to be good, it has nothing to do with Goodness , it has to do with survival . As you can see this postulate that I defend is very difficult, it does not seem to make much sense, a Planet without laws, without police, without prisons, without an army, with people who do not die of hunger, with people who eat every day, without the 1% of capital that has all the capital of the rest of the 99%, and much more, what a barbarity!!

Wanting to make a society like this, without these Abuses , since yes…, yes… That’s right, this is crazy , but this is what I believe, and I’ve been thinking for many years, since I was young, that the world we live in is cruel, both for the environment and for the person himself, who as I said is inside the environment . If we are to continue or continue with this project, we have to put aside, for a while, the theory that continuing with this project is a foolish folly that leads nowhere, only that we miserably waste our time. That’s why I ask you to give him a chance, and if that’s how you do it, I would ask that this analysis that I do be treated as “ex cathedra”, until the end of this analysis. If not, it is almost impossible to continue, well then put an Initialization, and forget everything.

And as I said before, when I say Environment, I mean these Four Premises, then, it is obvious what Environment is, and I repeat it for the last time, Environment is equal to Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man.

The Four Norms

1st Love the Environment above all things

2nd You will respect the Environment as you would yourself

3. You shall honor your neighbor as yourself

4th You will help others as yourself.

1st Love the Environment above all things

2nd You will respect the Environment as you would yourself

To respect is not to love, but to care, defend, preserve, guard.

3rd You will honor the Environment

To honor is not to love, nor to respect, however, to praise, ennoble, exalt.

4th You will help your Environment

To help is not to love, nor to respect, or to honor, however, to assist, help, assist.

these Four Premises very present because without them we cannot exist either as animals or as wild people, or as an environment , because until now we have not loved, respected, honored or helped the Environment in which we live and more than we have loved, respected, honored and helped, which if we have done is quite the opposite, destroy and annihilate the Environment , and thus, spread, infect, this plague against the Environment.

6) Definition of Abuse

When we want someone to do what we want them to do, and this often happens if we have a privileged position in society, such as being smarter than the other, or having a superior link in the society we live in, and there there are thousands of privileged links in society who are responsible for the ferocious and savage abuse we all suffer, and this is the reason our society has been stagnant for thousands of years. We must carefully analyze the word Abuse , as it is the main word that has paralyzed us behaviorally through these thousands of years until today. If we analyze the word Discriminate, we will see that in the Dictionary of the Catalan language, it is written: ” See the difference between two things” , this is Discriminate , and nothing more than that. It is something that fortunately we do every day, everything is different , a house, a tree, a stone, and “Discrimination is seeing the difference”, now there is the word “discrimination” and what does the dictionary of the Catalan language say? That “Discrimination is the different and harmful treatment that is given to a person for reasons of race, sex, political ideas, religion” . We have already said that to discriminate is to see the difference between two things, and it is the same with discrimination, the thing with discrimination is that when you see the difference, and you treat a person differently because of race, sex, political ideas, religion , is another thing, but before the discrimination , you will have discriminated if he is white, black, yellow or another color, and then you will discriminate, or you will take the behavior appropriate , under what you think it is s right under your judgment and if there is or you have occasion to do so.

There are many synonyms for the word “Abuse”, many, for example, Discrimination, Slavery , etc. which is not having Freedom because they are under the control of another person, and that is simply Abuse . Now I leave a list that I call 13 Characteristics , where Abuse usually happens .

People are not only discriminated against or abused because of the color of their skin, but because of the condition, or position, they find themselves in society . Whether it is black or white is not important, and the most important thing is whether it is left, because of its position in society. Whether it’s black or white or yellow, that’s not important, but imagine if it was the former president of the United States, Obama. He is black, he will not be discriminated against , because he is black, he will be discriminated against , but not indiscriminately. Then it can be the white, yellow that must be careful to be discriminated, if it is white and if it is left. All it is about is that if the person who wants to abuse is well placed in relation to the person who intends to abuse, the condition or variables can be very disparate like ready, etc. So what you have to be careful with is if he is superior to him or if he is smarter, and with this hierarchy that I am talking about, he can also be abused or discriminated against whether he is black or white, for example if he is a smart politician and uses all the possibilities as a person is ready, or more ready than those who address him, or if his position in society or at work is better, or he is above those who are lower. This hierarchical position of which I spoke before will make this person, being in a higher degree in Society, than the one who is below, give him more superiority, and will make this person always be able to take a benefit from him which is low, because he can do it, and that is Abuse.

What characteristics are the most remarkable that these Abuses take place? Well there are many, today our societies are very different, since we count from very poor societies to very rich societies, well, economically speaking! But the essence of the matter is the same, for the poor and the rich, what is involved is the Abuse of one person towards another, and of course the classic Discrimination that we all know is also that. Discrimination is protected by law, however, Abuse is usually not!!

The characteristics of the most common groups where these Abuses are usually infringed are 13:

1) Money

2) Races

3) Sex or gender

4) Political ideas

5) Religions

6) Cultures

7) Refugees

8) Immigrants

9) Social hierarchy

10) Degree of education, teaching or illiteracy, school or university training

11) Clever, perceptive, cunning, intelligent, witty, skillful

12) Physical, Handicap , Beauty

13) Age

1) Money. Money is many things, one is Money itself, the other is a political or social system, Capitalism , another can be Communism , and finally Socialism. I could also mention more, but these seem to be the ones that have influenced our society the most. We will leave the Religious in a section, and we will talk about him. They can all be abusive. Capitalism already says it by its very name, it is Capital that is above everything, with it you can do almost everything. Communism , jokingly , as the word says, everything should be distributed among the partners that make it up, but it is not always like that. This group that is at the top and controls the system tends to be relatively very small, and they are the ones who share the pie. In addition, just like Capitalism, those who have jobs, and important political positions, do not necessarily abuse , but there are more chances that they do.

2) Race. Here it may be a bit of a contradiction, because it seems that whites abuse blacks, and it is also true that this usually always happens, however, there are situations that do not!! That it can be the other way around that a foreman or a boss is black, and he can abuse a white person, however, it is clear that white societies are economically superior to others. However, within these there is also a very high percentage of people living in poverty, and Abuse is also very high, only if one of the 13 Characteristics takes place, then it is Abuse. However, you must be careful that this does not happen. Racial Abuse is usually a Taboo, however, because it exists, because when men discriminate, they don’t do it because they are black or white, they do it and have always done it. The problem is that the black community has less privileges than the white community. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to search in the color of the skin, but in the origins of slavery. Abuse came into effect when man began to believe he was intelligent.

3) Sex. There is not much problem here either, also as the previous one could be classified as Abuse both sexual and gender, the Man who seduces or rapes, or seeks a relationship without the consent of the other person, but it could also be that a woman seduces a man to make a profit. Then it’s also Abuse.

4) Political Ideas . Also as before a classic.

5) Religion. Also like the previous classic, religion forces you to be within a direction.

6) Cultural. Well, here things get a little complicated, because culture is many things, and very different from each other, even Religion, Muslim Cultures, Orthodox, Christian, Protestant, Tibetan Cultures, etc. But the thread of the matter is not religious but cultural, that some cultures are not as developed as others or perhaps more modernized, or especially minority cultures that are within other cultures, there may be someone who can profit from this question We have an example, the German Republic, where 30 years ago there were two Germanys, the East and the West, where there was a great difference between them both culturally and economically, and that this existence still continues, and now it is one nation, one Republic.

7) Refugees. This group is very vulnerable to being discriminated against , since they almost always have no rights and must make do with what they can.

8) Immigrants. This group is also very vulnerable, also due to the circumstances, like the Refugees, they have no rights.

9) Social Hierarchy . In all societies there are very well-defined social layers, among them the economic ones, which are also closely related to the cultural ones, these also have a very important weight, when it comes to positioning oneself in an Abuse. Social hierarchies are very extensive, for example, today’s workplaces, they are made up of a hierarchy that goes from top to bottom, and this is in all our society and in all other societies, and this is where they produce a lot of Abuses , in addition to collectives, gypsies, etc., etc.

10) Degree of education , teaching or illiteracy, school or university training. This could be included with 11), but it is better defined here, according to a person who is more educated, who has a school education, will almost always have a superiority, with a person who is not, or is illiterate.

11) Clever , perceptive, cunning, intelligent, witty, skillful. Here it could also be confused with 10) Degree of education or training , but this function is not always linked with education or educational training, a smart or intelligent person , could easily Abuse a person with a limited capacity.

12) Physical , beauty, Handicap . This is clearly very important, when dealing with behavior that can lead to abuse .

13) Age. Man can take advantage of a child or an elderly person.

7) Abolition of Abuse

One of the countless tendencies that we have had, and have in society today and through humanity has been the instinct, predilection for man to do or behave in a specific way in society, and if he was not, or that’s right, he is being punished or was being punished. This specific way of conduct was and is, among others, the following: Commandments, Religion, laws, ordinances, Mandates, edicts, etc… and I believe that this is not the case, or should not be the case, as a country has to build, with laws etc… Because the laws must be obeyed, and if not, they are punished, and the punishment is an abuse , even if a person has committed an abuse , and to commit an abuse you don’t need to be punished. If this Abuse is abolished, then it doesn’t exist, and Abuse , even if you do something you shouldn’t, is the main reason why we are still in such a wild and primitive state. As we still live in a world of laws, these must be abolished and replaced by Norms, Rules , and this entails a new education, based on the mutual principles of coexistence. In this world in which we live, what I am writing here is a ” Sacrilege , because in a modern country, it is with the laws that a society is built, but we have already seen in the analysis that it does not seem to be the case. Yes, I know that this approach does not seem, today, very ” reasonable, sensible, intelligent , maybe it sounds like blasphemy. However, there is no other way out. We have already seen that the world we live in is horrible for most humans, and it cannot go on like this. As I have said before, there must be ” a Reset, and start over , and the way to do it is with the analysis I do: ” A Country without laws, without police, without army, without judges , without this 1% that has all the capital of the rest of the 99%, such a country today is a barbarity ” , it is not that it is a utopia, it is impossible to realize it. Then, we have two possibilities, one which is the failed , which is the current one, and the other, which is this Utopian, both unrealizable. If we want to continue, we have to give it a chance. The current one we know doesn’t work. Then we have no other possibility, and the the only thing we have is to continue with this still Utopian , and it seems unrealizable, but otherwise, the only possibility is to leave and continue with the current one until the disaster, which has already started a long time ago.

As you can see this postulate that I defend is very difficult, it does not seem to make much sense. A Planet without laws, without police, without prisons, without an army, with people who do not die of hunger, with people who eat every day, without the 1% of capital that has all the capital of the other 99%, and much more, what a barbarity!! Wanting to make a society like this, without these Abuses , since yes …, yes … That’s right, this is crazy, but this is what I believe, and I’ve been thinking for many years, since I was young , that the world we live in is cruel, both for the Environment and for the person himself, who as I said is inside the Environment . If we are to continue or continue with this project, we have to put aside, for a while, the theory that continuing with this project is a foolish folly that leads nowhere, only that we miserably waste our time. That’s why I ask you to give him a chance, and if so, that you do, I would ask that this analysis that I do, be treated as “ex cathedra”, until the end of this analysis. If this is not the case, it is almost impossible to continue, well then put the Reset , and forget everything.

8) Is democracy at the limit of its survival?

Is democracy at the limits of its survival ? Yes, I think so. Democracy is already very old and has already played its role in society. Historically, all forms of control of the Society have not been rigid, but on the contrary, very flexible and have been changed or corrected according to the needs of its members. So for example, feudalism and then capitalism were a very logical and important reaction in their time. Communism was also a logical reaction to a situation of oppression. All these forms of control have been necessary for the development of society, but they have grown old and in the end have become a burden on society itself. Humanity, however, has the gift of survival and this gift is as strong or more than the gift of sexuality. They are the most important gifts that the human being has and the ones that make our society think and develop. No static culture, not even the Islamic world, which is now on ” standby ” in this particular aspect, is very active in its religious and ideological expansion, but it seems to me that we are already reaching the end of our form of government, democracy, and autocracies, or other forms of government, have already done what they had to do. In our society they are stagnant, it recedes and survival is on alert. Our world is on edge and seems to want something else. The problem is really a bit complex, but the control of society is also complex. This control is carried out by people who have great power over their partners, the politicians, and also the Media , who have the ability to change many things, sometimes they want to change certain controls, not because they are convenient for the people but because they suit the politicians and not the controlled. Democracy, moreover, is controlled with 51 votes in favor and repressed with the remaining 49 votes. This is pure democracy. I won’t go on any longer so I don’t get too heavy, well, if we have no monarchy, no republic, no federalism, no democracy, what do we want to have? Anarchy? No!!!!

Now I will explain. I am now an advanced age, and when I was 18 I was already thinking about these forms of government that I am now writing about, simply forms of government. Franco ruled at that time. I’ve always been fascinated by the way people organize themselves. I saw different forms of government as stupid, because with the variety, plurality and richness of ideas that people have, and yet, it fails just because a few people decide our social and economic destiny. I have lived almost forty years in Denmark and democracy worked well there, so I came from a country with a very cruel dictatorship. At first it was a very strong shock for me, because it was when Danish democracy was at its best and the citizen was at the center of the government’s concerns, but things are changing in the Nordic countries as well, be it because a few men have to decide our destinies or because we cannot decide how the society we want should be. However, we, as individuals, do not have the experience to build schools, hospitals, road networks… Do we know what our needs are? Society is very complex, can we really do it? Yes we can and I will explain later. Now, however, I wanted to say that politicians cannot do this for two reasons. First, because they have other interests that have nothing to do with the well-being of society, but with their own, and second, because they are demonstrating that they do not know how to do it, so what solution is viable? I propose a new society, that instead of the politicians, who are the ones who organize society, here it should be the professionals, who all united through a kind of guild , would be responsible for organizing all and each one of them, for example, doctors, nurses, porters, even the employees of a hospital are the ones who have to organize and thus, all the existing professional branches or what we can call Guilds .

This, as you can see, is very logical, but it is also complicated, complex and difficult, and it is not a job for one person. Nevertheless, the idea is that they must involve and organize those who have the capacity to do so. For example, a doctor will not be able to plan how to make a building or build a road right? This plan that I propose, as it is difficult to plan, it would be very convenient to involve people qualified to do it, even Universities, Professional Organizations, in short the volume of this project is incalculable.

Look, when we are sick we go to the doctor, when we have to build a house we go to see an architect, when an electrical installation needs to be done we go to an electrician… No need to make it any longer, well, here there is the essence of the matter . The one who has knowledge of the different issues is the one who has to do things, it’s logical, isn’t it? It’s very simple, simple things are what work well. We have a society and we want it to develop and function well. Then we have to look at how this society should develop. There is a medical college, which means that all the doctors in the Region , I no longer say the Country, because the Country disappears , and gives way to the Region , could be part of a network and this network could be the Guild of doctors of the aforementioned Region . These people are the ones who must control the Health of the Region , because they are the most appropriate to do so. Guild is the key word, but not in the old sense of the term, in which a few people were in control. The new Guild that I desire must be made up of the entire pyramid, from the base to the dome. This today, with computing is possible, well, that’s the idea. This should be done with all scientific, technical, cultural, professional, etc. branches. in order to be able to have a true development in the Cultures or Regions , that is, each Guild, or profession , must have a Pillar , a Pillar , very important in the Society that will be built step by step with all the possible guilds that they exist in society. It’s like building a house from the foundation that is the Region and it will rise from Pylons upwards for each guild in the Region , and these Pylons will support the platform of the First Floor, which is the representation of all the guilds or professions , grouped in Columns or Pillars. I explain this because in society there are guilds , or professionals , who are the ones who endure and work in society, for example, doctors, teachers, architects, masons, electricians, physicists, chemists, garbage collectors, etc. Well, many, all the professions that exist in society, and these are the most suitable for them to organize themselves, right? He doesn’t have to be a politician, does he? But well, that’s not all. There are hospitals, roads, trains, motorways, town halls, well the first floor of the house, that is the Columns or Pilones that I call them, are already defined, and they are the existing guilds. And there must be no guild left out. All must have their column or Pylon that goes from the foundation to the first floor.

Well, each guild must have a small group, which will represent their guild administratively. This small group, from the guilds, will be a new pylon that will go from the first floor to the second. All the administrative representatives of all the guilds will be here, and he must defend the interests of his respective guild on the second floor, since the second floor is already starting to be a little more complicated, because here, the problem is that you have to negotiate and Intercommunicate the Columns or Pylons, among them , and here the administrative number will be much smaller, but it must represent the entire first floor, and negotiate with the other representatives of the second floor. In addition, they will have to agree, because now other Columns or Pylons must come out to build the third floor, and these pylons will be significantly reduced on the third floor, since the third is where they start make decisions not for the lower floors, due to the fact that these are indigenous, but the third floor will be somewhat, as we call it today, ministry. The group will have been reduced considerably, and from the Third in the chamber, here will be the decision-making dome. The fourth floor would be like what we could call the government today. The most important thing on the first floor is that no profession or guild existing in society can be missing . All that I am explaining is an idea, a utopia that needs a monstrous team of work, and it also needs a tremendous amount of professional and university people to be able to do this work. If not impossible. The third and fourth floors will be the ones society will see the most, because they will be the Pylons most visible to society, such as hospitals, highways, transport, livestock, agriculture, education, power plants, pollution, in short, all of them. The Columns that leave from the second floor to the third, I don’t want to say that it will be almost political, because that word is ugly for me , but it must be transversal, since from the third floor only a few Columns will come out that will collect the final result. On the fourth floor, there would only be a very small group, which we could say would be people who would communicate with the outside world. Well, this is all a utopian idea, and as an idea it is a starting point, which should be discussed and polished a lot and certainly change a lot. This utopia should be studied and outlined technically. Different departments around the university world and the guilds could improve this idea so that a well-made child can be born and thus be able to bury our old Democracy. The transversality of the floors is the most important part of all, to speak , Intercommunicate , from column to column and from floor to floor.

9) Goodness and Evil

To be in balance with the Universe, with everything that surrounds us, like Man, with Animals, with Nature, by loving all this, it is called Goodness , and if we do not, it is called Evil, and Evil it is the Abuse we do to Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man . We also have and must say ” no!!” to violations of the 13 Characteristics. What if!!” to Kindness , to love Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man , because this is our only survival. If we take into account these 4 firsts , and we persevere, and we want them as we want ourselves, the problem would be over, also the Abuses , and we could start to progress as People with the four brothers who are ours” Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man” and get out of this wild state we find ourselves in. If not, I see it very badly. We have only this way out, and it is a way out of survival and happiness.

Kindness is for me , describing an experience I had when I was a child. My family was well positioned in society, and it was customary at that time that people in need asked for alms, and came to the doors of the houses. My grandmother would often go out to answer the door, and when she was a beggar, sometimes she gave and sometimes she didn’t. And one day there was a knock at the door and I was the one who came out. I was a child, and I saw an old lady begging me for alms. I took it off, and in a bad way. Well that night I couldn’t sleep , and I swore I would never do it again. This episode has haunted me for the rest of my life, not just because I did something bad, but the experience of this episode has haunted me for the rest of my life, and I force myself to do good things, because bad things don’t I could do them, not because I was good, but because the more I did something bad, my body rejected it, and I had a hard time. The bottom line was to do good things and not feel bad. This was pure selfishness, because doing good to not feel bad!!!! It is not Goodness , and what is this Goodness or Evil ? Here is the crux of the matter!! My conclusion is that if you do Goodness, because you cannot do Evil, this has no value, as there are also many people who do evil, and it is impossible for them to do Goodness. Well, I don’t want to go too long with this because it’s very extensive. My conclusion of Goodness is not mine, that I have to do it because physically I don’t feel good if I do Evil. My version of Goodness or Evil is in general, the description I make through all this analysis or Reasoning, which I make here from the beginning to the end, where Goodness is not a feeling, but almost an obligation . To understand our universe where we live, and to see the intimate connection between the different links, including the treatment we have to have with the nearby links . Here is the real Kindness, you have to do it!! There is no alternative here but to love!! It is Kindness to help, about this, whether you like it or not!!! There can only be Goodness , and nothing else. That’s why I came to the conclusion that Goodness can only exist when the 13 Characteristics are not violated .

10) Constitution of a platform or World Organization

It is necessary to create a worldwide Philanthropic organization, but it must be an International platform, which plans the Change Strategies , and must include all or the possible Cultural Regions , so that the success of the Project can reach its goal. In addition, all organizations worldwide should adhere to this Platform, such as NGOs, FAO, WHO, Amnesty International, ExpokNews , OECD, Unicef, Unesco , Mans Unides, Greenpeace , in addition of all the people who want to contribute to this aid to Humanity.

The idea of creating this International Platform is immense, it has enormous dimensions, an incredible difficulty, a utopia. Getting institutions from all over the world to agree seems like a job that can’t be done, but this entire Project that I’m analyzing, from beginning to end, is also unrealizable. However, once again I leave it here, because there is no other way out. Not as a solution for tomorrow, because it is unfeasible in the short term, but we must take it as a direction to follow.

I repeat: how can we fight against other People? Against ourselves, and thus produce death, misery, poverty, unhappiness. How can we be happy when there are people in prison or in hospitals, people who are sick, people who are evicted, poverty, suicides, wars, people who lose their jobs, epidemics, pandemics, people who are starving and many more things, how can you be happy like this? Or be satisfied with this world or Society, knowing all this suffering of our neighbor or our environment, or of ourselves, without us doing anything!! Is this the world we want?

Well, this is how Man has lived, since time immemorial without caring at all about his neighbor, in return, destroying everything around him, only interested in his well-being.

The reality is again, I’ve said before that the richest 1% of the world’s population has more money than the remaining 99%, plus there are 24 million people in the world who starve to death every year , and 25% are children, plus there are 850 million people who go to bed hungry every day.

According to AllinAllSpace , in 2020, there are 30,277,850 soldiers , people in the armed forces worldwide, not including paramilitary units. According to Wikipedia , the total strength of the armed forces, including reserve military and paramilitary units, is 75,543,487 soldiers. These people do not produce anything, in return, it is a huge expense, no longer with the salaries that the military brings, but also everything that you contract with them, because weapons, from heavy to very sophisticated, also heavy artillery, such as tanks, warships planes, cavalry, car park.

On the other hand, in 2017 we have a military expenditure of €1,730,000,000,000 which is €1,730,000,000,000. Now in 2019 the expenditure has increased and is now 1,910,000,000,000 € , how can we allow this aberration, so great, in a world of hunger, miseries, wars and waste.

We’ve also had wars since time immemorial, wars that lasted decades and decades, slavery, rights didn’t exist, neither today, at least for most humans, we can finally remember, because it’s not that far away, the last days of the The First World War in 1914, the Second in 1940, the Spanish War in 1936, Vietnam, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and most recently Syria.

11) Urgent Priority Strategies

A) The first step is to be able to have an economy to be able to start the project, and this could only be in rich countries. Agree on a minimum increase of 1% of VAT to finance this project.

B ) Try to give food and help

First of all, before it is restored, or rather a social economic balance is created, the first thing to do is to give food, to help, to stop, to slow down, hunger, this chakra, that is the first priority.

c) A social and economic balance

Social and economic balance does not depend on poor regions, since the problem is that they are poor and cannot get out of poverty on their own, which by the way is often due to the abuse of rich countries. Then the solution must come from outside.

d) A new educational teaching

The new education can be structurally based on what exists today, infant, primary, secondary and finally university education. But there are some concepts that need to be changed, firstly because they are the same as they were five thousand years ago, and because in order to change society it is necessary to change these principles, those responsible for not letting us develop as people, and that is why we are still in the wild. The principle of education is to educate the citizens of society, to learn to live with their environment , which as we have said many times are Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man , and this entails a total change in educational teaching. Everything is an indivisible and irreplaceable unit in our Environment , and any Abuse that takes place, is not that it is intolerable, it is that it goes against the survival of the Environment , and this is the first principle, the most important that it has education for children, primary, secondary and university. Without this principle there is no survival, and with that there must be change. Then all education must deal with this principle.

12) Forms of Government

We could take a look at the forms of Government that have existed throughout history, but going back twelve thousand years, at the beginning of the Neolithic we can see the first government, which was the Babylonian Kingdom and it started with Hammurabi , who establishes an autocratic government of divine origin. In the Egyptian era, this begins its history around the year 3000 BC, when King Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt under a single Kingdom, having Memphis as its capital and founding the first dynasty, between 800 and 650 BC. These monarchies were replaced by oligarchies of aristocrats. I don’t want to go on because the only thing I want to do is an analysis, to see that all the forms of government that have existed and exist have been and are for the repression and Abuse of the Environment . Then we had and continue to have the following forms of government: Autocracy, Theocracy, Monarchy, Feudalism, Republic, Communism and Democracy , and now we are almost where we were at the beginning, in the Neolithic , because Autocracy is synonymous with a Dictatorship government which can also be religious. Theocracy is synonymous with a purely religious government. The Monarchy The Roman Monarchy began with the founding of Ancient Rome on April 21, 753 BC, when Romulus took control of power. Feudalism , Feudalism was a social, political and economic system that predominated during the Middle Ages, more precisely from the 9th to the 15th century , and was a consequence of the Monarchy. Communism is perhaps the most modern form of government, although unfortunately, it has not been very successful.

All these forms of government, although they have different names , and want to represent other forms, in essence they are completely the same. They have the same purpose, it is the same form of government. It is a group of people who exploit or ABUSE their citizens, and have been so for thousands of years, and have continued to this day. Today it is called Democracy, or another name, it is the same, if it is called, but the result is the same, no matter what it is called. There was also perhaps a hope, which failed, and it was with communism, since the idea was going in the right direction, but empty of content, because communism as an ideal was correct, but nothing more. I don’t want to go on too long here. It was a modern attempt, but it failed, and why? The answer is very easy. In 1978, Spain went from Dictatorship to Democracy, overnight. My first reaction was: how can you build a Democratic Country without Democrats? Well, the same thing happens with communism. One cannot pass from one state so different from another with a revolution or a war, only with the intention of removing the sources of power, in order to be able to occupy the forms of government and continue the Abuses that they themselves gave his life in this mission. There is no form of government today where the citizen has influence, for their better coexistence in society. In Democracy the only thing you can do is vote. Democracy is going to vote every 4 years, and how people live is not important. An example, USA, the most democratic state in the world, 25% of its population goes hungry , and the population has no social security. Its inhabitants cannot go to the doctor, if they do not have money to pay. In democratic countries, their inhabitants, some have stipulated a minimum wage, and it is minimum if they work, if not, they have no wages, and there are others who do not have a maximum wage. It is a shame that a football player, as good as he is, has had a salary of €35 million a year, €95,890 a day, and in this form of government, it is called our beloved Democracy. All this assembly of governments, which have ruined us as human beings, impoverished us in dignity, only for some clear and the most curious, is the irony, the sarcasm in which they have instilled in us that with Democracy, we have Freedom and that we have the best system to govern ourselves and that we should be proud and grateful for the Freedom we enjoy.

On the other hand, Democracy is the modern form of government today, where only the word Democracy is the revelation of the best form of government, but let’s see what Democracy is , if this is, or is not, what the word itself it means, therefore, that the citizens should be able to govern themselves in their own way. However, it doesn’t work that way. A government is elected that its citizens believe will defend their interests, however, which interests? Because this is a position that is very fragile, because it does not defend anything. In addition, if we look at all the Democratic Countries of the World , we will see, for example, that England is divided into two parts, almost the majority of all governments, if we look at the USA, we will see that there is a struggle between two parts, and that these they are diametrically opposed. So what is democracy? They are opposing ideas. Right and left? A recent survey in the USA indicates that many of those who choose a party are because that party defends Christian rights, especially anti-abortion, or is against homosexuality, etc. In other words , a theocracy , which has nothing to do with the progress of Society but with Religion as in the old days, and this happens in all countries. There are usually these two solutions, let’s call them, as we like, the Conservative idea, and the Labor or Socialist idea, and that’s where it all ends . And they distribute it to each other, they are in power for a few years and then they change, and this is called Democracy, and this is perverse ignorance, and this is how it has been through thousands of years, poor ignorant humanity. The conclusion is that Autocracy, Theocracy, Monarchy, Feudalism, Republic, Communism, Democracy , again I repeat, are different forms of government, but in the background and the purpose they are exactly the same, to repress their citizens.

Where is our civilization now? If we can call it civilization! Well now we are in the same place as exactly 5000, 4000, 3000, or two thousand years ago, or in the times of the Romans. The person as a person, nothing has changed. When we mean behaviorally, we are stagnant, but technologically, there has been an important development here. However, these two curves have not been parallel, the conductivity of the person has not been parallel to the technology, and this has created a lag in civilization.

13) Creation of Cultures or Regions and political change by Professional

We will try how we can organize our society. Let’s start with this one, not with the Environment , and not with The Norms either . The creation of countries has been the cause of wars, and abuses , and has not brought any benefit to humanity, in return, desolation, misery, rape, decay, impoverishment, and destruction, and generally (it has not always been so ), but many countries are the result of a conquest, where the conquered country has lost its language, its wealth, in short, its culture has been annihilated and another imposed.

The term Country must be abolished, the most important thing in our society is the Cultural, it is the maternal, the customs, food, clothing, beliefs, dance, feelings and language, and of course also the economic , and this is inviolable , and it is this premise , and not the Country, that has the greatest importance. Then, these are what we will call Cultural Regions , which must have a vital importance, in our Society within the environment .

The Regions will be autochthonous, sovereign, and independent , but they can unite with other Regions as long as it does not harm or deteriorate their own culture. It could be done for economic reasons, but always very carefully with Cultural . The whole Planet should be organized like this, and it would also be relevant to have, in addition to the mother tongue, another language to communicate with the rest of the World, in other words we should be bilingual. We have already planned our small societies, cultures or as I have already said we will call them Regions , and they will be at the center of our Environment , and they will really be the Regions.

Now we have to conceive how the Regions must plan, project and organize themselves in order to live, since we cannot continue as we have done so far, and the way I think we should organize is that of the change, no longer of territorial division which we have already solved with the Cultural Regions ,but with the political change that I detail below.

14) Energy Exchange Strategies

One of the first urgent strategies of our society is the change of energy , and first, it would be the change of current energy for the solar one, and one way could be the construction in the deserts for the world production, planning and construction of solar energy in the future poor regions, and end of pollution. I say this because we have never valued the future, always the present, and when industrialization gained strength, and energy consumption as well, we naturally used the energy we had, which was hydroelectric, wind, solar , and above all oil, all very cheap, and it has worked well, but no one has thought about the energy future, or perhaps not even about the present.

If there is one thing we have on our planet is energy, despite man, and everything that exists on the planet, everything is energy. We are all composed of electrons, protons. Everything is energy. The problem is that since energy is and has been cheap, there hasn’t been any serious research. Now maybe they will start to study it. Another thing that I find is a very important problem, which is in addition to the pollution of the planet with the use of oil, is that for many years thousands and thousands of square kilometers of oil have been extracted, you can make a calculation of the hole inside the planet that is due to this extraction? All the experts talk about the pollution of the planet, but I have never had any notification, nor from any archaeological group, or from any other medium, reporting that a hole of incalculable proportions is being left, and that this could cause a catastrophe of essential consequences. Well, I leave it here. We have as much energy as we want, we just have to research it, and now we only have hydroelectric, wind, solar, and it seems that hydrogen is taking hold, but the most realistic, which I think can be viable in a possible future, it would be the solar.

 The first change strategy would be an energy revolution, in all underdeveloped countries where they have a lot of insolation, like Africa, and in as many possible countries, with deserts and a lot of sun. We should invest money to produce solar energy, in this way it would be a profitable and green strategy, both for rich and poor countries, and in this way, sea water could be desalinated, to be able to supply needs, both as drinking water for society and also for agriculture, and in this way we manage to eliminate fossil oil energy, and in this way eliminate environmental pollution.

The second change strategy would be the planning, study of an entire structure, for the construction of solar panels, perhaps hydroelectric power, wind, and hydrogen combustion engines, and so on. Also technicians, engineers, workers, etc. and the best thing would be for everything to be planned and built in the place where it has to be built, in order to also be able to give work to people in need, but it could be that due to the lack of qualified personnel, the strategy should be changed , but the most important thing is to be able to change today’s curve in which pollution is very serious. And on the other hand, to have very cheap and clean energy, which must first of all be used in the third world, and not in rich countries, although it would also be used in rich countries, because the production of Solar energy is incalculable. Here I give a calculation of the square kilometers that the extent, only desert, that exists in the world today, and this could satisfy the most demanding needs of the whole world, and I only talk about desert areas, which are the best for this work, but what’s more, you don’t need to have a desert area to take advantage of solar energy. Even in Nordic countries where there is not much sunlight they take advantage of this energy. And in addition to solar energy, we must not forget the energy produced by hydrogen engines. This is an incredible source of non-polluting energy. Here are the 8 most important deserts we have, and there are many more that are on different continents. It should be taken into account that we can also take advantage of other places that, without being deserts, we can also take advantage of such energy, but here we have the 8 largest deserts in the world:

Sahara Desert, 9,065,253 km²

Arabian Desert, 2,300,000 km²

Desert Australia, 1,371,000 km²

Gobi Desert, 1,300,000 km²

Kalahari Desert, 930,000 km²

Patagonian Desert , 670,000 km²

Syrian desert, 409,000 km²

Chihuahua Desert, 362,600 km²

Total, 16,407,853 km²

Below you can see that I compare the extent of deserts with the extent of some countries or continents, to compare in an easier way the enormous extent of deserts. The usable desert area for solar energy production is approximately the area of Europe plus that of China or Russia. The desert space is a space that does not produce anything at the moment and that could produce solar energy and in this way convert it into hydraulics, which is very necessary for agriculture, and in this way contribute to irrigation. The energy produced by the sun could be used to desalinate seawater and, in addition, produce energy, for everyone.

Russia, 17,098,242 km²

Europe, 10,180,000 km²

China, 9,596,960 km²

Russia, Europe and China, 36,875,202 km²

The Third strategy of change would be an intensive production of the Electrification of Automotive , all over the world both in public transport, such as trucks, cars, motorbikes, trains, buses, airplanes. All mobility must be Electric or hydrogen and the energy must be hydraulic, wind, solar, but not atomic or fossil. The source of energy must not pollute, and here too it would be very important that all these productions that today do not occur in rich countries, were advantages, primaries, privileges, so that poor countries could recover their non-existent economy, and so provide jobs without harming the rich.

 The Fourth change strategy would be to build a small local industry, for the construction and repair of vehicles, tools and other implements for agriculture.

 The Fifth strategy of change would be to create an administrative act government for each region, and thus create their respective forms of autonomous administration, to regulate culture, the local economy, with all its consequences.

 The Sixth change strategy , this would not be in the poor countries, but in the rich, and in order not to arouse opposition of rejection, these should be minimized in the rich countries for it to be successful and that would be to raise 1% of the ‘VAT worldwide, to be able to amortize expenses for poor countries. 1% would be and is a very mild movement in the economy of rich countries, but it would be a very important amount when it is at a global level.

The Seventh change strategy , Banks. These are today a very relevant institution and tool in our Region, because they are the ones who have the Region’s money, and they are the ones who distribute it according to demand and at an interest. The money is not from the banks, but they distribute it, under a stipulated payment. Banks cannot be abolished, because the money belongs to society or the Region, but they could contribute to our project, with low interest.

The Eighth strategy of change , the Gasoline Companies, and the Electricity Companies, these are doomed to disappear, since oil energy must disappear, and their days are numbered. Nevertheless, a very attractive, seductive strategy for the survival of the companies would be a reconversion of oil and electricity to aid the electrification of solar energy. They could build, plan and build all the world electrification and just like the strategy of the Banks, a very important help for our Project.

These 8 Strategies are the core of the change in our society, and as you can see they are vitally important and almost impossible to achieve. Only the strength of survival will be able to make humanity able to achieve this feat, never seen in the history of mankind. Only we can be or not capable of this dream, to be able to coexist and survive happily with our environment which is the Environment , i.e. Nature, Vegetation, Animals and among them Man .

15) Desert Strategy

Solar panels seem to have a standard measurement, and the production of these seem similar. Then I put the following as a standard so I can try to calculate the production of these panels. A solar panel of 164 cm² x 99 cm² produces 340 W.

A panel of 164cm 2 x 99 cm ² = 16,236 cm ² , which is the content per square

1 m2 t is 10,000 cm ²

1 km² is equal to 10,000,000,000 cm ²

1 km2 is equal to 1,000,000 m 2

Then, if 1 km 2 contains 10,000,000,000 cm 2 , and we divide by 16,232 cm², we will see that 1 km² contains 615,915 panels that give 340 w per hour of energy. Then we will know how much energy per hour 1 km² will give us, which is 209,411,185 w per hour, or 209,411 kW per hour .

Now we know roughly that 1 km 2 produces 209,411 kW per hour , then 16,407,853 km² x 209,411 is equal to 3,435,984,904,583 kW Hour. Well if we are brave, and we are, we can conclude that, if this analysis is correct, with the surface of the current deserts, which do not produce anything, they could produce:

3,435,984,904,583 kW per hour . The amount of energy consumed in the world annually is approximately 85 trillion (85,000,000,000,000) kilowatt hours .

This is what can be measured, that is, the energy that is bought, sold or traded. 85,000,000,000,000 kW / 1000 = 85000000000 MW / 360 = 232,876,712 MW per day, / 24 = 9,703,196 MW per hour. That is, current consumption per day and per hour: 232,876,712 MW per day, 9,703,196 MW per hour, current consumption 9,703,196 MW per hour. 1 panel of 164cm 2 * 99 cm ² is equal to 16,236 cm ² , which is the content per square , then

1 km 2 is equal to 1,000,000 m²

1 m 2 t is 10,000 cm ²

1 km 2 contains 10,000,000,000 cm 2

1 km² contains 615,915 panels that give 340 w per hour

1 km² with 615,915 panels at 340 w is equal to 209,411,100 wo 209,411 KW1 km², which is 209,411,185 w per hour, or 209,411 KW.

1 km² produces 209,411 kW per hour

All the deserts of the World 16,407,853 km²

1 Km² produces 209,411 kW per hour, with the current existing panels the result will be as follows.

Then with all the deserts, multiplied by what gives 1 Km² is

3,435,984,904,583 kW per hour

3435984904 MW

3,435,984 GW

3,435 TW

Currently today there is a consumption of 9,703,196 MW per hour.

With all the deserts in the world 3435984904 MW.

This difference is outrageous , since it is not double or triple, but it is 354 times the completely clean consumption of energy that is currently consumed worldwide.

Now I want to calculate the green energy that we would have to produce from the current deserts just to cover what is consumed worldwide today, that is, the current consumption is 9,703,196 MW.

To calculate this we can do it very easily with a rule of three, that is, if we produce 3435984904 MW with 16,407,853 km², then how many km² do we need to produce the current consumption of the whole world which is 9,703,196 MW? The rule of three says, 16,407,853 * 9,703,196 = 159,208,613,598. 188/ 3435984904 = 46,335 km², and this is the result. We have 16,407,853 km², a little more than 16 million km², but we only need 46,335 km², to cover all the energy production in the whole world , and completely green, without pollution, and completely free to produce. also the smallest desert in the world, of the 8 deserts that I present here, which is the Chihuahua desert, which is in the south of the USA, and which according to me has 362,600 km², but according to Wikipedia , it has 450,000 km².

Then we would only need 10% of this desert to cover the energy needs of the whole world, of all deserts, 16,407,853 km², only 46,335 km², insignificant, right?

What a shame, that humans destroy our Environment, enriching some and impoverishing where we live, without anyone raising their voice, or rebelling, we are blind and ignorant. All this information that I give here, I have tried to make it as true, reliable as possible, but it may not be so. If it is not, and someone could correct me, I would really like it if you contact me so that I can correct it, and thus put the correct data, since we are all the ones who have to build a Better world. I am just one more in the chain that we all are, and it depends on all of us how we will build our world, which I hope is not the current one. Then we have to think differently, and I have no doubt that we will survive.

16) Biological Pleasure

          It is known to all, since time immemorial, that the person has 5 senses, smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing. But this is not entirely true, because senses are many things. For example, we feel sadness, cold, and countless other things, but I didn’t go on too long because what I’m talking about here is to give the ideas of what I think and then if you want, you can develop this idea. Well, let’s leave it as it was, but with one more sense, which is that of pleasure . What is pleasure ? Well, what we call today sexual pleasure, that to me this sexual thing sounds horrible. Then the 5 senses will become 6 senses, smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing and pleasure. I am not going to talk about the 5 senses, but I did about the new, the sixth, the pleasure and only this one, and it is because this one has marked a milestone through humanity from its beginning of existence to our times, and the force of this sense has been flawless, indestructible, unalterable, static and monolithic. The principle of this sense is the survival of the species, and in this aspect, there are no doubts and not much to discuss, because we already know what it is, but there are infinite facets just like with the other senses, that the humanity has experienced said pleasure. From time immemorial, and also until today, pleasure has been taboo, and humanity has behaved in a very stable, monolithic way.

Pleasure turned into sex is responsible for how our society has turned our society into intolerable, harmful, harmful and dangerous behavior. He has built society in his image and likeness, and this has led to a very committed, difficult, difficult, confusing position for the good development of Society. In addition, all human behavior is contaminated and built on what we call sex, and this has created what we call morality, and it is what makes us behave the way we do, whether we take one behavior or another always the morality will be responsible for us having feelings of guilt, even if in reality the behavior is not punitive, but if morality does not allow it, the feeling will be guilt, and this is what we have to solve. It is not sex that must build our existence as a society.

Everything I want to expose now, may perhaps scandalize, but my intention is not to scandalize, it is to change our harmful habits for a society where we all find peace and happiness.

17) Social Pleasure, influence

What is Pleasure?

Every living species has its reproductive system for its survival as a species. In the animal, the reproductive system is built or adapted, with a system, so that the species have more possibilities of reproduction and this is the pleasure , and it has been like this for thousands of years, especially for the animal world. In the world of the intelligent man it has been different. This lasted for many thousands of years. Today in the so-called Eastern countries, the role of women is not the same as before, but we are still very far from equality, man and woman. However, this is not what I want to talk about, it is about the sixth sense, pleasure , and this is very connected to the story. Well, as we see pleasure was restricted, in the individual sphere, between two people, in privacy, in solitude, and without an audience. The reproductive parts were called genitalia, threatened or hidden, and continue to be so. In any case, they were not shown in public, and if this happened the person was ashamed. That’s when the Taboo was created . You’re not ashamed to show your ears, are you? And I no longer say doing acts that we call sexual, which I call pleasure, in public, right? All this, this conditioned by a culture, and at the same time a Morality, a burden of many, many, thousands of years, and which has conditioned us to the current behavior., And as I usually say, I don’t want to and I don’t it is my intention to go deeper and longer with this topic. I’ll leave it here, because if others think it’s appropriate to go deeper, then here it is. It’s not about making a life of that, or sexual orgies, but the opposite. Download sex, and put it at an acceptable level that does not disturb normal human behavior.

What about the sixth sense, Pleasure? This is, fortunately, everywhere, the problem is that we have not assimilated it, we have not understood it, pleasure cannot be bad!!

But from the beginning of our human intelligence we have confused, misrepresented, complicated, muddled, falsified, pleasure. How is it possible that a pleasure involves very complicated behaviors? That only fantasy sets the limit. Man has misrepresented, confused pleasure, because pleasure is another sense, like smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing , and we have not messed with these as much as pleasure, what the hell has happened with pleasure, and here is the Taboo. Here is also the crux of the matter. Of course it has an origin, but it is not my intention to go into that. We have problems with young people, when at the age of puberty, they want to find a partner and try pleasure , because they are full of pleasure. They go to clubs and fill themselves with alcohol or maybe drugs, because that way, they are much better prepared for pleasure. If they don’t do it that way, it’s because they haven’t been taught, neither by their parents, nor at school how to do it, and that’s how it works today. The girls wear fashionable, provocative clothes, and are painted and groomed to the maximum for the hunt to be effective. This causes many problems. One of them is that it is carried out in a very artificial setting, that the only thing that is wanted is not the contact but the beauty, and a pleasure that in my opinion is fraudulent, and can also have unwanted consequences. Young people shouldn’t have a problem with pleasure, but if it’s a Taboo, then it is. Communication between young people is good, but pleasure or sexual communication , here there is indeed a distortion, even more harmful, because in order to have a sexual relationship, they must be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and this is a distorted effect, moreover, first-time unions usually contribute to a bond, obligation, sentimental, which makes these people affected by this behavior, and this is completely unacceptable. Communication between young people, and not young people, moreover, which can lead to a behavior of Pleasure, must not lead to a sentimental obligation, but rather a communication between them. And so, if this leads in the future to a behavior that can lead to a closer emotional relationship, so much the better. Herein lies the beneficence of communication. I don’t want to expand too much on this topic, because it is very extensive, but school education is a very good measure to take and completely necessary, but it is a reality that both the contact with the youth, so that they can experience, both the pleasure, how to experience how young people fit in, with each other to form in the present or future within society, this is non-existent today.

First, let’s analyze the sixth sense, Pleasure, what is this? As I have already said, pleasure is the sixth sense, and it is of vital importance. First it is responsible for the survival of the species, and second it is a source of Pleasure. They are two different things, but through history it has been united with the result that it is not a sense, but Sex, at all relative, to this sense, sexual organ, sexuality, eroticism, even love, pleasure , it is a sense that due to the functionality that has been granted to it of procreation it contracts a particular characteristic that must be taken into account and that also brings us problems, and that is that it is a sense, with a property that is appetizing. If this is how it was created, pleasure or as it is called sex today, is like hunger, when you have not eaten for a long time, you are hungry, and when you have finished eating, you are no longer hungry, because this is how pleasure behaves .

We have analyzed the source, almost biologically, now we will do it socially, and here it is more complicated, because when it influences the man, and when I say man I naturally include the woman, he or she distorts everything to take out his better benefit, but the reality has been that he has abused pleasure, he has transformed it into something bad, unworthy, he has changed within society pleasure for sex, because he has not understood what pleasure is, and for this has distorted him, and in this way he has distorted the society in which he lives. Today sex is not present in society, the problem is that it is contaminating, changing, enhancing to an undesirable limit, where society is saturated by this sense, since those who live there behave in a special way. If we look at people’s behavior, we will see that the whole society revolves around sex, not pleasure. Young people go after sex, like possessed. The women try to wear clothes that, in addition to being very uncomfortable, cling to the body, are painted excessively, and with high heels, not suitable for walking, and all to be sexier. Families have disintegrated as you will see below. A pornography industry has been created (where I believe that pornography has no reason to exist, because it is fraudulent, it has nothing to do with pleasure) . We see rapes, persecutions, in short, countless sexist actions in our society, which go against pleasure . It is saturated with sexism, which does not allow us to develop as intelligent people, but a fictitious world has been created, where it is thought, mistakenly, that the construction of this society is wrong, and neither m I will expand, but it is clear that sex, as it is understood today, is a chakra, which pollutes, distorts and harms our most essential principles of coexistence, and it has also created something we call Morality, and it is the content of all such distorted, fraudulent, lying and false conduct.

Pleasure is just like the other senses, which have been attributed to us for our survival and for our best development in our environment. It makes it easier for us to live in our Environment, but when it comes to pleasure we must know and study it, as it is a very important sense. The problem we have today is that we are culturally and morally contaminated and it will be very difficult to restructure this behavior, which unfortunately we have had for thousands of years, we behave almost like wild animals.

18) The Pleasure Reset, and start again

How can we change these habits, and return pleasure to our society? Well, we also have to set the Reset Button to “zero” . It is necessary to start an education with the parents, an education in the school, and an education in the society. The organs of reproduction or “genitals” today are hidden, (it still works, the one of Eve’s apple) , and there is no reason why we feel ashamed of an organ in our body, we don’t do it with others, because what do we do with this one? Well, it is partly because it is our culture, and within the culture is morality, and this morality is contaminated and distorted through our values that have other parameters, where it says that pleasure is bad, it is shameful, in circumstances where not with the woman, and it can only be done for reproductive purposes, and our morals have been educated in these values. Neither the parents nor the children have to hide, and neither does the rest of society. Of course we have to dress up, especially when it’s cold. We can have pleasure in many ways, but I will only mention three, one can be intercourse, masturbation, and caresses, all three are very legitimate, and it is a fantastic gift that nature has given us (among other things “the intercourse” for human survival), intercourse, should be used, whenever two people agree. Masturbation is different, because pleasure in addition to being pleasure is an appetite, and according to the individual need, it is necessary to use as it suits. Masturbation is necessary, and it must be used, if there is no other way of pleasure, and parents and schools should encourage it, just as intercourse should also be encouraged, encourage the pleasure is not a bad thing, but necessary and especially in youth. And also in society, pleasure should be encouraged, first to reduce the appetite to a level of normal relaxation. At present, there is a great burden of sexuality, enhancing, glorifying, exalting, by a series of daily behaviors that mean that these sexual burdens can modify our behavior in a dangerous way. That’s why we have to download in a normal way, and that is to remove the tension so that we behave normally, not like now, and the purpose would be normalization through the pleasure of intercourse and masturbation, and caresses, because the pleasure it is a good thing, and very healthy, but for all this we have to change our current society, which is corrupted, especially by sex. Pleasure is clean, sex is not! That can be scandalous, nowadays. However, we must change society, to normalize this inaccuracy, or social error. One of the effects of this erroneous sexual behavior, accentuated, emphasized and highlighted, is the lack of means of communication, relationship and coexistence between people in society, between how they should be organized. This means has not existed, because the most interesting thing has been to reach the goal blindly, and then meet the result, down here we will see the family. Before the family had a master, and he was unchanging, unalterable, impassive and sovereign. In conclusion, in the last century, society has changed a little, and the family has changed a lot. Below we see the current family alterations.

19) Family Groups

Our society, like all, is made up of groups, let’s call them Families, and these can be the following:

1. Classic Family (biparietals). The classic family is what we know as a typical family, that is, the family made up of a father, a mother and their children. Societies generally encourage their members to form this type of family.

2. Single parent family. The single-parent family consists of only one parent taking charge of the family unit, and therefore raising the children. It is usually the mother who stays with the children, although there are also cases where the children stay with the father. When only one parent takes care of the family, it can become a huge burden, so they often require help from other close family members, such as the children’s grandparents. The causes of the formation of this type of family can be a divorce, being a premature mother, widowhood, etc.

3. Adoptive family. This type of family, the adoptive family, refers to the parents who adopt a child. Although they are not biological parents, they can play a great role as educators, equivalent to biological parents in all respects.

4. Family without children. This type of family, the families without children, are characterized by having no descendants. Sometimes, the inability of parents to procreate leads them to adopt a child. In any case, we can perfectly imagine a family unit in which, for one reason or another, children were not wanted or could not be had. We must not forget that what defines a family is not the presence or absence of children.

5. Composite family. This family, the composite family, is characterized by being composed of several classic families. The most common cause is that other families have been formed after the break-up of the couple, and the child, in addition to living with his mother and her partner, also has the family of his father and his partner, and can arrive to have half-siblings It is a type of family more common in rural than in urban environments, especially in contexts where there is poverty.

6. Homoparental family. This type of family, homoparental, is characterized by having two homosexual fathers (or mothers) who adopt a child. There can also be homoparental families formed by two mothers, obviously. Although this possibility raises a wide social debate, studies have shown that the children of same-sex parents have normal psychological and emotional development, as this APA report explains for example.

7. Collective Family. This type of family is, as the word says, of several families living in the same building or complex where facilities such as bedrooms can be individual, but almost all kitchens, toilets, living rooms, in other words the facilities will be shared for everything

These existing forms of Family are those that exist today in our society. The family as Classic Family (biparietals ) still exists, but, as we can see, this is developing, for better or for worse. However, Families are not static, and we have not yet seen how they will develop. However, we see that there is an indication, and that is that the family seems to have a tendency to change.

20) Environmental strategies

Here I repeat what I wrote before in 11) Urgent Priority Strategies , but much more summarized. Maybe I’m a bit heavy handed, we’ve repeated things I’ve already written. However there are things that are very important to me and I want it to be very clear, and these 24 points or capitals, must be taken into account if we want to change this world, for a better one, and they are these:

1) Abolition of abuse in the Environment , the abolition of abuse in our society is the first principle, or premise, that we must keep in mind. With Abuse there is no survival, it is the most important premise there is for our survival.

2) Definition of Environment, the Environment is the Universe, and this is the place where, among many things, where we live or coexist with Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man , and for this we must respect it, because the Environment is ourselves, all of us…

3) Definition of Norm , first and only Norm, “Love your Environment as yourself” , this is the essence, and the main motive of the Society, because what we want to build is within the environment, and it is necessary to love it, protect it, and defend it, because the Environment is itself , and the consequence is that to love the environment is to love oneself.

4) Creation of Cultures or Regions , all existing Countries disappear as such, and are grouped, under the incidences, of language, Culture, customs, food, clothing, beliefs, dance and feelings , and become Countries, which are abolished, in Regions.

5) Change of Politicians for Guilds, the Abolition of Politicians , and they are replaced by a national professional organization, Professional Guilds , which are the ones who must organize, plan and govern in the Regions , and this is sovereign. They are the ones that restore the so-called Countries today.

6) Creation of an administrative self-government , where the professional organizations or Guilds begin to try to put the Region in motion.

7) Abolition of current laws by the Norms. All laws, decrees, edicts or mandates must be abolished. You must only respect the Recommendations, the source of which would be La Norma .

8) Try to give food to the starving. One of the first priorities that should be taken would be to feed the starving people. Today we have 24 million people dying of hunger a year. 25% are children, and there are more than 850 million people who suffer from hunger, and the socio-economic imbalance suffered by the world’s population should be evened out.

9) There must be consensus for an operation of this magnitude , and a thorough, global planning of and throughout the world. We need experts, specialists, economists, sociologists, philosophers, a very important group of experts who can manage this very important project.

10) Get in touch with all Philanthropic organizations around the world , such as, for example, NGOs, FAO, WHO, Amnesty International, ExpokNews , OECD, OECD, Unicef, Unesco , Mans Unides, Greenpeace , and many more.

11) Teaching what the Environment is , the priorities we must also learn, and know what it is, where do we live? And the relationship we have with this, and this is the Environment and, we must learn the meaning and what it represents, for our survival here on the Planet.

12) Radical change of solar energy, and Hydrogen Engines. Solar energy in the deserts can support global production, and the end of pollution, as well as the consumption of oil and its derivatives, and explanation of the use of solar panels in our global deserts.

13) The 8 largest deserts on Earth. We have 8 deserts with a total capacity of 16,407,853 km², with only 46,335 km² we would cover current energy needs.

14) Global shift towards Automotive . It would be the Abolition of the engine with the oil derivative, all the Automotive, in the world should be electric, or engine with hydrogen.

15) Creation of small industry for repairs and supply of agriculture, etc. Creation of a small autonomous industry, for maintenance, repair, etc. in the interior of the Regions , where it is planned to build the solar sources for production, in the desert localities.

16) In rich countries a 1% increase in VAT to finance this project. Rich countries should contribute, with a minimum share, 1% of the increase in VAT, in their respective Regions.

17) The banks would also finance this project , since the banks have no money, since the money belongs to the customers. Banks manage other people’s money, and it should be with a very reasonable interest, and the Bank’s role would be different from our society, and they could finance all the electrification and construction of energy transport at low interest.

18) Petrol stations disappear , and they could, like banks, replace oil with the transport or construction of solar energy.

19) Detailed explanation of Energy and Solar Panels. All the deserts of the World 16,407,853 km², current global consumption 9,703,196 MW per hour. We need 46,335 km² to cover all energy production worldwide. It is only the ridiculous amount of 0.2824%, of the total of all deserts in the world.

20) Biological Pleasure. We have 6 senses, smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing and pleasure, and the sixth, pleasure has deteriorated greatly throughout history. The Pleasure started with The 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments changed everything. The rules of the game were changed. The man was intelligent, and he understood that of the ten there are two, one that says “thou shalt not commit impure acts or adultery”, and another that says “thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”, and also when Adam he ate the apple that Eve gave him, that ‘s when they realized his nakedness.

21) Explanation of the meaning of Pleasure , deployment of behavior, of Pleasure, what is it? and how it should be.

22) Social pleasure, influence , we unfold the behavior of Pleasure, how it has transformed in society, and what results, consequences, consequences it has brought about in it.

23) The Pleasure Reset , and start again , how we must straighten, direct, channel and normalize the Pleasure.

24) Family Groups , here we will see how the family has made a very important change, and is transformed into different groups.

21) Conclusion

We will have to make a Reset , in our mentality and in our way of living, and start from scratch, and that is almost impossible, but the direction is this, and it is already set. There is no going back, you have to start from scratch, and it is difficult, very difficult, because the 4 Norms , which used to be 10 and then only 4, and now only 1 , entail such a radical change in the behavior of Humanity, that it needs a superhuman effort, which cannot be done in a short period of time. In addition to one of the difficulties, which are those of convincing the people of this planet, to change the direction they are used to, at least the people who are socially-economically favored. Convince these people that they have to feed 24 million people who die of hunger every year , and that they also have to supply, supply, provide for 850 million people in the world who go to sleep with an empty stomach , and that in the world level, must be leveled, so that there are no such differences, which make us humans wild beasts, without scruples, with wars, killing our neighbors, destroying the system in which we live, just to make a profit for to himself, without any feeling of love towards his neighbor, but against. And as I said this is the main problem for this project to be satisfactory, or to be successful, but if we do not succeed, it will be the same, if we do not succeed we will go to the destruction of the Planet, and if we do nothing and continue as we are now too. Then there is only one way, it is that of ” Love the Environment above all things “, everything else is the annihilation of the Planet .

End of Analysis of a Better World

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