
Reasoning – Reflections – Analyzes – Ethics

First of all, I want to say that I was born in Barcelona, in the Sant Gervasi neighborhood, on Carrer de Sant Elies, and baptized in Barcelona Cathedral. Vaig anar a l’escola Maristes de Mataró com intern, i només vaig aprendre castellà, ja que el català estava prohibit. We went to mass every day, and we sang ” El cara al Sol ” every morning. I was at this school for about twelve years, then I went to military service, and later I went to Mallorca to work as a musician and lived there for more than ten years. There, I fully integrated and learned Mallorcan, not written, but spoken, and in 1973, I went to live in Denmark, where I also integrated into Nordic society. There I learned Danish, and I lived in Denmark until 04-06-2004, when I returned to Catalonia and went to live in Tossa de Mar.

This Book is compilations of my life through time, perhaps they are modernized, but most of the reflections originate in my youth, then as middle age, and finally in an advanced age. These are reasonings that you can agree with, or not, however it is always good to have other ideas or thoughts from other people who think differently from yourself., Always since my childhood I have had a very intelligent life. intellectually, I have always had an eagerness, almost a phobia, perhaps a disease, to know the why of things, about life, and so it was this eagerness to explore that my first watch from my first communion, which was given to me by the my parents, it only lasted ½ hour before I took it apart. I was a problem for my parents well into my youth, until I went to live in Denmark.

There I continued with the search for a life identity, and the why of things and why we are in this world, and where we come from, and where we are going. I really like to define things, but life taught me that when you know more, you know less, we can only open our eyes, and see what we have on the side, look at the stars, and see that behind the stars something that is incomprehensible to us begins. If we don’t understand the person in the band, how can we understand what’s behind the stars?

More than understanding the people close to us, that this is very important, but in addition to understanding, we must love them, as if we were ourselves, because if we look inside our body we will see that there is a balance of cells, further inside we will see the electrons and protons that are also dancing and with balance, if we look outside our body we will see the same, the earth and planets in the solar system, all dancing and with balance. You cannot remove one piece of this gear, because if we did, the whole system would fall. It is the balance that makes life, just like the cells of our body that have to live with those next to them. That’s why we have to love them, as with the people we have next to us, just like the cells or planets that dance together. If not, it cannot survive, we would break the pure balance, and with it life. The subjects that I deal with in this book are very varied, some of them can be classified as metaphysical or philosophical or even ethical, because it is a description that I make of my life and our life, of the world we live in, of our universe There are many unknowns, it is very complex, and difficult to describe, to explain, but I have done what I could to be able to communicate with you, so that you can understand what I think, and what I consider I would like that you share with me, and that I hope so. There are 30 Chapters and 8 more, which are political, and one which is about music, since I have been and am a musician, and I have composed 7 songs, 5 have been composed for my Country that I love, and the last 2 are in part the reason why I write this Book, the content, that is Let’s Love each other , and Wake up, Brothers , is and has been the philosophy of my life. Without love we cannot survive, and with love we are and will be, not happier, but very happy.

As you will see, I start with reasoning that some of these are and I had when I was very young and it brought me some serious metaphysical and psychic problems that I have not been able to overcome until well past a majority of years. Among them was the problem of eternity, but I have to start and prioritize a topic or an analysis, and a very essential one is where we live, then I will start with ” Analysis for a better world “.

Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we going? Here I make an analysis of who we are in relation to the environment and the Universe that surrounds us. Please, the society I analyze and say how it should be is an unrealizable strategy , a Utopia, because it cannot be done overnight, ” it is a direction ” , this must be well present, from from the beginning of the Book to the end . This is why communism failed, among others, because you cannot change a country or a culture with a coup or a war. Wars and coups change regimes, not people or culture. From Francoism to democracy nothing changed, it was a continuation, it went from a dictatorship to a democracy, without democrats. This is done in schools and takes a lot of time, and it’s the same as my project, it changes mindsets, with realities, and if you read the book, you’ll see what I mean, whether you agree or not is already a something else, but what I have written is the only way to save our Planet and live in peace with our brothers of humanity. Every day it is said in the media that the climate is at its worst, I think that we are also destroying the Planet. We help the Planet and we will help ourselves, since we are the ones who live on it.

Enric Giné and Orengo

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Who are we?

We are a Link in the Universe!

I would like to see what I understand about the human person, what relationship does he have with the environment that surrounds him? well, my analysis tells me that there is a lot, everything is related, everything has a balance and a logic, and I explain it here below, in a very simple way, because, I can say that if we observe ourselves, we will see what we are, simply a person, a unit, a Link within our Universe, just like the cells are within our body, if we look inside our body we will see that it is covered by a skin, and that is where it ends, but if we take a microscope, we will see that under the skin, there are some cells, and then we would see the “DNAs”, and if we continue to the end we would see the protons and electrons, all dancing around themselves with a fantastic balance.

All this is when we look inside our body, but if we now look outside our body, and if we make the same observation again, however this time outside our body, also with ourselves as the center, and looking up at the sky, if it is daytime we will see the Sun, and if it is night-time we will see the Moon and the stars and perhaps some nebula, however, this is also where it all ends, but if now instead of taking a microscope we take a telescope, we will see that there are more stars than we could see with the naked eye, we will see that the Moon, the planets, the Sun and the stars are also all dancing around themselves, the planets revolving around the Sun, as if they were dancing in balance, just as they did when we looked inside our body, the neutrons revolving around the protons.

It seems that there is a parallelism within the person and outside, it seems that there is a very intimate relationship, a balance, that we cannot ignore, what happens inside us and outside is the same thing, we are a Link of the universe, like thousands and thousands of millions of other Links, and all of these have an idiosyncrasy or a specific behaviour, which is closely related to the close contact that they make, in relation to their contact with the Link that they have next to them.

To make a deep analysis of these Links, we have to analyse them, first we would have to individualize them, and then analyse them as Links, with a general vision of the Universe, but nevertheless I do this so that it is better understood, but really the Links have a simple, common, logical and equal behaviour for everyone, when you understand this, you understand everything.

Each Link in the Universe behaves in a specific way, and a Link can be composed of one or more Links, from an electron, which behaves in a specific way, to a cell or other Links that are more visible to us, such as a virus, a bacteria, or animals that we know, such as an ant, an elephant, or every living and non-living being, which in the Universe are all Links just like ourselves, there is no difference, but each Link can be composed of millions of Links.

Types of Links

When we talk about a Link, we have to be very careful, because it is very difficult for us to know which Link we are talking about, is it man? Is it an elephant? An ant? A cell, a proton? A quark? That is why we have to define very well the Link we are talking about, when we talk about a Link, for example, is it man, that we want to analyse? As I have already said, it is built of many links, the blood circulation system is a link, since it has its own organisation system and is independent, although it is completely independent, it is not independent either, because like all links, it is subject to the environment, and this occurs with all links, is it the nervous system, what do we want to talk about? Smell? Sight? Touch? or millions of other links? in short, we must define very exactly the behaviour of what we want to analyse, and this results for all links that we want to analyse behaviour, imagine that the universe is built of quarks, everything else is constructions on top of these, including obviously man and the entire universe, for this reason we have to be very attentive when analysing the links.

The problem we humans have is the vision of ourselves, we believe that our Link is above everything, that we are superior to other Links, and we have to do a good reflection and analysis on this, to see what exactly is happening to us.

It seems that at first glance, for us humans, there are two kinds of Links in the universe, one inorganic and the other organic, that is, the Links that have life and those that do not, well, this is something paradoxical, because there is neither life nor death, there is only Universe, and this is where all the Links are present, both Organic and Inorganic have life, or rather, with close contact with other Links life is produced, they move, exchange, evolve, mutate, transform with the specific behaviour of said Link, this is very important, because they are Organic Links when there is presence of Carbon and when there is not, we say Inorganic, but we have to be careful with this, because very superficially we will also see a kind of Links, which we say, living, like bacteria, animals, people, etc, we all behave the same, we all have our behaviour, and we behave according to our Link.

Now, a very superficial feature to analyse, the person, the man, and his development, because we know him well, has been different from the other Links, but only apparently, we will see later, and why different? the development of man has been like other animals, but along his path, and with contact, both with his Links and with others, a special characteristic began, communication, now I will tell it.

 This set of Links called, alive, where specifically it is man, I would like to go into a little more depth, and here we will see that the behavioural characteristic is quite similar with all the other Links, and with man, the evolution that he has had has been possible, as with other Links, with communicating, exchanging, with others in his environment, but his development, through many thousands of years, as with other Links have acquired some characteristics due to their exchange, location, or by countless evolutions, mutations, the Links that I call alive, communicating between the other Links, also developed, in a characteristic way, which is by mouth, animals too, it depends on what kind of Links, some will chirp, others will bark, but almost all have an acoustic language, which only they understand, but it is a special characteristic of them.

With Man, this communication system has also been his language, now he doesn’t bark or chirp, but he sure did, now he communicates with others, speaking and this has made a before and after, but that’s not all, he also has the characteristic of writing, and other qualities of communication, etc., and he has also developed memory, which is a very important characteristic for his development, and for the transmission of all the acquired experience, all these characteristics, make him accumulate a series of experiences, and in this way, it is possible to transmit all his value, technological, cultural, with his descendants, for all this makes Man, have a privileged position and dominance where he lives.

¿Who are we? as Man

Man, like other Links, is made up of millions of them, and these are changing, mutating, every second of the life of the Link, now (Man), from the introduction of the sperm inside the ovary, that is, from the beginning of a new life, until his death, although the process continues afterwards, the Links never die, they only change and mutate, the whole process of the life of this Link (Man), will be changing, mutating, it will never be as before, every second of his life he will not be the same person, because his Links inside him change, mutate, and make him another Link (Man), and that is when we talk about us, but really this is attributed to all the Links, both organic and inorganic, everything changes and mutates constantly.

As I have already said, man is a Link exactly like an ant, an elephant or a bacterium, but like each Link, he behaves differently and in relation to his environment, just like the other Links.

One difference between humans and the rest of the Links is communication. With almost all the Links, whether organic or inorganic, communication is very primitive, especially inorganic, but effective.

The difference between a person and an animal is precisely this, language. A bird or another animal makes its nest just as it did thousands of years ago. Why is that? Because of language, the animal has not progressed, as a consequence of language, since they do not accumulate lived experiences, and precisely this accumulation of knowledge and experiences makes humans progress through the accumulation of human experiences.

Well now we know that we are a Link within the Universe, just like an ant, a bacterium, an elephant, we are completely equal, the only thing that our Link seems to us is that we have developed differently perhaps than others, but we are still Links, even though, for us, it seems that we are not Links, but our history says so (because of our language) we are, what we have always been.

Language is the most important medium and all its consequences of these, such as the accumulation of experiences, via language, writing, or other media where it has been possible to transmit, spread, divulge the messages of cultures, civilizations that have made it possible.

Now we are going to describe the evolution of man from what we can compile from what we know.

I have already described what the universe is and how it behaves, now I want to describe the behaviour of man, and I will do so from organic matter and specifically from the living Links, that is, animals, including man.

Our world

We live in a universe, let’s say the World, where there are two characteristics, and they are the most important that exist, and we have to be very careful, one characteristic is that living beings are predators, what does this mean? this means that the strongest, or the one who can do it the most, kills his Link on his side, either to eat him, or to take advantage of him, or for pleasure, this is the rule that has existed since the beginning of the universe, and it continues until now.

Another of the characteristics that has existed and still exists, are the Beliefs, the Faith, which has existed and still exists, and they are the Gods, and they are all related in that they created the Universe, they are love, and they encourage, promote and foster the esteem of others, but reality has another side, and has had other consequences, such as wars, killings, fights and even, promoted among themselves, because there have always been and still are wars, fighting between the different Gods or Religions.

The main Gods, or religions, are the following

1 Buddha 2 Christianity 3 Judaism 4 Hinduism 5 Islam.

Here below I make a summary of the main religions, perhaps it is a bit extensive.

Beliefs or Religion

One of the most important characteristics that has worried, agitated, disturbed, altered and changed society, unlike the other Links, and all because of language and derivatives of it, is and has been Faith, the 5 main religions of the world are 1. Christianity 2. Judaism 3. Hinduism 4. Buddhism 5. Islam

Religions are cultural systems or groups that share certain practices, worldviews, texts, sacred places or organizations that relate humanity with supernatural, transcendental or spiritual elements.

The practice of a certain religion includes rituals, sermons, commemorations or the veneration of a deity, gods or goddesses, in addition, depending on the aspect, it may have some sacrifices, festivals, initiations, funeral services, meditation, prayer, music, community service, among other aspects of human culture.

In addition, many religions include in their foundations the narratives and sacred stories that seek to explain the meaning of life or the origin of life and the universe, based on these beliefs about the cosmos, people can create a moral, ethical, religious laws or a lifestyle.

I will tell you a little about the 5 main religions most professed in the world.

1. Christianity

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, it is the most extensive religion in the world, which has about 2.4 billion followers, and Catholicism is the Christian branch with the most followers (with 1.36 billion believers).

2. Judaism

Judaism is the religion, tradition and culture of the Jewish people, historically, it is the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions, which are based on Christianity and Islam, originated in the Middle East and its spiritual tradition is identified with Abraham.

3. Hinduism

Hinduism is a religion (dharma belief, i.e. based on doing good to others, developing happiness and universal brotherhood) widely practiced in South Asia, which is characterized by being made up of different Hindu religious denominations.

4. Buddhism

Buddhism brings together a variety of traditions, religious beliefs and spiritual practices attributed mainly to Buddha Gautama, whose Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world with more than 500 million followers, that is, about 7% of the world’s population.

5. Islam

Islam, its main scriptures of Islam being the Quran, believed to be the verbatim word of God, as well as the teachings and practices, in traditional accounts, of Muhammad, is the second largest religion in the world, after Christianity, as it is estimated to have 1.9 billion followers, 24.9% of the world’s population. It is estimated that there are about 4,200 living religions worldwide, plus countless extinct creeds. In addition, a 2020 global survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 84.4% of the world’s population considers itself “religious” and 15.6% “non-religious.” For some, we are sent by forces, extra-terrestrials, like God, Buddha, etc., our life will be eternal, or hell, burning for all eternity, or heaven, surrounded by indescribable well-being, well, according to how we have behaved in life. Here we have two realities, one is our universe, with all the Links and among them the animals, and of course, man, and that all are predators, and the other reality is a multitude of Gods, where 84.4% of the population are believers, and also paradoxical, since this, considering clinging love and preaching love for one’s neighbour, but that 84.4%, fights with wars, against other people, of one or another religion.


Well, total chaos, we live in a universe, that these Links are, or we are predators, they have to kill each other to survive and there are also beliefs, extra-terrestrials, that are not in balance with the Universe.

Here we have to solve many things, the most difficult is predation, since this is how the universe works, and it cannot be changed, man can stop being a predator, looking for other ways to eat, and live.

The other is the Gods, Beliefs, Religion, or rather, Faith, and what is Faith? Faith is believing in something that does not necessarily exist, we could also consider it as an opinion, but I, already in a site of my Web, define what an opinion is, and summarizing it, here I leave it, When empirically a postulate can be demonstrated, then it is true, if not, it is only an opinion, each person can do what they want, but it would be better to follow what the Gods said, “Love your neighbour as yourself” and not fight or war.

 The living Links also have a common characteristic, which is Consciousness, and what is Consciousness? This is a very important characteristic, because it is what makes us behave with the conduct that the same living being desires, do not confuse Reflection with Consciousness, well, now I describe again an article that I also wrote on my Web, and here you can see it and it is the following, “If you want to walk, you will walk not when you say so, only when your Consciousness orders it, and absolutely it will be the Consciousness that will take the first step, but be careful, because now comes the most interesting part, and it is that after the order of the Consciousness to send the first step, the Consciousness withdraws, takes a step back, and stays in the background, because the Automatic Pilot, or call it Reflection, is set in motion, and it will be this that will make you continue walking to the destination, without the Consciousness being aware of taking each step, this will be so as long as there is no obstacle that prevent it, if it were so, Consciousness would take command again.”

All living beings have the ability to decide what they have to do for their survival, and everyone depends on everyone else, in addition to being predators by necessity, so an elephant, an ant, a sheep, a cow, a man, are completely equal within the Universe, the only thing that does not make them equal is Man, since he is the one who believes himself superior to all the other Links, that we kill millions of cows, sheep, fish, or birds other animals to eat, does not mean anything, or that we exterminate wolves, wild boars or others, because they eat our crops, fields or gardens, this is done by man, but in reality, we are all equal, when we exterminate an anthill, we do not put ourselves in the skin of the ants, we exterminate them and that’s it, but they have been organizing, working, to do a fantastic job, which then someone comes and destroys it, in the blink of an eye, an entire society destroyed and those who survive will continue working, with what their consciences decide, and they do it just as Man or another Link would do, all this is permitted, but killing a man is not permitted and is penalized, but exterminating man, with the excuse, justification of war, this is permitted, whatever the reason, and one that is still in force is religious war.

Another question is that the superior and intelligent man is the characteristic that allows that as long as he is well, everything is well, even if in the world that he lives in, there are 24 million people who are dying of hunger and 25% are children, as we see, ¿Who are we?

Returning to the Gods or to belief or Faith, I would like to comment that the Gods, encourage us to have a behaviour that they say has to be, if we do so we will be rewarded with a life when we die, full of happiness and eternal, if not, we will be punished in hell, burning eternally, I have thought a lot about this postulate, and of course, as a human, I cannot understand it, I find it very childish, first that it is an Eternal happiness, I have managed here on Earth, to be happy, but only for a little while, I cannot imagine a very long period of happiness, and even less, a whole life, and I cannot imagine how it can be thousands of years, or millions of light years, or to be eternally happy.

This is if we obey or comply with the criteria of the Gods, but if on the contrary we do not do so, we will be punished with the eternal fire of Hell, and this entails burning for thousands or millions of light years or eternally, all this is difficult to understand, but perhaps the one who made the first stone of the Universe, that is, the first Quark or Photon, could explain it to me better.

Well, I have made an analysis of what I believe the universe is, and within it, man, you may or may not agree with me, but this is what I believe, and if you believe that it is not so, and that I am wrong, I would really like you to contact me, and tell me your version, so that at least, we can try together, to be able to find a way to demonstrate our intention to find the truth.

I am a musician and writer, I have written a book where I describe the world I would like to live in, the book is called “Analysis for a Better World” and I have also composed 7 songs, here in this link, “Enric Music”you can listen to all the music I have composed, five of them are for my country, which is Catalonia, “Llibertat”, I composed it in 1976, the other 2 are “Estimme-se” and “Despertem se”, and it is the philosophy of my life which is “Love your neighbour as yourself”, and not war, I sing all the songs and play all the instruments.

It is not acceptable that man, who we believe is superior to the rest of the world, has that 84.4% of believers in the love of God, and that we kill ourselves with fights and wars, and that there are 24 million people who die of hunger every year, and we look to the sky instead of looking to the earth where our brothers are killing each other and starving.

Let’s put some order in this world of Predators and Gods

Summary – Extract

This whole analysis of “Who we are” can be summarized in three parts,

1) The Universe is composed of organic links, like animals, and inorganic, but they are all predators, this means that in the world where we live we have to be careful with the one we have next to us, because it is dangerous for us, because it can kill us, Predator, for me it is a diabolical word, but, it is like that, obviously, it is how our world or Universe is built.

2) The Gods, there are many, but the most important ones are, 1. Christianity 2. Judaism 3. Hinduism 4. Buddhism 5. Islam, and that 84.4% of the entire Universe believes in them, and they also seem to be predators, because they are at war with each other, and also, against others

3) Man, his intelligence, is also a very important problem, he knows that the Universe is composed of Links, and when he was like any other Link, there was no problem, but with the appearance of his intelligence, he considered that his Link was superior to the others, so now, Man is far superior to an ant, a fly, a dog, a horse, a cow, a sheep, and then he believes that he can and should kill one, or more of these that I have mentioned, it does not represent anything for him to do so, but in perspective of the Universe or World, no!, a Link is this!, a Link!, an Ant is equal to a Man, there have been and there are, still today, thousands, and millions of Men, exterminated in wars, and there are also thousands and millions of cows, pigs, sheep and ants, constantly exterminated today.

¿How can we solve these three problems? Well, I don’t know, because now we are intelligent, and it has betrayed us, and with this, we have seen that it goes against the Universe, but it is an analysis that I have personally done, and I use my principles, which paradoxically, are in favour, not of what religions or Gods do, but of what religions and Gods say or promulgate, and that is “Love your neighbour as yourself.” But we would have to analyse very well these two things, both the Depredation of the Universe, and that of the Gods.

I hope you understand everything I am explaining here, but it is not easy, but that is how I see the world, and the question continues to be the same, how small and insignificant man is, but essential like an ant, do you know now, ¿Who are we?

Enric Giné i Orengo

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Analysis for a Better World

Who are we?

1) A link in the universe

I would like to see of what I understand about the human person, what relationship does he have with the environment that surrounds him? Well, a lot, everything is related, everything has a balance and a logic, and I will tell you about it here.

If we observe ourselves, we will see what we are, simply a person, a unit, a link within our Universe, as are the cells within our body, if we look inside our organism we will see that it is covered by a skin, and that is where it all ends, but, if we take a microscope, we will see that under the skin there are some cells, and then we will see the DNAs, and, if we continue to the end, we will see the Protons and Electrons, all dancing around themselves with a fantastic balance.

All this is when we look inside our body, but, if now we look outside and make the same observation again, also with ourselves in the center, and looking up at the sky, if it is daytime we will see the Sun, if it is nighttime, we will see the Moon and the Stars and perhaps some nebula, however, this is also where it all ends, on the other hand, if now, instead of taking a microscope we take a telescope, we will see that there are more stars than we could see with the naked eye, we will see that the Moon, the Planets, the Sun and the Stars are also dancing around themselves, the planets rotating around the Sun, as if they were dancing with a balance, just as they did when we looked inside our body, when the Neutrons rotated around the Protons. It seems that there is a parallelism within the person and outside, it seems that there is a very intimate relationship, a balance, that we cannot break, I mean that we cannot remove a ring or link, like removing a planet or a star, since everything would go to an imbalance, just as you cannot remove an electron or any other link without everything involving an imbalance, this is also valid with Nature, everything is in balance and we cannot destroy a link as a species, both Plant and Animal, and when I say Animal I also include the Person, the Man, it is like breaking a link, and we cannot do that without it bringing fatal consequences.

This theory is also valid with Humanity. People, like electrons or planets, are in full contact and in balance. People are at our side, like the cells of our body and like Nature, and we must be careful to take care of them and take care of ourselves because we cannot do without them, we cannot do without any link, we must keep this in mind.

There was a Man who said: “We have learned to fly like birds, to swim like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living as brothers.” This was Martin Luther King.

This gives us something to think about, and it is that we must be in balance with our traveling companions, who are Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man. These four environments have always existed for thousands of years, and have always been in balance until the appearance of intelligent Man, with the appearance of this intelligence, we were and are all threatened with death, it is here where we must reflect for the survival of the Planet and our own.

Why should we pollute the Sea, the Ocean, the Air, the Rivers, the Earth? Why should we destroy the Forests, the Vegetation? Why should we kill the animals? Why should we kill Men? If we organize ourselves well and understand what it is all about, what balance is, this holocaust that we are making, this destruction, would no longer be necessary, because we need everything that surrounds us, Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man.

I am not religious, but there is a phrase that, besides being very popular and making a lot of sense, is in balance with the Universe, and without that phrase we are heading straight for the precipice, and this is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If it could be like that, we would be better off and we would be happier, without wars, without military, without police, in short, a good dream. Why should we love our neighbour? Is it because it is the word of God? the reason for loving or not is a question of survival, of balance, it is the Universe that is set up like this, with balance, the cells of our body are all in contact with each other and all are necessary, so one dies, others are born, some and others are always in balance, when it is not like that, the death of the system comes, that is why we must get along with the people we are living with, just like with the cells of our body, and the entire universe behaves like this, and that is how we must do it, because we cannot go against Nature, that is, the Universe.

2) History of humanity

First, let’s do a deep analysis of the world we live in to be able to answer this question! Where is our civilization now? If we can even call it civilization! Well, we are now in the same place as exactly 5000, 4000, 3000 or 2000 years ago, or in Roman times. The person as a person has not changed at all. When we refer to behaviour, we are really stagnant, but technologically there has been an important development. However, these two curves have not been parallel. The conductivity of the person has not been parallel to the technological one, which has created a spectacular gap in our civilization.

We can see here that, on our Planet, living in an environment between Plants, Nature, such as the Sea, Oceans, Air, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and Animals, among them Man, who are and are predators, in addition to Man, who has been and is an animal, who in addition to being a predator, lives isolated in his world and does not care about the well-being of other Animals or Vegetation or Nature, in addition to all this, he exploits them, just for the mere intention of taking advantage for himself, everything that can benefit him, he does not care about the result, and so it has been throughout humanity, in thousands and thousands of years, it has not changed, humanity has been and is in a state as wild as it has always been.

In order to understand this, we must analyse why we are where we are, in this wild state, and if we look back, we will see that we behave in the same way as many thousands of years ago, and my theory has been the low human intelligence, or the misuse of this, well, now I say intelligence, what is that word, since we are going to define it, I must define everything, everything that I do not understand I must define until I understand it, if not, I cannot continue, Intelligence is a word that has been given an almost intellectual treatment, we would say, and really this word is very primitive, our body does everything very primitively, but very intelligently, if not, we could not exist, the heart beats without us giving it any order, just as we breathe, we grow, in our body everything that happens is intelligent, we could also say instinctive, or Reflex, but even this is intelligent, if not, we could not live, just like intelligence (understood as a plan or a strategy in doing something), there is a concept of There are countless things in life, which may even be philosophical, but which are simply a plan or a strategy, normally on a very primitive level, and may be correct or incorrect, fortunately, the environment that surrounds us is correct, like Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, until human intelligence appeared and was used against others, because this is their worst enemy, which has been and is, and it is this human intelligence that has served to make wars, kill thousands of people and selfishly enrich themselves, him and the group of people who have helped to carry out these Abuses against the same people, where human intelligence has prospered a lot, as I have said before, it is technology that has had a spectacular advance in relation to its conduct.

How to fight against other People, against ourselves, and thus produce deaths, misery, poverty, unhappiness…?

How can we be happy when there are people in prison or in hospitals, sick people, people who have been evicted, poverty, suicides, wars, people who lose their jobs, epidemics, pandemics, people who are dying of hunger and many other things?

How can we be happy like this or be satisfied with this world, with our society, knowing all this suffering of our neighbours or our environment without us doing anything at all?

Is this the world we want? Well, this is how Man has lived since time immemorial, without caring about his neighbour and, in exchange, destroying everything around him, only interested in his well-being.

The reality is that 99% of the wealth that exists in the world is in the hands of only 1%, and there are also 24 million people in the world who die of hunger every year, and 25% are children, in addition to this, there are 850 million people who go to bed hungry every day.

On the other hand, in 2017 we have a military expenditure of 1,730,000,000,000 €. How can we allow such a huge aberration?

We have also had wars since time immemorial, wars that lasted decades and decades, slavery, rights did not exist, not even today, at least for the majority of humans. Finally, we can remember, because it is not so far away, the last times of the First World War in 1914, the Second in 1940, the Spanish War in 1936, the Vietnam War, the Balkan War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and lately the Syrian War.

3) Definition of Environment

Now, after knowing that we are only an insignificant but important link in the Universe, and the importance of taking care of ourselves, since we are part of the environment, and that we are all the ones who live here, now is when we can define all this as the Environment.

I want to try to make a reasoning to analyse what we can do to straighten out the current human behaviour to get out of that terrible variable that has led us to the environmental and human extermination of our planet.

First and foremost, I would like to make an analysis, how they are constituted and what are the laws that govern them, and it is that here on our planet we live in an environment in which all the activity takes place such as Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man. Now I am going to define in order to make it easier what the Environment is.

Well, the Environment is this, there where we live, that is, it is Nature, and what is Nature?

1) Nature is the Seas, Oceans, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Air and Land.

2) Vegetation, which is made up of trees, such as forests, as well as agriculture, which humans need to live.

3) Animals, including all living animals, such as birds, fish, mammals, cockroaches, ants, bacteria…, in short, all of them.

4) Man.

Summarizing, a little, the Environment is and consists of four brother elements that are:

1) Nature.

2) Vegetation.

3) Animals.

4) Man.

So, when I say Environment, I am referring to these Four Premises.

4) Parallelism of the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments were the first Human Constitution that has existed since time immemorial, and that has worked until man realized his intelligence, this was a framework, a milestone in the history of humanity, and now we must make a very important change in our conduct in order to survive, then, we must have other parameters, new Commandments, which I call Norms, and I summarize them in four.

These four Norms will be summarized in one Norm, but we must always keep the four in mind because they are our new Constitution and our reason for living, however, the Norm is a Recommendation, a regulation, because it is to give a parallel with the first Constitution, which was the one that administered, the one that commanded, from there comes the word Commandments, to command, and after this came the other Constitutions. Well, first we will reduce or simplify the Four Norms.

5) Definition of Standard

Well, let’s look at the construction of the One Commandment, or Standard, that we want to build in our society, and what we now call Standards, because Commandment comes from the word to command, and that no longer exists in our society. The first and only Standard is, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and this is identical or should have the same meaning as love the “Environment as yourself,” since the content of the latter is the same. And this is the whole essence on which we must build our society! And what is this about love the Environment as yourself?

The first impression seems to be religious, right? Love God as yourself, right? But I can assure you that is not my intention, and that it has nothing to do with religion, however, at first glance it might seem and there is a parallelism, and perhaps there is, because in love God as yourself there is a sublime expression, which leaves no doubt of any kind, well, I also see this sublime expression in love the Environment as yourself, as a sublimation, there can be no doubt that, if this is not done, the Planet will not exist.

So this expression is the maximum meaning, the sublimation that there is no way out without loving the “Environment as yourself” and as the Norm says that the Environment is Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, then we can already say “Love your Environment as yourself”, and we have to forget about “Love your neighbour as yourself”, since we are all in the Environment.

The Universe is closely linked to the Environment, since the latter is a part of a link in the Universe. On the other hand, Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, that is, the Environment, these four elements are condemned to coexist intimately because they are an inseparable part of the Environment and we cannot take out or fight, combat or annihilate any of the components that coexist with the Environment, and especially Man, but also with each of the four that make up the Environment, and of this we must be well aware before continuing. The Environment is untouchable and indissoluble, and it must be Loved, Respected, Honoured and Helped, and it is not because we must be good, it has nothing to do with Kindness, it has to do with survival, you can see that this postulate that I defend is very difficult, it seems that it does not make much sense, a Planet without laws, without police, without prisons, without an army, with people who do not die of hunger, with people who eat every day, without the 1% of capital that has all the capital of the rest of the 99%, and much more, how outrageous!! Wanting to make a society like this, without these Abuses, impossible, right? Well yes…, yes… That’s how it is! This is crazy, but this is what I believe, and I have been thinking for many years, since I was young, that the world we live in is cruel both for the Environment and for the person himself, who as I said is within the Environment, if we must continue or continue with this project, we must leave for a while the theory that continuing with it is blatant madness, and that it leads nowhere, only that we waste our time miserably, that is why I ask you to give it a chance, and if you do, I would ask that this analysis that I do be treated as ex cathedra, until the end of this analysis, if not, it is almost impossible to continue, well, then, do an Initialization and forget about everything.

And as I have said before, when I say “Environment” I am referring to these Four Premises. So, it is obvious what Environment is, and I repeat it for the last time, Environment is equal to Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man.

The Four Rules

1. Love the Environment as yourself.

2. You will respect the Environment as yourself.

3. You will honour the Environment as yourself.

4. You will help the Environment as yourself.

1. You will love the Environment as yourself.

2. You will respect the Environment as yourself.

Respecting is not loving, but it is caring, defending, preserving, guarding.

3. You will honour the Environment as yourself.

Honouring is not loving, nor respecting, but praising, ennobling, exalting.

4. You will help your Environment as yourself.

Helping is not loving, respecting, or honouring, but rather helping, assisting, and assisting.

We must always keep these Four Premises in mind because without them we cannot exist as animals, as wild people or as an Environment, because until now we have not loved, respected, honoured or helped the Environment where we live, and in addition to not loving, respecting, honouring and helping, what we have done is the opposite: destroy and annihilate the Environment, and thus extend, spread, this plague against the Environment.

6) Definition of Abuse

When we want someone to do what we want them to do, this often happens if we have a privileged position in society, such as being smarter than the other, or having a higher link in the society we live in, and there are thousands of privileged links in society that are responsible for the fierce and savage Abuse that we all suffer, and this is the reason why our society has been stagnant for thousands of years.

We must carefully analyse the word Abuse, since it is the main word that has paralyzed us behaviourally through these thousands of years until today.

If we analyse the word Discriminate we will see that in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language it is written: “See the difference between two things.” This is Discriminate, and nothing more than that, it is something that fortunately we do every day, everything is different, a house, a tree, a stone…; And to discriminate is to see the difference, now, there is the word discrimination, and what does the Dictionary of the Spanish Language say? That «discrimination is the different and harmful treatment given to a person for reasons of race, sex, political ideas, religion». We have already said that to discriminate is to see the difference between two things, and it is also the case with discrimination, what happens with discrimination is that when you see the difference and you treat a person differently for reasons of race, sex, political ideas, religion, it is another thing, but before discrimination you will have discriminated if he is white, black, yellow or another color, and then you will discriminate, or you will take the appropriate conduct, under what you believe is correct in your judgment, and if it exists or you have the opportunity to do so,

There are many synonyms for the word Abuse, many, for example, Discrimination, Slavery, etc., which is not having Freedom because one is under the control of another person, and this is simply Abuse, now I leave a list that I call «Thirteen Characteristics of Abuse», where Abuse usually happens.

People are not only discriminated against or abused because of the color of their skin, but because of the condition or position they are in in society, whether black or white is not important, the most important thing is whether this is allowed, because of their position in society, whether black or white or yellow, it is not important, but imagine if it were the former president of the United States, Barack Obama, he is black, he will not be discriminated against because he is black, he will be discriminated against, however, not indiscriminately, then it may be the white, yellow who must be careful about being discriminated against, if he is white and if he is allowed, all it is about is that, if the person who wants to abuse is well placed in relation to the one who intends to abuse, the condition or variables can be very different, such as smart, etc. So, what you have to be careful about is whether he is superior to him or is smarter, and with this hierarchy that I am talking about, it can also be abused or discriminated against whether he is black or white, for example, if he is a smart politician and uses all the possibilities, as a smart person does, or smarter than those who address him, or if his position in society or at work is better, or he is above those who are below.

This hierarchical position that I spoke about before will make this person, being in a higher degree in society than the one who is below, give him greater superiority, and will make this person always be able to take advantage of the one who is below, because he can do it, and that is Abuse.

What characteristics are the most notable for these Abuses to take place? Well, there are many. Today our societies are very different, since we have from very poor societies to very rich societies, well, economically speaking!, but the essence of the issue is the same, for the poor and the rich, what it is about is the Abuse of one person towards another, and of course the classic discrimination that we all know is also protected by law, however, Abuse is usually not.

The most common group characteristics where these Abuses are usually inflicted are thirteen:

1) Money.

2) Races.

3) Sex or gender.

4) Political ideas.

5) Religions.

6) Cultures.

7) Refugees.

8) Immigrants.

9) Social hierarchy.

10) Degree of education, teaching or illiteracy, school or university training.

11) Smart, perceptive, cunning, intelligent, ingenious, skillful.

12) Physical appearance, handicap, beauty, ugliness.

13) Age.

1) Money is many things, one, Money itself, another, a political or social system, Capitalism, another could be Communism, and lately Socialism, I could also mention more, but these seem to be the ones that have influenced our society the most. We will leave the Religious in a section and we will talk about it later, all of them can be abusive, in capitalism, as its name suggests, it is capital that is above everything, with it you can do almost everything, in Communism, jokingly, as the word says, everything should be shared among the partners that make it up, but it is not always like that, this group that is on top and controls the system is usually relatively very small, they are the ones who share the cake, and also, just like in Capitalism, those who have the important jobs and political positions do not necessarily abuse, but there are more possibilities that they do.

2) Race. Here it may be a bit contradictory, because it seems that whites abuse blacks, and it is also true that this is usually the case, however, there are situations in which it is not, in which it can be the other way around, that a foreman or a boss is black and he can abuse a white, however, it is clear that white societies are economically superior to others, but within these there is also a very high percentage of people who live in poverty, and Abuse is also very high, only if one of the Thirteen Characteristics takes place, then it is Abuse, however, we must be careful that this does not happen, normally racial Abuse is a taboo, but then, why does it exist? because when man discriminates he does not do it because he is black or white, he does it and has always done it, the problem lies in the black community that has less privileges than whites, however, it is not necessary to look at the colour of the skin, but at the origins of slavery, Abuse came into force when man began to believe that he was intelligent.

3) Sex. There is no big problem here either, also like the previous one it could be classified as Abuse, both sexual and gender-based, the Man who seduces or rapes, or pretends a relationship without the consent of the other person, but it could also be that a woman seduces a man to take advantage of him, then it is also Abuse.

4) Political Ideas. Also like the previous one, a classic.

5) Religion. Also like the previous one, a classic, religion forces one to be within a direction.

6) Cultural. Well, here things get a little complicated, because culture is many things, and they are very different from each other, including Religion, Muslim Cultures, Orthodox Cultures, Christian, Protestant, Tibetan, etc., but the thread of the issue is not religious, but cultural, that some cultures are not as developed as others or perhaps more modernized, or above all minority cultures that are within other cultures can make someone take advantage of this issue, we have an example, the German Republic, where 30 years ago there were two Germanys, the East and the West, where there was a lot of difference between them both culturally and economically, and that existence still continues, and now it is a single nation, a single republic, or Catalonia, a culture that is within Spain, and it is this that forces and determines what direction it has to take, or the Kurds, who do not even have a country, and live scattered among three countries, or others

7) Refugees. This group is very vulnerable to discrimination, since they almost never have any rights and must resort to what they can.

8) Immigrants. This group is also very vulnerable, also due to circumstances; like refugees, they have no rights.

9) Social hierarchy. In all societies there are very well-defined social strata, including economic ones, which are also closely related to cultural ones, these also have a very important weight when it comes to positioning oneself in an Abuse, social hierarchies are very extensive, for example, today’s jobs are formed by a hierarchy that goes from top to bottom, and this is in all our society and in all other societies, and it is here where many Abuses occur, in addition to groups, gypsies, etc.

10) Education level, teaching or illiteracy, school or university training, this could be included with 11) Clever, but here it is better defined, depending on whether a person is more cultured, who has a school education, he will almost always have a superiority over a person who is not or who is illiterate.

11) Clever, perceptive, cunning, intelligent, resourceful, skilful… here it could also be confused with 10) Education level or training, but this function is not always linked to education or educational training, a clever or intelligent person could easily abuse a person with a limited capacity.

12) The physical, ugliness, beauty, handicap… this has a clearly very high importance when dealing with a behaviour that may lead to Abuse.

13) Age. Man can take advantage of a boy, girl, or an older person.

7) Abolition of Abuse

One of the countless tendencies that we have had and have in society today, and throughout humanity, is and has been the instinct, predilection for man to do or behave in a specific way in society, and if he was not, or is not, he was punished or is punished, this specific way of conduct was and is among others the following, the Ten Commandments, Religion, Laws, Ordinances, Mandates, Edicts, etc. I believe that it is not like this, or it should not be like this, how a country should be built, with laws, etc., because laws must be complied with, and, if not, they are punished, and punishment is an abuse, even if a person has committed an abuse, and to commit an abuse it is not necessary to punish, if the Abuse is abolished, then it does not exist, Abuse, even if you do something you should not do, is the main reason why we are still in such a wild and primitive state, as we still live in a world of laws, these must be abolished and replaced by Norms, Rules, and this entails a new education based on the mutual principles of coexistence, in this world in which we live, what I write here is a Sacrilege, because in a modern country, it is with the laws that a society is built, but we have already seen that in the analysis it seems that it is not like this, yes, I know that this approach does not seem very reasonable, sensible, sane today, perhaps it sounds like blasphemy, However, there is no other way out, we have already seen that the world we live in is horrible for most humans, and we cannot continue like this, as I have said before, there must be a Reset, and start again, and the way to do it is with the analysis that I make: “A country without laws, without police, without army, without judges, without that 1% that has all the capital of the rest of the 99%, a country like that today is an outrage.” It is not that it is a utopia, it is impossible to achieve.

So, we have two possibilities, one is bankruptcy, which is the current one, and the other is this Utopian one, both unrealizable, if we want to continue, we must give it a chance, we know that the current one does not work, so we have no other chance, and the only thing we have is to continue with this still Utopian one, which seems unrealizable, but, if not, the only possibility is to get out and continue with the current one until the disaster, which began a long time ago, as you can see, this postulate that I defend is very difficult, it seems that it does not make much sense, a Planet without laws, without police, without prisons, without an army, with people who do not die of hunger, with people who eat every day, without the 1% of capital that has all the capital of the rest of the 99%, and much more, how barbaric! Wanting to make a society like this, without these Abuses, that yes…, yes… That’s it! This is crazy, however, this is what I believe, and I have been thinking for many years, since I was young, that the world we live in is cruel both for the Environment and for the person himself, who as I said is within the Environment, if we must continue or continue with this project, we must leave for a while the theory that continuing with it is a crazy madness that leads nowhere, only that we waste our time miserably, that is why I ask you to give it a chance, and if that is what you do, I would ask that this analysis that I do be treated as ex cathedra, until the end of this analysis, if not, it is almost impossible to continue. Well, then, put the Reset and forget everything.

8) Is democracy at the limit of its survival?

Yes, I think so, democracy is already very old and has already played its role in society, historically all forms of control of society have not been rigid, but on the contrary very flexible, and have been changed or corrected according to needs, so, for example, we had feudalism, and then capitalism was a very logical and important reaction in its time, communism was also a logical reaction to a situation of oppression.

All these forms of control have been necessary for the development of society, but they have aged and in the end have become a burden for society itself. Humanity, however, has the gift of survival, and this gift is as strong or stronger than the gift of sexuality. These are the most important gifts that human beings have and those that make us think and develop in our society. No static culture, even the Islamic world, which is now on standby in this specific aspect, is very active in its religious and ideological expansion. But it seems to me that we are already reaching the end of our form of government, democracy, and autocracies, or other forms of government, have already done what they should have done. In our society they are stagnant, they are going backwards and survival is on alert. Our world is nervous and seems to want something else. The problem is really complex, but the control of society is also complex. This control is carried out by people who have great power over their partners, politicians, capital and also the media, who have the capacity to change many things. Sometimes they want to change their own ideas. change certain controls, not so that they are convenient for society, but because they are convenient for politicians and not for those controlled, democracy, furthermore, is controlled with 51 votes in favour and represses the remaining 49, this is pure democracy, I will not go on any longer so as not to bore you, well, if we have neither monarchy nor republic nor federalism nor democracy, what do we want to have? Anarchy? No! I will tell you now, I am now quite old, and when I was eighteen I was already thinking about these forms of government that I am now writing about, simply forms of government, at that time Franco was in power, I have always been enthusiastic about the way people organize themselves, I saw that the different forms of government were stupid, since, with the variety, plurality and wealth of ideas that people have, they still fail just because several people decide our destiny, social and economic, I have lived almost 40 years in Denmark and democracy there worked well, because I came from a country with a very cruel dictatorship, at first it was a very strong shock for me, because it was when Danish democracy was living its best moment and the citizen was the centre of the government’s concerns, but things change too, even in the Nordic countries, either because a few men must decide our destinies or because we cannot decide how the society we want should be, however, we as individuals do not have the experience to make schools, hospitals, road networks…, do we know what needs we have? Society is very complex, can we really do it? Yes, we can, and I will explain this later. However, I wanted to say that politicians cannot do it for two reasons: first, because they have other interests that have nothing to do with the well-being of society, but with their own; and second, because they are showing that they do not know how to do it. So, what is a viable solution? I propose a new society, where instead of politicians, who are the ones who organize society, it should be the professionals, who, all united through a kind of Guilds, should be responsible for organizing each and every one of them, for example, doctors, nurses, porters, even hospital employees are the ones who should organize health care, and so on all the existing professional branches or what we can call Guilds, this as you can see is very logical, but it is also complicated, complex and difficult, and it is not a job for one person, however, the idea is that they should involve and organize those who have the capacity to do so, for example, a doctor will not be able to plan how to build a building or construct a road, right? In this plan that I propose, as it is difficult to plan, it would be very convenient to involve people capable of doing it, even universities, professional organizations, in short, the volume of this project is incalculable.

Look, when we are sick, we go to the doctor, when we have to build a house, we go to see an architect, when we have to do an electrical installation, we go to an electrician…, there is no need to elaborate further, well, here is the essence of the matter, the one who has knowledge of the different issues is the one who should do things, it is logical, isn’t it? it is very simple, the simple things are the ones that work well. We have a society and we want it to develop and function well, so we must look at how this society should develop. There is a medical college, this means that all the doctors in the Region, I don’t say in the Country, because the Country disappears and gives way to the Region, could form part of a network, and this network could be the Medical Guild of the aforementioned Region. These people are the ones who should control the Health of the Region, because they are the most appropriate for this. Guild is the key word, but not in the old sense of the term, in which a few people had control. The new Guild that I want should be formed by the whole pyramid, from the base to the top. This is possible today with information technology. Well, that is the idea. This should be done with all the scientific, technical, cultural, professional branches, etc., in order to have a true development in the Cultures or Regions. In other words, each Guild or profession should be represented and it will be very important in the Society, which will be built step by step with all the possible guilds that exist. In society, it is like building a house from the foundation, which is the Region, and there will be Pylons rising up for each guild that exists in the Region, and these Pylons will support the platform of the First floor, which is the representation of all the guilds or professions, grouped in Columns or Pylons, I explain this because in society there are some guilds, or professionals, who are the ones that support and work in society, for example, doctors, teachers, architects, bricklayers, electricians, physicists, chemists, garbage collectors, etc., well, many, all the professions that exist in society, and these are the most suitable for them to organize themselves, right? It shouldn’t be a politician, right? But, well, that’s not all, because there are hospitals, roads, trains, highways, town halls… well, the first floor of the house, that is, the Columns or Pylons that I call them, are already defined, and they are the existing guilds, and there should not be any Guild that is left out, all must have their column or pylon, which goes from the foundation to the first floor, well, each guild must have a small group, which will administratively represent their guild on the first floor, this small group of guilds will be a new Pylon that will go from the first floor to the second, but here on the first floor, different Guilds that will be closely related to them may join, for example, a group called for example Health, this group may, or may be the guilds that have a close contact or relationship for example, Doctors, Pharmacists, Pharmacies, another group on the second floor Transport, this may include, Trains, Planes, Trucks, Cars, Highways, in short, everything that is related to the group that wants to be formed, and here will be all the administrative representatives of all the unions, and this must defend the interests of its respective union on the second floor, since the second floor is already starting to be a little more complicated, because here the problem is that the Columns or Pylons must be negotiated and intercommunicated between them, and here the administrative number will be much smaller, but it must represent the entire first floor and negotiate with the other representatives of the second floor, in addition, they will have to agree, because now other Columns or Pylons must come out that must build the third floor, and these Pylons will be significantly reduced on the third floor, since on the third is where decisions begin to be made not for the lower floors, because these are indigenous, but the third floor will be something like what we call today the ministry, the group will have been considerably reduced, and from the Third to the Fourth Pylon, here will be the decision-making dome, the fourth floor would be like what we could call the Government today, the most important thing is that in The first floor cannot be without any profession or guild existing in society, all this that I tell is an idea, a utopia that needs a monstrous work team, and also needs a tremendous amount of professional and university people to be able to carry out this work, if not, it is impossible, the third and fourth floors will be the ones that society will see the most, because they will be the most visible Pylons for the community, such as hospitals, highways, transportation, livestock, agriculture, education, power stations, pollution…, in short, all the Columns that come out from the second floor to the third, I don’t want to say that it will be almost political, because this word is ugly for me, but it must be transversal, since from the third floor only Columns will come out that will collect the final result, on the fourth floor there would only be a very small group, which we could say would be people who would communicate with the outside world, well, all this is a utopian idea, and as an idea it is a starting point that should be discussed and polished a lot, and surely change many things, this utopia should be studied and technically outlined, different departments from all over the university world and the unions could improve this idea so that a well-made child can be born and thus be able to bury our old Democracy. The transversely of the floors is the most important piece of all, talking, intercommunicating, from column to column and from floor to floor.

9) Goodness and Evil

Being in balance with the Universe, with everything that surrounds us, like Man, with Animals, with Nature, that is, loving, all this is called Goodness, and, if we do not do it, it is called Evil, and evil is the Abuse that we do to Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, we also have and must say no to the violations of the Thirteen Characteristics, and yes, to the Goodness of loving Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, because this is our only survival, if we take into account these four first fruits, and we persevere in them, and we love them as we love ourselves, the problem would be over, and also the Abuses, and we could begin to progress as people with the four brothers, which are Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, and get out of that wild state in which we find ourselves. If not, I see it very bad, we only have that way out, and it is an exit of survival and happiness.

I would like to define what goodness is for me by describing an experience I had when I was a child. My family was well-positioned in society, and it was customary at that time for people in need to ask for alms and come to the doors of people’s houses. My grandmother often went out to open the door, and when it was a person who asked for alms, sometimes she gave it to them and sometimes she didn’t. One day there was a knock at the door and I went out. I was a child, and I saw an old lady who was asking me for alms. I pushed her away and in a bad way. Well, that night I couldn’t sleep and I swore that I would never do it again.

The experience of this episode, and not just because I did something bad, haunted me all my life and forced me to do good things, because I couldn’t do bad things, not because I was good, but because when I did something bad my body rejected it and I had a bad time. The conclusion was to do good things and not feel bad, this was pure selfishness, because doing good for not feeling bad is not Goodness, and what is this about Goodness or Evil? Here is the essence of the matter.

My conclusion is that, if you do Goodness because you cannot do Evil, this has no value, as there are also many people who do evil, and it is impossible for them to do Goodness, it is a question of the physical, well, I do not want to go on too long with this because it is very extensive, my conclusion of Goodness is not my conclusion that I must do it because physically I do not feel good if I do Evil.

My version of Goodness or Evil is generally the description that I make throughout this whole analysis or Reasoning, which I make here from beginning to end, where Goodness is not a feeling, but almost an obligation.

Understanding our universe, where we live, and seeing the intimate connection between the different links, including the treatment that we must have with the close links, here is the true Goodness, we must do it! There is no alternative here but to love, it is Goodness to help, by the way, whether you like it or not, there can only be Goodness and nothing else, that is why I concluded that Goodness can only exist when none of the Thirteen Characteristics are violated.

10) Establishment of a platform or World Organization

It is necessary to create a world philanthropic organization, but it must be an international platform that plans the Strategies for Change, and must include all or the possible Cultural Regions, so that the success of the Project reaches its goal.

In addition, all organizations of world scope should also adhere to this Platform, such as, for example, NGOs, FAO, WHO, Amnesty International, ExpokNews, OECD, UNICEF, Unesco, Manos Unidas, Greenpeace, etc., in addition to all the people who wish to contribute to this help to Humanity.

The idea of ​​creating this International Platform is immense, it has enormous dimensions, an incredible difficulty, a utopia, bringing institutions from all over the world together seems like a job that cannot be done, but this whole Project that I analyse from beginning to end is also unrealizable, however, once again I leave it here, because there is no other way out, not as a solution for tomorrow, because it is unrealizable in the short term, but it is a direction to follow.

I repeat: How can we fight against other People, against ourselves, and thus produce death, misery, poverty, unhappiness? How can we be happy when there are people in prison or in hospitals, people who are sick, people who are evicted, misery, suicides, wars, people who lose their jobs, epidemics, pandemics, people who die of hunger and many other things? How can we be happy like this or be satisfied with this world or Society, knowing all this suffering of our neighbour or our environment, or ourselves, without us doing anything at all? Is this the world we want? Well, this is how man has lived since time immemorial, without caring about his neighbour, instead destroying everything around him, only interested in his own well-being.

The reality is, again, what I have said before, that the richest 1% of the world’s population has all the money of the remaining 99%, and, in addition, there are 24 million people in the world who die of hunger every year, and 25% are children, and there are 850 million people who go to bed hungry every day.

According to AllinAllSpace, in 2020 there are 30,277,850 people soldiers in the armed forces worldwide, not including paramilitary units, according to Wikipedia, the total number of armed forces personnel, including reserve military and paramilitary units, is 75,543,487 soldiers, these people produce nothing, in return, it is a huge expense, not only with the salaries that the military entail, but also everything that is contracted with them, because weapons, from heavy to very sophisticated, also heavy artillery, such as tanks, warships, airplanes, cavalry, car fleet … on the other hand, we have in 2017 a military expenditure of 1,730,000,000,000 €, which is 1,730,000,000,000 €. Now, in 2019, spending has increased to €1,910,000,000,000.

How can we allow such a huge aberration in a world of hunger, misery, wars and waste? We have also had wars since time immemorial, wars that lasted decades and decades, slavery, rights did not exist, not even today, at least for the majority of humans, finally we can remember, because they are not so far away, the last times of the First World War in 1914, the Second in 1940, the Spanish War in 1936, the Vietnam War, the Balkan War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and lately the Syrian War.

11) Urgent Priority Strategies

1. A) The first step is to have an economy to be able to start the project, and this could only be in rich countries, to agree on a minimum increase of 1% of VAT to finance this project.

1. B) Try to provide food and aid

First of all, before a social-economic balance is restored, or rather created, the first thing to do is to provide food to help stop or curb hunger; this scourge is the first priority.

1. C) A social-economic balance

Social-economic balance does not depend only on poor regions, since the problem is that they are poor and cannot get out of poverty alone, which by the way is often due to the Abuse of Rich Countries, so the solution must come from outside. 1. D) A new educational teaching

The new educational teaching can be structurally based on what exists today, infant, primary, secondary and finally university education, but there are some concepts that must be changed, first because they are the same ones that are 5000 years old, or more, and because to change society it is necessary to change these principles, those responsible for not having let us develop as people, and that is why we are still in a wild state, the principle of educational teaching is to educate the citizens of society to learn to live with their environment, which as we have said many times is Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, and this entails a total change in educational teaching, everything is an indivisible and irreplaceable unit in our Environment, and any Abuse that takes place is not that it is intolerable, it is that it goes against the survival of the Environment, and this is the first principle, the most important that educational teaching has, both infant, primary, secondary and university, without this principle there is no survival, and with this there must be change, then, all education must deal with that

12) Forms of government

We could take a look at the forms of government that have existed throughout history, but going back 12,000 years. At the beginning of the Neolithic we can see the first Government, which was the Babylonian Kingdom and began with Hammurabi, who established an autocratic Government of divine origin. In the Egyptian era, this begins its history around the year 3000 BC, when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt under a single Kingdom, having Memphis as its capital and founding the first dynasty between 650 and 800 BC. These monarchies were replaced by oligarchies of aristocrats. I do not want to go on because all I want to do is an analysis to see that all the forms of government that have existed and exist have been and are for repression and Environmental Abuse, then, we have had and continue to have the following forms of government, Autocracy, Theocracy, Monarchy, Feudalism, Republic, Communism and Democracy, and now we find ourselves, almost where we were at the beginning, in the Neolithic, because Autocracy is synonymous with a dictatorial government, which can also be religious, Theocracy is synonymous with a purely religious government, the Roman Monarchy began with the founding of ancient Rome on April 21, 753 BC. C., when Romulus took control of power, Feudalism was a social, political and economic system that predominated during the Middle Ages, more precisely from the 9th to the 15th century, and was a consequence of the Monarchy, Communism is perhaps the most modern form of government, although it has not been very successful, all these forms of government, although they have different names and want to represent other forms, in essence are completely equal, they have the same purpose, it is the same form of government, it is a group of people who exploit or abuse their citizens, and it has been that way for thousands of years, and has continued to this day, today it is called Democracy, or another name, it does not matter what it is called, but the result is the same, whatever it is called.

There was also perhaps a hope that failed, and it was with communism, since the idea was going in the right direction, but empty of content, because communism as an ideal was correct, however, nothing more, I do not want to go into much detail here, it was a modern attempt, however, it failed, and why? The answer is very easy, in 1978, in Spain we went from a Dictatorship to a Democracy from one day to the next, my first reaction was, how to build a Democratic Country without Democrats? Well, the same thing happened with communism, you cannot go from one state so different to another with a revolution or a war, only with the intention of eliminating the sources of power in order to be able to occupy the forms of government and continue the Abuses, they themselves gave their lives in that mission. There is no form of government today in which the citizen has an influence for his better coexistence in society, in Democracy the only thing you can do is vote, Democracy is to go to vote every four years, and how people live is not important, an example, in the USA, the most democratic state in the world, 25% of its population goes hungry, and the population does not even have social security, its inhabitants cannot go to the doctor if they do not have money to pay for it, in democratic countries some of its inhabitants have a stipulated minimum wage, and it is minimum if they work, if not, they do not have salaries, and there are others who do not have a maximum salary, it is a shame that a football player, as good as he may be, has had a salary of 35 million euros a year, €95,890 a day, and this form of  government is our so-called dear Democracy or Freedom, this whole set of Governments that have ruined us as human beings have impoverished us in dignity, only for some, of course, and the curious thing is the irony, the sarcasm that they have instilled in us that with Democracy we have Freedom, and that we have the best system to govern ourselves, and that we should be proud and grateful for the Freedom that we enjoy. On the other hand, Democracy is the modern form of government today, where only the word Democracy is the revelation of the best form of government, but let’s see what Democracy is, if this is or is not what the same word means, because it should be that citizens could govern themselves in their own way, however, it does not work, a government is elected and citizens believe that they will defend their interests, however, what interests?, because this is a position that is very fragile, because it does not defend anything, furthermore, if we look at all the Democratic Countries of the World, we will see, for example, that England is divided into two parts, almost the majority of all governments work like this, if we look at the USA, we will see that there is a fight between two parts, and that these are diametrically opposed,

so, what is democracy? they are opposite ideas, right and left? A recent survey in the USA indicates that many of those who choose a party do so because that party defends Christian rights, and also anti-abortion, or is against homosexuality, etc., in other words, a Theocracy, which has nothing to do with the progress of Society, but with Religion as in the old days, and this happens in all countries, there are normally these two solutions, let’s say, as we like, Conservative idea and Labour or Socialist idea, and here it all ends, and they share it out, some are in power for a few years and then they change, that is called Democracy, and that is perverse ignorance, and that has been the case for thousands of years, poor ignorant humanity, the conclusion is that Autocracy, Theocracy, Monarchy, Feudalism, Republic, Communism, Democracy, again I repeat, are different forms of government, but in essence and purpose they are exactly the same, to repress its citizens.

Where is our civilization now? If we can call it civilization… well, we are now in the same place as exactly 5000, 4000, 3000 or 2000 thousand years ago, or in Roman times, the person as a person has not changed at all, when we refer to behaviour, we are stagnant, but technologically there has been an important development, however, these two curves have not been parallel, the conductivity of the person has not been parallel with the technological, which has created a gap in civilization.

13) Creation of Cultures or Regions and political change by Professional

We will try to organize our society, we will start with this, not with the Environment or with the Norms.

The creation of countries has been the cause of wars and abuses, and has not brought any benefit to humanity, instead, desolation, misery, violation, decadence, impoverishment and destruction, and generally (it has not always been so) many countries are the result of a conquest in which the conquered country has lost its language, its wealth…, in short, its culture has been annihilated and another imposed.

The term country must be abolished. The most important thing in our society is the cultural, it is the common, it is the maternal, the customs, food, clothing, beliefs, dance, feelings and language, and, of course, also the economic, and this is inviolable, it is this premise, and not the country, which has the utmost importance, then, these are the ones that we will call Cultural Regions, which must have a vital importance in our society within the environment.

The Regions will be indigenous, sovereign and independent, but they may join with other Regions as long as it does not harm or deteriorate their own culture. This could be done for economic reasons, but always with great care for the Cultural one. The entire Planet should be organized in this way, and it would also be important to have, in addition to the mother tongue, another language to communicate with the rest of the World, that is, we should be bilingual.

We have already planned our small societies, cultures or, as I have already said, we will call them Regions, and they will be at the center of our Environment, and they will really be the Regions, and we will abolish the Countries.

Now we must conceive how the Regions should be planned, projected and organized in order to live, since we cannot continue as we have done until now, and the way in which I believe we should organize is that of change, not of territorial division, which we have already solved with the Cultural Regions, but with the political change that I will detail below.

14) Strategies for Energy Change

One of the first urgent strategies of our society is the change of energy, and first would be the change of current energy for solar energy, and one way could be the construction, in the deserts, for the world production, planning and construction of solar energy in future poor regions, and end of pollution, I say this because we have never valued the future, always the present, and when the industry is gaining strength, and energy consumption too, naturally we use the energy we had, which was hydroelectric, wind, solar, and above all oil, all very cheap, and it has worked well, but nobody has thought about the energy future, nor perhaps not even the present.

If there is one thing we have on our planet it is energy, despite man, and everything that exists on the planet is energy, we are all made up of electrons, protons… Everything is energy, the problem is that, since energy is and has been cheap, there has not been any serious research, now perhaps it will begin to be studied, another thing that I believe is a very important problem, in addition to the contamination of the planet with the use of oil, is that for many years thousands and thousands of cubic kilometres of oil have been extracted, can an estimate be made of the hole inside the planet that there is due to this extraction? All the experts talk about the pollution of the planet, but I have never had any notification from any archaeological group or from any other media denouncing that a hole of incalculable proportions is being left, and that this could cause a catastrophe of incalculable consequences, well, I’ll leave it there, we have as much energy as we want, we just have to investigate, and now we only have hydroelectric, wind, solar, and it seems that hydrogen is gaining quite a bit of strength, but the most realistic one that I think could be viable in a possible future would be solar and hydrogen. The first strategy for change would be an energy revolution in all the regions of Africa, where there is a lot of sunshine, and in as many regions as possible with deserts and a lot of sun. We should invest money to produce solar energy. This would be a profitable and green strategy for both rich and poor countries. In this way, sea water could be desalinated to supply the needs of drinking water for society as well as for agriculture. In this way, we would be able to eliminate energy from fossil fuels and thus eliminate environmental pollution. The second strategy for change would be planning and studying an entire structure for the construction of solar panels, perhaps hydroelectric power, wind power, and hydrogen combustion engines, etc., as well as technicians, engineers, workers, etc. and the best thing would be that all this is planned and built in the place where it should be built, in order to also be able to give work to people in need, it could be that, due to the lack of qualified personnel, the strategy should be changed, but the most important thing is to be able to change the curve of today, in which pollution is very serious, and on the other hand to have very cheap and clean energy, which above all should be used in the third world, and not in rich countries, although it would also be used in rich countries, because the production of solar energy is incalculable, here I give a calculation of the square kilometres that the extension has, only desert, that exists today in the world, and this could satisfy the most demanding needs of the whole world, I only speak of desert areas, which are the best for this work, but it is also not necessary to have a desert area to take advantage of solar energy, even in the Nordic countries, where there is not much sunlight, they take advantage of that energy, in addition to solar energy, we must not forget the energy produced by solar engines Hydrogen, this is an incredible source of energy that does not pollute, here are the eight most important deserts that we have, and there are many more that are on different continents, we must also take advantage of other places that, without being deserts, we can also get performance from such energy, but here we have the eight largest deserts in the world:

 Sahara Desert:        9,065,253 km².

 Arabian Desert:      2,300,000 km².

 Australian Desert:  1,371,000 km².

 Gobi Desert:            1,300,000 km².

 Kalahari Desert:        930,000 km².

 Patagonian Desert:    670,000 km².

 Syrian Desert:            409,000 km².

 Chihuahua Desert:     362,600 km².

Total: 16,407,853 km².

Here below you can see that I compare the extension of the deserts with the extension of some countries or continents, to compare in an easier way the enormous extension of the deserts, the usable desert area for the production of solar energy is approximately the area that Europe has plus that of China or Russia, the desert space is a space that does not produce anything at present and that could produce solar energy and thus convert it into hydraulic energy, very necessary for agriculture, thus contributing to irrigation, the energy produced by the sun could be used to desalinate sea water and, in addition, produce energy for everyone.

 Russia:  17,098,242 km².

 Europe: 10,180,000 km².

 China:     9,596,960 km².

Russia, Europe and China: 36,875,202 km².

The third strategy for change would be an intensive production of the Electrification of the Automotive Industry throughout the world, both in public transport such as trucks, cars, motorcycles, trains, buses, airplanes, all mobility must be electric or hydrogen, and the energy must be hydraulic, wind, solar, but not atomic or fossil, the source of energy must not pollute, and here it would also be very important that all these productions that are not produced today in rich countries were advantages, primacies, privileges, so that poor countries could revive their non-existent economy, and thus provide jobs without damaging that of the rich.

The fourth strategy for change would be to build a small local industry for the construction and repair of vehicles, tools and other utensils for agriculture.

The fifth strategy for change would be to create a self-administrative government for each region, and thus create their respective autonomous forms of administration, to regulate the culture and the local economy with all its consequences.

The Sixth Strategy for Change would not be in poor countries, but in rich ones, and in order not to arouse opposition, these should be minimized in rich countries for it to be successful, and that would be to raise VAT by only 1% worldwide, to be able to amortize the expenses for poor countries. 1% would be and is a very soft movement in the economy of rich countries, but it would be a very important amount when it is at a global level.

The Seventh Strategy for Change, the Banks; these are today a very relevant institution and tool in our Region, because they are the ones who have the Region’s money, and they are the ones who distribute it according to demand and under an interest rate. The money does not belong to the banks, but they distribute it under a stipulated payment. The banks cannot be abolished, because the money does not belong to them, it belongs to society or the Region, however, they could contribute to our project with a low interest rate.

Eighth strategy of change, the Gasoline Companies and the Electricity Companies, these, are condemned to disappear, since the energy of oil also disappears, and their days are numbered, however, a very attractive, seductive strategy, for the survival of the companies would be a reconversion of oil and electricity to an aid to the electrification of solar energy, they could build, plan and construct all the world’s electrification and, like the strategy of the Banks, a very important aid for our Project.

These Eight Strategies are the core of the change of our society, and as can be seen they have a vital importance and a complexity that makes them almost impossible to achieve, only the force of survival will be able to make humanity achieve this feat never seen in our history, only we can be or not capable of this dream to be able to live and survive happily with our surroundings, which is the Environment, that is, Nature, Vegetation, Animals and, among them, Man.

15) Desert Strategy

Solar panels seem to have a standard size, and the production of these seems similar, so I put the following as a standard to try to calculate the production of these panels. A solar panel of 164 cm² x 99 cm² produces 340

W/h, a panel of 164 cm² x 99 cm² = 16,236 cm², which is the content per square.

1 m² is equal to 10,000 cm².

1 km² is equal to 10,000,000,000 cm².

1 km² is equal to 1,000,000 m².

So, if 1 km² contains 10,000,000,000 cm², and we divide by 16,232 cm², we see that 1 km² contains 615,915 panels giving 340 W/h of energy, and we know how much energy per hour 1 km² will give us, which is 209,411,185 W/h, or 209,411 kW/h.

Now we know roughly that 1 km² produces 209,411 kW/h. So, 16,407,853 km² multiplied by 209,411 equals 3,435,984,904,583 kW/h. Well, if we are brave, and we are, we can conclude that if this analysis is correct, with the surface area of ​​the current deserts, which produce nothing, 3,435,984,904,583 kW/h could be produced; the amount of energy consumed in the world annually is approximately 85 trillion (85,000,000,000,000) kW/h.

This is what can be measured, that is, the energy that is bought, sold or traded, 85,000,000,000,000 kW, divided by 1000, to remove zeros, equals 1000 = 85,000,000,000 MW, divided by 365 days equals 365 = 232,876,712 MW/day, divided by 24 hours = 9,703,196 MWh. That is, the current consumption per day and per hour is 232,876,712 MW/day, and per hour is 9,703,196 MWh, the current consumption, 9,703,196 MWh. A panel of 164 cm² x 99 cm² is equal to 16,236 cm², which is the content per square, so

1 km² is equal to 1,000,000 m².

1 m2 has 10,000 cm².

1 km² contains 10,000,000,000 cm².

1 km² contains 615,915 panels, which give 340 W/h.

1 km² with 615,915 340 W/h panels equals 209,411,100 W.

1 km² produces 209,411 kW.

All deserts in the world: 16,407,853 km².

One km² produces 209,411 kW. With the current existing panels, the result will be as follows.

So, with all deserts, multiplied by 209,411 kW equals 3,435,984,904,583 kW/h. It equals 3,435,984,904 MW. It equals 3,435,984 GW. It equals 3,435 TW.

There is currently a consumption of 9,703,196 MWh.

With all the deserts in the world, 3,435,984,904 MW.

This difference is huge, since it is not double or triple, but it is 354 times the completely clean energy consumption that is currently consumed worldwide.

Now I want to calculate the green energy that we should produce from current deserts to cover only what is currently consumed worldwide, that is, the current consumption of 9,703,196 MW.

To calculate this, we can do it very easily with a rule of three, that is, if we produce 3,435,984,904 MW with 16,407,853 km², then, how many km² do we need to produce the current consumption of the entire world, which is 9,703,196 MW? The rule of three says that 16,407,853 x 9,703,196 = 159,208,613,598,188 / 3,435,984,904 = 46,335 km², and this is the result.

We have 16,407,853 km², a little more than 16 million km², but we only need 46,335 km² to cover all the energy production in the whole world, and completely green, without polluting, and completely free to produce. Furthermore, taking into account the smallest desert in the world of the eight deserts that I present here, which is the Chihuahua desert, which is in the south of the USA, and which, according to me, is 362,600 km², but according to Wikipedia it is 450,000 km², we would only need 10% of Chihuahua to cover the energy needs of the whole world, because with all the deserts, which are 16,407,853 km², we would only need 46,335 km². Insignificant, right?

How shameful that we humans destroy our environment by enriching some and impoverishing those where we live, without anyone raising their voice or rebelling. We are blind and ignorant. All this information that I give here I have tried to make it as true and reliable as possible, but perhaps it is not so. If it is not and someone could correct me, I would really like to be contacted so that I can correct it and put the correct data, since we are all the ones who must build a better world.

I am just one more in the link that we all are, and it depends on all of us how we will build our world, which I hope will not be the current one. So we have to think differently, and I have no doubt that we will do so and we will survive.

16) Biological Pleasure

It is known to all, since time immemorial, that the person has five senses, smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing, but this is not entirely true, because the senses are many things, for example, we feel sadness, cold and an infinity of other things, but I will not go on too long because what is at stake here is to give the ideas of what I think, and then, if you want, you can develop this idea, well, let’s leave it as it was, but with one more sense, which is that of pleasure. What is pleasure? Well, what we call today sexual pleasure, which for To me, the term sexual sounds horrible, so the five senses will become six senses: smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing, and pleasure. I’m not going to talk about the five senses, but I will talk about the new one, the sixth, pleasure, and only this one, and it’s because this one has marked a milestone throughout humanity since its beginning of existence until our times, and the strength of this sense has been impeccable, unbreakable, unalterable, static, and monolithic. The principle of this sense is the survival of the species, and in this aspect there are no doubts and not much to discuss, because we already know what it is, but there are infinite facets, as with the other senses, that humanity has experienced this pleasure since time immemorial, and also until today, pleasure has been a taboo, and humanity has behaved in a very stable and monolithic way. Pleasure has two sides, the one responsible for the existence of this which involves the survival of the species, and the other side is, like another of the six senses, the pleasure of taste, sight, hearing, smell, touch and pleasure, all these senses can be good or less good, but, when pleasure becomes Sex, it is here where I have to give an explanation of what I understand by Sex, Pleasure is one more sense, and this cannot be harmful, but what I call Sex is harmful, because throughout the history of humanity it has been distorted, sex has always been a property of a person, and it has been so for thousands of years, Sex is and has been a myth, Sex, unlike the other senses, is a myth, which is something that is not spoken of either in public or in the family, talking about it is a shame, even until recently children came with the stork, well, not Pleasure, but what I call Sex is responsible for how our society has become an intolerable, harmful, damaging and dangerous compromise, this has built society in its image and likeness, which has led to a very compromised, difficult, difficult, confusing position for the good development of society, in addition, all human behavior is contaminated and built on what we call sex, and this has created what we call morality, and it is what makes us behave as we do, whether we take one conduct or another, morality will always be responsible for us having feelings of guilt, even if in reality the conduct is not punitive, but, if morality does not allow it, the feeling will be of guilt, and this is what we must solve, it is not sex that must build our existence as a society, everything I want to expose now may perhaps scandalize, however, my intention is not to scandalize, it is to change our harmful habits for a society where we all find ourselves in peace and happiness.

17) Social Pleasure, influence

What is Pleasure?

Every living species has its reproductive system for its survival, in animals the reproductive system is built or adapted with a system so that the species have more possibilities of reproduction, and this is pleasure, it has been this way for thousands of years, especially for the animal world, in the world of intelligent man it has been different, this lasted for many thousands of years.

We always have to look back at our history to be able to analyse our behaviour, and so we will do, at the beginning of humanity (when Eve gave the apple to Adam), that is, when Man was the one who ruled the family, because it was him, and he was the one who provided for the family, he was the highest authority, and he was the one who did what he wanted with the family, and everything that concerned the family was his untouchable property and only he decided the future of his property, woman has always been a man’s property, as well as all his goods, and woman was untouchable for all those who were not precisely the owner, and so it has been, throughout our history, helped by religions, by rulers, regimes, tribes, clans, who in those, protected property, just as now, today, in the so-called Eastern countries, the role of women is not the same as before, but we are still very far from man-woman equality, however, this is not what I want to talk about, it is about the sixth sense, the pleasure, and that is closely connected to history, well, as we see, pleasure was restricted to the individual sphere, between two people, in intimacy, in solitude and without an audience, the reproductive parts were called genitals, they were hidden or concealed, and this is still the case, in any case, they were not shown in public, and, if this happened, the person was ashamed.

That’s when the Taboo was created, showing your ears, you’re not ashamed, right? And I’m not even talking about doing acts that we call sexual, I mean acts of pleasure, in public, right? All of this is conditioned by a culture, and at the same time a Morality, a burden of many, many thousands of years, and that has conditioned us to the current behavior, and I, as I usually say, don’t want to, and it’s not my intention to go into depth and length on that subject, I’ll leave it here, because, if others think it’s convenient to go into depth, well, here it is, it’s not about living a life of covens or sexual orgies, but the opposite, to release sex and put it at an acceptable level that doesn’t disturb normal human behaviour.

What happens with the sixth sense, Pleasure? This is fortunately everywhere, the problem is that we have not assimilated it, we have not understood it, pleasure cannot be bad,

but from the beginning of our human intelligence we have confused, distorted, complicated, wrapped up and falsified pleasure. How is it possible that a pleasure entails complicated behaviours? Only fantasy sets the limit, man has distorted, entangled pleasure, because pleasure is one more sense, like smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing, and with these we have not entangled them as much as pleasure… What the hell has happened to pleasure? And there is the Taboo.

Here is also the essence of the matter, it is clear that it has an origin, but it is not my intention to go into this, we have problems with young people, when at the age of puberty they want to find a partner and experience pleasure, since they are full of pleasure, they go to discos and fill themselves with alcohol or perhaps drugs, because in this way they are much better prepared, not perhaps for pleasure, but for communication, if they do not do it this way, it is because they have not been taught by their parents or at school how to do it, and this is how it works today, girls use provocative fashionable clothes, and make-up and groomed to the maximum so that the hunt is effective, this causes many problems, one of them is that it takes place in a very artificial scenario, in which the only thing that is wanted is not contact, but beauty, and a pleasure that in my opinion is fraudulent, in addition, it can cause unwanted consequences, young people should not have problems with pleasure, but as it is a taboo, then it is, communication between young people is good, but in the communication of pleasure or sexual, here yes There is a distortion, and a harmful one at that, because in order to have a sexual relationship, they must be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and this is a distorted effect. In addition, first-time unions normally contribute to a bond, a sentimental obligation that causes these people to be affected by this behaviour, and this is completely unacceptable.

Communication between young people, and non-young people, that may involve a behaviour of Pleasure should not involve this, a sentimental obligation, but rather a communication between them, and so, if this leads in the future to a taking of behaviours that may lead to a closer sentimental relationship, then much better, here is the benefit of communication. I do not want to dwell too much on this subject either, because it is very extensive, but school education is a very good measure to take and completely necessary, but it is a reality that intimate contact is necessary in youth so that they can experience both pleasure and experience how young people fit together to form in the present or future within society; this is non-existent today.

First, let’s analyse the sixth sense, Pleasure, what is this? As I said, pleasure is the sixth sense, and it has a vital importance, first, it is responsible for the survival of the species, and second, it is a source of Pleasure, they are two different things, but throughout history they have been united with the result that it is not a sense, but Sex, to everything related to that sense, sexual organ, sexuality, eroticism, even love, pleasure, is a sense that due to the functionality that has been given to it of procreation contracts a particular  a characteristic to take into account and that also brings us problems, and that is that it is a sense whose property is appetizing if it has been created that way, pleasure or, as it is called today, sex is like hunger, when you have not eaten for a long time, you are hungry, and when you have finished eating, you are no longer hungry, because that is how Pleasure behaves. We have analysed the source almost biologically, now we will do it socially, and here it is more complicated, because by influencing man, and when I say “man” I naturally include woman, he or she distorts everything to get the best benefit from it, but the reality has been that he has abused pleasure, he has transformed it into something bad, unworthy, he has changed pleasure for sex within society, because he has not understood what pleasure is, and for that reason he has distorted it, and in this way he has distorted the society in which he lives, today sex is not only present in society, the problem is that it is contaminating, changing, enhancing to an undesirable limit, where society is saturated by this sense, since whoever lives there behaves in a special way, if we look at the behavior of people, we will see that the whole society revolves around and deals with sex, not pleasure, young people go after sex, as if possessed, women try to wear clothes that, in addition to being very uncomfortable, tight to the body, painted exaggeratedly, and with high heels, not suitable for walking and that destroy the feet, they know it, but they do it despite the fact that it goes against their health, and all to be sexier, families have disintegrated as we will see below, a pornography industry has been created (I believe that pornography does not have to exist, because it is fraudulent and distorts, it has nothing to do with pleasure), we see rapes, persecutions, in short, countless sexist actions in our society that go against pleasure, it is saturated with sexism, which does not allow us to develop as intelligent people, but a fictitious world has been created where it is mistakenly thought that the construction of this society is erroneous, and I will not expand on this either, but it is clear that sex, as it is understood today, is a scourge that contaminates, distorts and harms our most essential principles of coexistence, and it has also created something that we call Morality, and it is the content of all these distorted, fraudulent, lying and false behaviors. Pleasure is the same as the other senses that have been attributed to us for our survival and for our better development in our environment. It makes it easier for us to live in our environment, but when it comes to pleasure we must know it and study it, since it is a very important sense. The problem we have today is that we are culturally and morally contaminated and it will be very difficult to restructure this behaviour, which unfortunately we have had for thousands of years. We behave not like wild animals, but much worse.

18) Pleasure. Reset and start again

How can we change these habits and give pleasure back to our society? Well, we must also put the Reset Button to zero.

We must begin an education with parents, an education in school, and an education in society. The reproductive organs, or genitals, are hidden today (the one from Eve’s apple still works), and there is no reason for us to feel ashamed of one organ of our body, but we do not do it with others. Why do we do it with this one? Well, in part it is because it is our culture, and within the culture there is morality, and this morality is contaminated and distorted through our values ​​that have other parameters, where it says that pleasure is bad, it is shameful, in circumstances where it is not with the husband or wife, and it can only be done for reproduction purposes, and our morality has been educated with these values, neither parents nor children should hide, and neither should the rest of society, it is clear that we must dress, especially when it is cold, we can have pleasure in many ways, but I will only mention three: intercourse, masturbation and caresses, all three are very legitimate and are a fantastic gift that nature has given us (among other things, intercourse for human survival), intercourse should always be used when two people agree, masturbation is different, because pleasure, in addition to being pleasure, is an appetite, and according to individual need, it is necessary to use it as convenient, masturbation it is necessary, and it must be used if there is no other form of pleasure, and parents and in school should encourage it, just as intercourse should also be encouraged, because encouraging pleasure is not something bad, but necessary, especially in youth, and also in society, pleasure should be encouraged, first to reduce appetite to a normal level of relaxation, currently, there is a great burden of sexuality, enhancing, glorified, exalting, by a series of daily behaviours that make these sexual burdens can modify our behaviour in a dangerous way, that is why we must discharge in a normal way, and this is to remove the tension because we behave normally, not like now, and the purpose would be normalization through pleasure with intercourse, masturbation and caresses, Pleasure, like the sense of Taste, is like food, we have unappetizing foods and there are very appetizing ones, right? Well, there are people who behave normally when they eat, there are those who when they eat, they do it out of gluttony, they look at the season the food to make it as appetizing as possible, so that they eat it even if they are not hungry, and they are normally obese, and they eat all day long, because that is also how Pleasure is, the more attractive or appetizing we make the pleasure, or the food, the more the possibility of committing these acts, and the purpose of these senses is not abuse, since this only creates a distortion of the body both physical and psychic, we have to eat for survival, also to enjoy food and we have to use Pleasure for survival as well, and to delight in Pleasure, both this, and Taste, we have to use it in moderation, we have to take care that they are not more appetizing, than necessary and only, to have a life, balanced, and without distortion, we have to have sanity, balance it and balance it, moderation would be the word, for a good human existence, because pleasure is something good and very healthy, but for all this we must change our current society, which is corrupted, especially by sex, Pleasure is clean, sex is not! I know that this can be scandalous today, however, we must change society to normalize this incorrectness or social error, one of the effects of this erroneous, accentuated, emphasized and enhanced sexual behaviour is the lack of means of communication, relationship and coexistence between people in society, in how they should be organized, this means has not existed, because the interesting thing has been to achieve the goal blindly, and then find the result.

Here below we will see the family, before the family had an Owner, and this was invariable, unalterable, impassive and sovereign, then, in the last century, society has changed a little, and the family has changed a lot, here below we see the current alterations of the family.

19) Family Groups

Our society, like all, is formed in groups, let’s say Families, and these can be the following:

A) Classic Family (biparental). The classic family is what we know as a typical family, that is, the family formed by a father, a mother and their children. Societies generally encourage their members to form this type of family.

B) Single-parent family. The single-parent family consists of only one of the parents taking care of the family unit, and therefore of educating the children. Normally it is the mother who stays with the children, although there are also cases in which the children stay with their father. When only one of the parents takes care of the family, it can become a very large burden, so they usually require help from other close relatives, such as their children’s grandparents. The causes of the formation of this type of family can be a divorce, being a premature mother, widowhood, etc.

C) Adoptive family. This type of family, the adoptive family, refers to parents who adopt a child. Although they are not the biological parents, they can play a great role as educators, equivalent to that of the biological parents in all aspects.

D) Childless families. This type of family, childless families, is characterized by not having descendants. Sometimes, the parents’ inability to procreate leads them to adopt a child. In any case, we can perfectly imagine a family unit in which, for one reason or another, they did not want or were not able to have children. We must not forget that what defines a family is not the presence or absence of children.

E) Blended family. This family is characterized by being made up of several classic families, the most common cause being that other families have been formed after the breakup of a couple, and the child, in addition to living with his mother and her partner, also has the family of his father and his partner, and may have half-siblings. This is a type of family that is more common in rural environments than in urban ones, especially in contexts where there is poverty.

F) Homoparental Family. This type of family, single-parent, is characterized by having two fathers (or mothers) who adopt a child. There may also be single-parent families made up of two mothers, obviously, although this possibility raises a wide social debate, studies have shown that children of homoparental fathers or mothers have a normal psychological and emotional development, as explained in this APA report.

G) Collective Family. This type of family is, as the word says, several families living in the same building or complex where the facilities such as bedrooms can be individual, but almost all kitchens, toilets, living rooms, that is, the facilities will be common for everything, these existing forms of Family are those that exist today in our society, the family as a Classic Family (biparental) still exists, but, as we can see, it is in development, for better or worse, however, Families are not static, and we have not yet seen how they are going to develop, but we see that there is an indication, and it is that it seems that the family, as we know it, has a tendency to change.

20) Environmental Strategies

Here I repeat what I have written before 11) Urgent Priority Strategies, but in much more summary, perhaps I am a bit heavy, we have repeated things that I have already written, however, there are things that are very important to me and I want them to be very clear, and these 24 points or chapters must be taken into account if we want to change this world for a better one, and they are these:

1) Definition of Environment. The Environment is the Universe, and this is the place where, among many things, we live or coexist with Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, and that is why we must respect it, because the Environment is ourselves, all of us.

2) Definition of Standard. First and only Standard: Love your Environment as yourself, this is the essence and the main reason for Society, because what we want to build is within the Environment, and we must love it, protect it and defend it, because the Environment is oneself, and the consequence is that loving the environment is loving oneself.

3) Abolition of abuse in the Environment. The abolition of abuse in our society is the first principle, or premise, that we must keep in mind. With Abuse there is no survival. It is the most important premise that exists for our continuity.

4) Creation of Cultures or Regions. All existing Countries disappear as such and are grouped under the influence of language, culture, customs, food, clothing, beliefs, dance and feelings, and they go from being Countries, which are abolished, to being Regions.

5) Change of Politicians by Guilds. The Abolition of Politicians, who are replaced by a national professional organization, Professional Guilds, which are those that must organize, plan and govern in the Regions, and these are sovereign, they are those that were previously called Countries today.

6) Creation of an administrative self-government where professional organizations or Guilds will begin to try to put the Region in motion.

7) Abolition of current laws by the Norms. All laws, decrees, edicts or mandates must be abolished, only Recommendations must be respected, whose source would be the Norm.

8) Try to give food to those who die of hunger. One of the first priorities that should be taken would be to feed people who die of hunger, today we have 24 million people who die of hunger every year, 25% are children, and there are also 850 million people who suffer from hunger, in turn, the socioeconomic imbalance suffered by the world population should be levelled.

9) There must be consensus for an operation of this magnitude, and a thorough global planning by and from all over the World, experts, specialists, economists, sociologists, philosophers… are needed, a very important group of experts who can manage this important project.

10) Contact all philanthropic organizations around the world, such as NGOs, FAO, WHO, Amnesty International, ExpokNews, OECD, UNICEF, UNESCO, Manos Unidas, Greenpeace and many more.

11) Teaching about what the Environment is, and also the priorities that we must learn, and know what it is, where we live, and the relationship we have with the Environment, and we must learn the meaning and what it represents for our survival here on the Planet.

12) Radical change to solar energy and hydrogen engines, and massive research into Fission. Solar energy in deserts can supply world production and mean the end of pollution, as well as the consumption of oil and its derivatives. An explanation of the use of solar panels in our world’s deserts would be necessary.

13) The eight largest deserts on Earth. We have eight deserts with a total capacity of 16,407,853 km². With only 46,335 km², which is 10% of the smallest desert in the world, which is the Chihuahua desert, we would cover the current energy needs of the whole world.

14) Global change towards the Automotive Industry. It would be the abolition of the petroleum-derived engine; all the automotive industry in the world should be electric or with a hydrogen engine.

15) Creation of small industry for repairs and supply of agriculture, etc. creation of a small independent industry for maintenance, repair, etc., within the regions, where it is planned to build solar sources for production in desert locations.

16) In rich countries, an increase of 1% of VAT to finance this project, rich countries should contribute, with a minimum part, 1% of the increase in VAT in their respective regions.

17) Banks would also finance this project, since banks do not have money, since money belongs to clients, not banks, these banks manage other people’s money, and it should be with a very reasonable interest, and the role of the Bank would be different from that of our society, they could finance at a low interest all the electrification and construction of energy transport.

18) Gas stations disappear, and it would be possible, like banks, to replace oil for transport or construction of solar energy.

19) Detailed explanation of Energy and Solar Panels, all deserts in the world: 16,407,853 km². Current global consumption: 9,703,196 MWh. We need 46,335 km² to cover all energy production worldwide, it is only the ridiculous amount of 0.2824% of all deserts in the world.

20) Biological Pleasure. We have six senses, smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing and pleasure, and the sixth, pleasure, has deteriorated greatly throughout history. Pleasure began with the Ten Commandments, these changed everything, the rules of the game were changed, man was intelligent and understood that of the ten there are two, one that says “You shall not commit impure acts or adultery,” and another that says “You shall not desire your neighbour’s wife,” and also when Adam ate the apple that Eve gave him is when they realized their nakedness.

21) Explanation of the meaning of Pleasure. Display of the behaviour of Pleasure, what it is and how it should be.

22) Social pleasure, influence. We display the behaviour of Pleasure, how it has been transformed in society and what results, consequences and after-effects it has brought.

23) Pleasure. Reset and start again. How we should straighten out, direct, channel and normalize Pleasure.

24) Family Groups. Here we will see how the family has made a very important change and has been transformed into different groups.

21) Conclusion

We will have to reset our mentality and our way of living, and start from scratch, and that is almost impossible, but the direction is this, it is already set, there is no turning back, we have to start from scratch, and it is difficult, very difficult, because the Four Rules, which were four before, and now only one, entail such a radical change in the conduct of Humanity that it requires a superhuman effort, which cannot be done in a short period of time, in addition to one of the difficulties, which are convincing the people of this planet, to modify the course to which they are accustomed, at least the people who are socioeconomically favoured, to convince these people that they must feed 24 million people who die of hunger every year, and that they must also provide, supply, supply 850 million people in the world who go to sleep with an empty stomach, and that at a global level we must level out so that there are no these imbalances that make humans Wild beasts, without scruples, with wars, killing their neighbours, destroying the system where they live only to make a profit for themselves, without any feeling of love towards their neighbours, but against them, and, as I said, this is the main problem for this project to be satisfactory or successful, but, if we do not achieve it, it will be the same, because we are going to the destruction of the Planet, and, if we do nothing and continue as we are now, then there is only one way, and it is to “Love the Environment as yourself”, everything else is the annihilation of the Planet.

Enric Giné i Orengo

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Behavioral values and controls

Values and Behavioural Controls

                   I understand values as a certain conduct and they are the main responsible for the culture of humanity and of the civilisations that have existed on our planet, values have been, are and will be the pillars of all civilisation or cultures, the words Civilisation and Culture, apparently synonyms, are not always, in my opinion, Culture is part of Civilisation, We could say that it is a subgroup, so as not to make a mess, but, I will use the word Humanity, and so everything will be easier, the values of humanity, have been and are very flexible and very variable, but also very strong and are very linked to the survival of man, its capital importance is the role that these values play in society when I say that they are flexible, I must be very careful because there are very strong values and others not so strong, on the other hand, while for one generation, these values may be very strong, for another generation they may not be so strong, and that is why we must be very careful with the flexibility and strength of the values, because we must take into account the context, currently the values of our society are not the same as those of other Societies, What is good for one society is not good for another and vice versa, so it is very difficult to analyse values, which are good and which are bad, the good ones, however, are the ones that promote survival, it is not my intention to make an analysis of values, but to make an analysis of behavioural controls, because for me value is a variable that is a function of the Culture, which we are talking about.

How many types of control are there?

First we must define what we understand as values and what it represents in the control of behaviour, in very distant times, the first values that we know did not represent a change but were a fact or a confirmation of what already existed in the modern society of those times, I am referring to the 10 Commandments, which became the official pioneers of values and put them in the place that corresponded, giving them a legal character, We could say that it was the first Constitution and the first social rules of behaviour, a kind of civil code, a jurisdiction, today many of these commandments are still in force, some have changed, others are the same and there are new ones, these commands or values are the ones that determine our behaviour in one direction or another, as long as we agree, or disagree, it will depend on the positive or negative relationship with our interests, Many times personal interests are stronger than values and that changes the balance, normally values are inside the head and in the conscience, they are always lurking, without us being conscious, everything happens automatically, but these are the ones that really control our behaviour, each one has his values and when he negotiates with one or another conduct, without him being conscious, he risks his values, and tests his mechanism, between values and interests, this negotiation can have consequences on his new behaviour or future, which will not always be in agreement with his values, it is possible that the interests are above the values, to this analysis I give the name of “Values and Behaviour Control”, which needs an explanation, for both values and behaviour control, are Controllers and this complicates the issue.

Let’s briefly analyse the value and define by itself, before continuing I would like to make a clarification of the word “Value”, because it is very important, be careful with Value, which is reality, conduct, behaviour and many more synonyms, well if a “dog barks”, is this a value, a reality, a conduct, or a behaviour, or so on and so forth.  Well, here we will have to make an analysis of what the dog does, is it a value? man, not a reality! Well, yes, the fact that the dog barks is a reality, and also a behaviour, which is also a reality, it is not very important now in this case, what we can say is that if the dog barks it is a reality, and this is the essence of everything, of values, of conduct and behaviour and many other things more, I want to concentrate on “reality”, reality has three facets, the first one is that the dog makes it bark, and with this reality I call it mutant reality, then the dog barks and I call it pure reality or simply reality and when the dog has stopped barking, I call it resultant reality, reality alone is a symbol, a dog, a ship, but the dog barks, the ship sails is a Reality, everything else is, or values, behaviours, behaviours, opinions, judgement, criteria, concept, thought, belief and so on, we have to be very careful of all this, because here is the essence of everything, reality is the core of everything, and values, behaviours, behaviours, opinions, judgement, criteria, concept, thought, belief and so on, all have as their core the mutant reality, pure and resultant reality, and instead of saying values, behaviours, behaviours, opinions, judgement, criteria, concept, thought, belief and so on I will say or Values or Behaviour, ok? values include within it behaviours, I will explain here the effect it has, a value, or a certain behaviour, that makes you behave in one way or another, this is actually a Controlling effect, this effect determines a kind of agreement with the current values, that you firmly believe with them is another thing, Behavioural Control is the information of values, but this behaviour is already controlled by the values of the culture and by the interests of the Controllers, these controls can be biased and partial, but still valid because it is an existing control and has to be taken into account, The problem is that the individual often overlooks certain values, at the level of society, but values are the pillars of this and all societies, on the other hand, the Control of Behaviour is formed by, Your values are, among them, not to steal, not to fornicate, etcetera, but maybe for whatever reason these values are not very strong or you overlook them.

                   Let me be clear, first of all, there are realities, then values and ultimately behaviours and then everything else opinions, judgement, criteria, concept, thought, belief and so on, how many kinds of controls do we have? Well I have classified them and the most important are 10 Controllers namely:


1) Parents

2) Teaching or School

3) Religion

4) Friends

5) Media TV-Radio-Internet Etc.

6) Biological – Hereditary

7) Sexuality

8) Environment

9) Political apparatus

10) Economy

1) Parents are the first to transmit the values of society, regardless of whether the child accepts them or not, they are the first to come into contact with them and become a very important source of values and behaviours.

2) The school is the second contact that the child has with people outside the home, perhaps with very different impulses from the family, it is clear that they are values that are not necessarily the same, but the child realises that there is something outside the family, from here, the child sees that the values do not fit exactly and sometimes there can even be conflicts of values, society has programmed and condensed the essence of its values that it wants to transmit to the child so that he continues to transmit these values.

3) Religion is, or can be, a very important source of very deep and strong values which, strengthened by other values, can become a high potential for control.

4) Friends and friendships, given the plurality within values, are for children and older children a new source of values, friends help them, within another context that is not communal but individual, to differentiate between different types of friendships.

5) The media are extraordinarily important nowadays, it was not like that before, but TV, Radio, Internet, Computers, Cinema, Theatre, Books, mobile phones, etc., have been an enormous source of information, and globalisation, all of this helps the exchange of values.

6) Biological Inheritance is a control that can define a lot of values, I will recall, for example, beauty, intelligence, race, diseases (with all that it entails) etc. mutilations, deformities, etc.

7) The control of Sexuality is also very strong, since it is the main responsible for survival, there are values established by Society, about how these values should be, and it gives the impression that they are well defined, sexuality is above all kinds of values, regarding sexuality, even the individual who firmly believes in these values, at the moment of truth, if the occasion arises, he will overlook them, the value of sexuality is also a value that must be taken into account, the very strong sexuality of a person can lead, in the social world, to a certain instability in the framework of established values, therefore, a divergent sexuality can lead to a very important turn in the conduct or value of that person, sexuality today is still a taboo, and there are countless subgroups that are not well seen in our culture, they continue, however, to fight for sexual equality.

8) The environment exerts a very important control, especially before, when man lived determined, to a large extent, by the environment, fortunately, however, things have changed, a person born in Africa has very different values from those who live in the Arctic, the control of the environment is less important every day because a person, a thousand years ago, the way of living was very different from today, before they lived in an igloo and today they live in flats or houses with heating and all the comforts, anyway, outside the house or the flat, the meteorological situation is the same, and, in this case, the control would be the same as before, but a person who lives in the desert, or in the jungle or in the Arctic or in New York, they have different values, and the conclusion is that the Environment, exerts a Control

9) Politics As can be understood, all the values that are determined by the political apparatus are also very important, there are three political systems:

  1. A) Dictatorships.
  • B) Religious Theocracies
  • C) Democracies

Dictatorships set the values of their subjects.

Theocracies tell their parishioners what values they should have.

Democracies set values through elections

10) The Economy or Money, also have a very important role, they are these Controllers, that have a vital importance, since it controls the conduct of the person, it is a very important value in the society, manipulating these can manipulate the Conduct of the Culture.

Enric Giné

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Racism Discrimination Equality Feminism


Let’s define first, what I define, what is what!

1) Racism, Discrimination . It is giving or treating a person differently because of religion, race or skin color.

2) Discriminate . It can be defined as separating, distinguishing or differentiating something from another, seeing something different from the other. “Discriminate or Indiscriminate” could be like Racism, but it is not, although you could discriminate against a black person from a white person. That would be discriminating, and not discrimination , since discrimination is if you treat her differently because she is black or white. Then it’s Racism . Discriminating for its own sake is a taboo we have given. Society, over time, has given the word discriminate the same meaning as Racism , that is to say it is a synonym, but it is not. Then I want to go deeper into this topic.

3) Feminism . Feminism is and cannot be in any other way, just as it is Masculinism. This means an Identity, and nothing more than that. That a Feminist movement has been created is another thing, but this movement has chosen the wrong name, because Feminism is an identity , like Masculinism , and Feminism means that women are women, and nothing month. Male-Female equality has nothing to do with Feminism, despite the fact that the Feminist movement mixes Feminism with Equality . And a woman has a very different Identity and behavior from the Man as we will see and I explain it in great detail and in depth. Now, the equality of men and women legally, which means that there must be equality between men and women, and that is not there in our society, I explain this in detail and in depth in this chapter.

Feminism, as I have already said, is the opposite of what the Feminist movement is fighting for. It’s a misunderstanding, it’s an entelechy . The Feminist movement fights for women’s equality with men and playfully, when she really doesn’t want to be equal to men, in rights, yes!! But that’s another thing. If equality is called Feminism , it is as if the man called his equality Masculinity or Chauvinism. That doesn’t make much sense, does it? Really isn’t it? Well, I go much deeper in my analysis , to the point 2G) Male-Female equality , which makes my point of view on feminism very clear.

4) Equality . It is a social desire where, among many other things, it is demanded that both men and women should have the same rights. The problem is usually that women are physiologically different from men, and so is their behavior. This is obvious, but you don’t necessarily need to interpret it as intellectual inferiority, maybe just physical. Equality in society is very complex, much more than Racism and Discrimination, since these two are very well defined. However, Equality , as we will see, encompasses a lot in our society, and we can see the following facets:

A) Labor Equality

B) Igu        height Race

C) Gender Equality (biological or psychological)

D) Social Equality

E) Economic Equality

F) Sexual equality (Homosexuality)

G) Equality Men Women.

A) Labor Equality . A workplace, it must be possible for both a man and a woman to occupy this position. As long as a job requires certain qualifications to be able to carry out this work, it can be occupied by either a man or a woman who has these qualifications, and also the same salary, this would be Labor equality.

B) Racial Equality . There is theoretically no problem here, but in practice yes, and why? Theoretically, we have already said that it is necessary to give the same treatment, regardless of race, religion, and that is very clear. However, in practice, we discriminate or rather make a difference, of a race or religion because of the prejudices we have of what we have seen before in our society and what is this? In other words, when it comes to the black race, Muslims, or other races, etc. these races, socially and economically are different from our culture and this means that we usually do not understand them well. And that’s when the observer is white, but it’s identically the same when the observer is black or Chinese. Equality of race, religion, has a lot to do with social equality and economic equality. They are within different social and economic layers and we must see this very clearly. However, theoretically there should be no problem. We must treat all people equally regardless of race or religion, whether we do it or not is another matter.

C) Gender equality (biological or psychological ). What do we mean by this? I will deal with Gender Equality as I believe it should be done or behaved in our society. The point is that all people should be treated equally, regardless of their sex. This means that we must treat people equally, regardless of their sex, both biologically speaking, and psychologically, the sexuality with which the person identifies. And this also means that people, sexually speaking, are those who have a sex with which they themselves identify, and which they have because they were born that way, but which is not necessarily marked by the one they have, psychologically. For example, they biologically have a genital apparatus, however, they have nothing in common with it and decide for another, where they feel completely identified. However, we must treat everyone equally, regardless of their sexuality.

          D) Social Equality . Here, as in all the sections I write about equality, Social Equality, theoretically, should be treating all people equally, but in practice, it is not done. Why? Society is built of social layers, very well defined, completely different layers such as rich, poor, educational as cultural, people with a high level, people with a low level, gypsies, whites, blacks, Muslims, South Americans, marginalized people , religions, refugees, pensioners, youth, children. Well, I could make an endless list of social classes, but in theory it would be that you should treat all people the same without making a difference of social classes. That would be Social equality.

E) Economic Equality . Here it is more complicated, because economic equality does not exist. It should exist, however, the rich don’t want to give to the poor, and because there are very complicated laws that control economies. However, perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that is that there are countries such as Scandinavia, where economic equality is not as distant as the rest. There they have understood that if there is not so much economic inequality in the country, it works better. To do this, you also need to invest more money in having a higher education than the rest.

F) Sexual Equality (homosexuality) . This is also theoretical, since (every day) we accept sexual equality, but it is still far from being fully accepted and there are many prejudices, in many countries it is criminalized. However, sexual equality should be accepted. There are people who are attracted to people of the same sex, however there are many people who reject this behavior.

G) Equality Men Women . Male-Female Equality is also theoretical, because the difference is so great, that in the “2G” section I will deal with it much more deeply. However, there are things in society that indicate that equality exists, especially in Labor equality, when men and women meet the same requirements.

2 A) Labor Equality . A workplace that requires qualifications to be able to carry out a specific job, can be occupied either by a man or by a woman, this would be Labor Equality. For example, a job that requires significant physical effort could not be occupied by a woman whose physique is normally not as developed as a man, but perhaps it could not be occupied either by a man with a physique not suitable for the specific job. Then the most important thing is not that it is a man or a woman, the important thing is that the work is suitable for the worker.

2 B) Race Equality . This is purely theoretical, because in practice it does not exist.

2 C) Gender Equality . Gender equality is also theoretical. This treats everyone the same, regardless of gender, but in practice it doesn’t exist either.

2 D) Social Equality . Here also theoretical. All of society must be treated equally, no matter what social class you belong to. However, in practice we treat people very differently from the social layer to which one belongs.

2 E) Economic Equality . There is no need to comment here. People want more equality, and when I say more equality it’s because there isn’t any, and now I’m making a comment. Usually people want economic equality. We want people to live better, but the rich are very careful that their money goes out of their pockets. This is a problem that society has had throughout its history, and it is still not solved. We have gone through Reign, Feudalism, Communism, Socialism, and capitalism. It is a political problem, which needs a political solution, and we have not yet been able to solve it. That is why Economic Equality is also Theoretical, it does not exist.

2 F) Sexual equality . This is also theoretical, since (every day) we accept sexual equality, but it is still far from being accepted and there are still many prejudices.

2 G) Equality Men Women . Here I want to make a point about the inequality of men and women or vice versa. Man and woman are equal, or at least intellectually and legally, if not intellectually as a result of history is on the way to being also intellectual. What does it mean? This means that women must occupy more academic positions in society, since she is no longer in the kitchen or at home doing cleaning and housework. But still, nowadays, when the woman comes home she still has to do housework and take care of the children as before. This slows down the future of the woman a lot and this is where the man has to help the woman, and we are no longer talking about criminal acts against the woman like rape or charges against her, but if we talk about the physical difference, it is obvious that it exists, and that the two groups agree on what they must agree on for a good coexistence and a good survival of the human race. However, let’s make it very clear that equality, no longer between men and women but between the person, whether male or female, must be equal, and as we can see in this section, I defend the equality of the person. Although I defend it, it does not mean that the equality of the person is not violated, that is something else, and that Feminism does not exist, as the woman defends it does not exist. For me Feminism is a matter of identity, and here I do agree, because in the sense that women behave very differently from men. However, it does not mean that this one respects people as an equal, and with all the points I refer to below, whether they are fulfilled or not that is another thing, Labor Equality, Race Equality, Gender Equality (biological or psychological), Social Equality, Economic Equality, Sexual Equality (Homosexuality), Male Female Equality.

          Thousands of years ago the woman took care of the children, in the house, and the man went to find his life to provide support for the family, and it has been like this for many thousands of years, and this makes the woman has virtues that man does not have and vice versa. The woman has a weaker physique than the man, and he is more robust, to be able to face life. Well, and this has lasted for thousands of years, and until recently, the woman has invaded and changed her status. The woman has begun to invade the professional world of the man, and it seems that an era has begun that will still take a long time, but a long time, to definitively establish a man-woman Equality effectively speaking.

However, what is the difference between man and woman today? Legally there is no difference, at first glance they look the same. Well, not the same! The woman has a receiving apparatus, the genitals, and the man has an emitting apparatus, the genitals, well that’s obvious, but what else? Well, the woman usually has long hair, and the man usually has short hair, so what? She wears clothing that men would never wear, such as very tight and low-cut blouses, and they show a little bit of her chest, and her pants are also very tight, and she does this unconsciously to show people that she is beautiful , and this for men is provocative. In addition, the woman paints her face, eyes, eyebrows, lips, and puts on perfume. Not all women do this, but this is one of their characteristics. It’s the idiosyncrasy of women, generally men don’t do it, why do women do it? Well both men and women for many reasons want to please. Men use their strategies and women use theirs too, perhaps sexuality here, unconsciously, plays an important role. Some may do it to look for a partner, but not all, as there are married women who have no intention of changing partners, but they do, and they do it simply to look pretty. It is the idiosyncrasy of the woman, nothing more, not with any other intention. Why do they do it then? I think it’s a part of genetics, that even they haven’t speculated on this. As I said before, the woman is receiver, the image of her can be linked with an example, that when a man embraces a woman, she is in the middle, and the man is embracing her and protecting her, the woman she is better suited to the role of being protected than to protect, and for man her role is to protect. This could be why the word “Masclista” has a fairly well-defined and very real and authentic origin. We also have in the sexual act, in which the man is the one who is on the woman, sender, the role of the woman (in relation to the man), receiver, usually, is one of submission, and is within her not at all, just like the man behaves dominantly and is fine with that role, and it would be hard to change that role, and the woman wouldn’t be fine either, and neither is the man. This seems to be an example that male-female equality is also theoretical this time.

Man must be man and woman must be woman. The man obviously has names of men and the woman, of women, and as we have seen there is already a very differentiated part of man and woman. It may be that in a few thousand years man and woman will be equal, but we are a long way from that happening, and for now man must wear his masculinity as best he can, just as the woman with her femininity, because in addition both men and women consider themselves better defined with this role. To go deeper with this topic, we can see that with my reasoning, equality almost does not exist in society, and the saddest thing is that we are proud, and we want to impose this equality in society, but we do not behave in this way. way This happens to both men and women. That women and men are different, this does not mean that one gender is superior to the other. It’s just a behavior of conductivity. It is clear that men, women, children, the elderly, must be treated differently but always with respect and affection, there must be no differentiation here. And what is very funny is that seeing that there is so much difference between a man and a woman, the woman wants to have the same equality as the man, and continues to behave like what she is, a woman, maybe a little funny, because we have already seen that it is not equal, and that the woman does not want this equality even if she fights to achieve this equality!!

I’ve explained it before, the difference between men and women. When I say this, I don’t mean it in a derogatory way, that the woman should be in the kitchen cleaning the house and so on. “No” and “no”. I just want to say that woman behaves differently in society and not because man has imposed it, but has been forced through, as I said, history, and now it is because she wants to be that way, and it’s completely legitimate, because that’s how she wanted it. The woman is no longer in the kitchen, she occupies highly qualified jobs in society and more deservedly and fortunately for society, and for the enrichment of our culture, but this does not remove the fact that there is much difference between a man and woman, maybe not intellectually, but physically and behaviorally different. In addition, the woman cannot take out her behaviors like the ” Look ” , the woman wants to be beautiful, she likes to go to the beach with a bikini, and the smaller it is, the better and the more provocative the better. Man, the smaller a woman’s bikini, the bigger a man’s swimsuit. Men’s dress has not changed since time immemorial, it is the traditional dress and if there are 100 men at a meeting, an elegant party, they are all dressed in the same or similar suit, trousers, jacket, shirt and tie and usually with short hair. The woman is a world apart, plus they spend a fortune on dresses, shoes, jewelry. They are usually gaudy dresses with wide necklines, well, no more comments, right? The ” Look ” is very important to her, she paints her face, eyebrows, eyes, lips, and if she has to dye her hair, she does it, which means spending 2 or 3 hours at the hairdresser, to do permanent or other manipulations. He doesn’t mind wearing very high-heeled shoes, even if it’s a sacrifice to be able to walk without falling. The woman is used to this and does it, even if it is a martyrdom, she only demands that it be more beautiful. If you watch an ad on TV, you’ll see many times that the ad is a woman in very little clothing, sexual in nature, and that has nothing to do with the ad she’s doing. The Eurovision programs, in many songs from many countries the women came out to sing, very provocative, which this provocation does not make the song better or worse, but for me I find this behavior goes against equality of the woman Equality is being criminalized here, and the woman does nothing, is this the equality we want? We must fight for women to be more aware of what they are now, and women, together with men, must fight to show that in addition to a physical appearance, and identity there is also an inner, intellectual , and this is where I wanted, for this and other reasons I believe and say, that women are different from men, both physically and behaviorally. I also want to mention some behaviors that women do, such as ” the Feminist Movement” . Women suffer much more from men’s violence, which is called gender-based violence. It seems that the man, being physically stronger and perhaps with some cases better possessed in society, commits violence against women, but this is not masculinist behavior , it is punitive , criminal behavior . There are, however, many demonstrations in which women and men take to the streets to defend so that there are no more deaths and there is less violence and more equality between men and women, but what equality? Should we ban all features of women? Should we ban all male characteristics? Should the woman be like the man? Should the man be like the woman? Now men have to wear bikinis, high heels, paint their eyes and eyebrows, etc., etc. What equality? Let’s define, what equality? To others, if a well-balanced analysis is made without passions and with deep reasoning, we will see that in many cases the man, when he has committed a crime, I mean he has killed his partner, sometimes he has also killed his children, and then , he commits suicide. This suggests that this man has gone so far as to kill his wife or partner, his children, and ended up taking his own life, and this happens very often, almost every day and society does nothing more than wait for it to happen again, and then we will go out again with a banner in the street saying “we want women alive” or “no more violence” or another banner like that, and so on every day. But this behavior of women does not fix anything. The reason for these barbarities cannot be fixed with banners and street demonstrations. It is behavioral, however, it is necessary to study and investigate, behaviorally, because it is a problem of behavior, not of gender equality . Technologies in society have skyrocketed, despite the problem of coexistence between couples or marriages has been a taboo and this is where we should study and investigate and work, not with banners or good intentions. When we have such serious problems in society that a person takes the life of his partner, and sometimes, also murders his children, and then he commits suicide, it means that something is not working well , and it is not because of the equality, and so every day we will go out with banners to demonstrate “no more violence”. I consider this as an act of sick desperation, which has nothing to do with a sexist act . Any man or woman can take the life of another person, this is a criminal act. But I do consider it a sexist act and even more criminal to have sexual contact without the permission of the other, and here there is a flagrant gender inequality, and as we can see there is inequality in society, as I have already commented in the paragraphs A) B) C) D) E) F) G), and this inequality should not exist. Today, on the day that I am writing this about equality, is Women’s Day, and the media has had a lot of publicity about people’s actions, many demonstrations and little content, their women saying enough is enough! ! There were even girls who said enough too!!! Crowded streets, it’s a shame that so much energy is wasted for nothing. Tomorrow we will surely see on TV another rape or another crime of a man who has killed his partner and then committed suicide, sad very sad, and we are unmoved. The woman must be a woman, and she must feel like a woman , if that’s what she wants, and the man must be a man and feel like a man if that’s what he wants . In common there must be an understanding, since we are in the same boat, and the survival of humanity starts from us, and we must live together and love each other and then we will be happier. Man and woman are not good people, but people and people are by nature violent and we cannot attribute to ourselves that we are good, quite the opposite. We are bad, if we look at the world of wars, or we see that 24 million people die of hunger every year in the world and 75% are children, we will see that we are bad, so we must behave well, as good people , and civilized and equality in society would be a good thing, if the equality of women and men existed, and without ceasing to be men and women. This reasoning gives a discussion, and a lot of debate, and what about equality? Well, then equality does not exist and if it does exist, it is only theoretical.

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The Numeral or Mathematical language

Numerical or Mathematical language

Language is a way to communicate, and it is what makes humans rational, because through it, experiences can be accumulated for future generations. A human of the past had the science that had provided him with the language of that time, just as today, when we talk about scientists, mathematicians, cattlemen or farmers or, etc. They have the science that language has provided them through whatever era, but the most important thing is the accumulation of knowledge of the individual, because the accumulation of wisdom is only for the person who has the appropriate language . For example, the construction of a spaceship will only enter there those who have the same language, a farmer, could not enter with this language. Language as I say it is a means of progress, since the accumulation of knowledge in future generations from previous experiences makes it more and more a multiplier of science and experience, and so it is obviously transmitted directly to culture , of that tribe, people, civilization or culture. The difference between a person and an animal is precisely this, language. A bird or other animal makes its nest just as it did thousands of years ago, and why? Because of the language. The animal has not progressed, due to the consequence of language, since they do not accumulate lived experiences, and precisely this accumulation of knowledge and experiences means that humans have progress through the accumulation of human experiences. Well, but language is many things too. What I said about an accumulator of sciences and experiences is very important, but we must also not forget that in addition to all this, language is also a very important communicator, leaving out the feature of accumulating science. For example when we talk to a person we want to communicate a behavior or we want to explain something, an idea or we want him to explain something to us, it is a two-way communication. Depending on what I say, my interlocutor will say a response, an input will cause an output, and this communication is very complex. One can ask something and the answer is not necessarily obvious because it may have a connection to the question or at least a connection, but it is clear that if you ask something, the answer must have a connection to the question. And so is the language of today. It can be unclear, not concise and sometimes very dark, it is not always like that, but it can be like that. Written language is much clearer and more concise, and the messages that are made with writing are quite a lot clearer. Written communication is much slower and not as flexible as verbal communication. Today, language is a little more complex because language has continued in parallel with technology, and so it has meant that there are other means of language, which have a huge relevance to communication. Well, I’m not interested in language communication anymore. It’s not that I’m interested, not only with him, but what I want to talk about here is verbal language. Well, the importance of languages is, as I said, what makes us rational. However, the language is still in a very primitive and underdeveloped state, and there are times when it does not make sense. There is a Spanish saying that says: “¡ Cuando I say , I say , I say Diego!” It’s when you want to say something, but you don’t say anything. It’s a Murry thing. Well, that’s how language is, sometimes, you can spend two hours talking without saying anything, a person can be talking for a long time and you can follow the conversation, without committing to anything and even if you want, you don’t even have to listen the Just by looking at the interlocutor’s mouth, when it closes you can say “yes” or “no”, “man, don’t tell me”, “don’t fuck me”, “it’s true”, “Fuck”, ” Damn”, “Oysters”, etc. You don’t even need to open your mouth, a sigh or anything like that, surely you have experienced or lived this right? Because it’s something that happens every day. I think it is very important that when one says “yes” it means yes and when one says no it means no. Today, language is very indefinite. We don’t always want to compromise. In addition, it is very murri, and yes, when you say a postulate, you don’t always say what you think. That way we can always say it wasn’t that, but something else. In this way language is not an exact science. Life on our planet is very complex and can only be explained with the science of philosophy and poetry. Philosophy explains the complicated fabric of life in a simple way. Poetry describes the moments or feelings of life. Philosophy generally describes what is complicated or difficult with language, and poetry is the detail or feelings of life, it is the revelation of life itself explained through language where language has another meaning. Philosophy and Poetry have a lot in common, both use language, but very differently. Well, it is not my intention to enter either Philosophy or Poetry but quite the opposite. A new, cold language, not Philosophical, and not Poetic either, however concise it can be counted on, because it says what one thinks without any prejudice. It’s a little complicated at first, but it’s very revolutionary, and I think it may be here to stay. My problem is that two people who have been talking and have stayed in something, but then the result is that it was not the way they had talked, and even if they had recorded it with a tape recorder, the result would have been the same and that is because when a person speaks, even if he believes that the language he has used has been very specific, it has not been so, and that is why language is very objective and tendentious. Even if we say something that we think is very specific, what can be different for one person, can be different for another person. When we say yes or affirm something we can say yes or we can nod our head or say another word that can be understood as yes, but does not necessarily mean yes. If it is negative, we can say no, or say some word that suggests the negativity of the negation, but in any case the “yes” or “no” is not absolute. Language often seeks a solution not for the interlocutor but for itself, to be able to mitigate these effects, and to be able to clarify, specify our ideas so that they cannot be misrepresented. We need to do a more exact science. The idea would be numerical or mathematizing , or digitizing the language, and like that, I can say that it is a very exhaustive work, because it is very complex and would require at least one or several university chairs, of grammar, philosophy and letters and one or several telecommunications universities, all well united to do this project that could involve all the students, but the idea is very interesting. It would be very constructive, since a very exact language could be made. It would open up the possibility of a translation of all languages instantly and not just one, but all existing languages. Well, we’ll start with the idea, which is really quite simple. When we say “yes” this is an affirmation and we will give this word the value of for example 100. If we make a negation for example we say “No”, we will give it a value of 200. The value 100 would be a value that would be representative of every language Chinese, Japanese, for every language in the world it would be a “Yes” and a “No”. 200. Well a numerical value. Language is, as I said, very flexible and tendentious for the verbal communicator. Not here, here it would be exact, and also better, but clear and concise, to make the numerical language closer to the verbal. Yet never deceitful nor dead. For example, it can happen that one person communicates with a strong “Yes” and another that this “Yes” is not so strong. Semantically there is not much difference between these two “Sixes”, and this is when verbal communication deceives and betrays us, because verbally for the person there is nothing but a “Yes”. With Numerical or Mathematical Language, which I call from now on “LNM”, we said that “If” has a value of 100. That would be the maximum statement or the maximum value to a statement. The statement could have 5 values for example 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, where 96 would be a “Yes” but with a weak statement, 100 with a strong statement, which means “Hello” or ” Goodbye ” ” or “Good morning”. “Hello” is a dialogue introduction right? We could give him a number, right? “ Goodbye ” is the end of a conversation, however it could also be when you greet a person on the street, and do not start a conversation. Also instead of ” Goodbye ” you could say “Good morning”. The same, we also say this is “collonut”, “from puta mother”, or I do this “because it comes out of my nose”. Well, I could go on saying things like that for hours. Well, my whole idea is based on this, to give a numerical or digital value to a word, and maybe later to a sentence in order to be able to specify the language and be able to industrialize. It is a very difficult task, concretizing an idea when you need to make an international agreement between languages, it is enormously difficult to be able to synthesize an agreement, of this characteristic. Also the “LNM” Numeral language, could never be used verbally, is impossible. It must be accompanied by a digital translator, and could not be used to speak to a person. Perhaps this device would be useful to communicate with a person who speaks a different language. It could also be useful, imagine politicians using dirty language that says nothing, that has no substance. It would be a good job to clarify the language, to say things with the exact semantics, or the exact number that a digital device could translate and force the one who sends the message to say the truth of what he thinks.

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Chance – Luck

Have you ever thought about what Randomness is? Or Good Luck? These are words that have had a very important projection in the world both in Science, Physics, Philosophy, Metaphysics and Statistics, and have been studied and discussed by personalities throughout the world of science, such as Einstein or Niels Bohr , to mention only two of them, but there have been countless personalities and Nobel Prizes. And this makes me a little confused, because a word that I find so simple, is the reason for so much dissemination, and consequences, throughout the history of humanity. We could distinguish between “Causality”, “Chance”. Causality is the effect that has produced the cause , that is, the relationship between effect and cause. I wanted to define “Chance and Good Luck “.

What is Chance for me? Because here I define it. The premeditated encounter in the space between two points is called coincidence, if not, “Coincidence”. And nothing more than that. And what is Good Luck? Luck, Good or Bad, “is the ignorance of the Causes, which produces the Effect”, for example the ignorance of not knowing the number played in the Lottery is either good luck or bad luck, nothing more than that. Amazing that it’s so simple, isn’t it? But many times, we humans make things very complicated for ourselves.

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Opinion, criterion, judgment, point of view, assessment, evaluation, vision, evaluation, estimation, conviction, version, conception, view, understanding, interpretation, persuasion, understanding, induction, all of these are synonyms, which is the same as, ¿what do you think about this? ¿What do you think about this? ¿What do you think about this?

All of these synonyms are conducts, behaviours that man has, which are more or less strong conducts or behaviours, depending on whether he has had or received information, and which, according to him, fit or not with his lived experiences.

These synonyms are what make the world move the way it does, Scientists, for example, will make their opinions or formulas, which people will understand or not, only those who are at this level will do so, and agree with this information or behaviour, and understand what he means with these formulas, and that is not easy, just like the writer, philosopher, politician or simply a person, the level does not matter, everyone has their formula or opinion of things, because we all have our opinion, whether true or not, but all people in the world have our opinion of life, but as we can see day to day, when discussing a topic or a synonym, no matter what it is, we will see that we do not understand the formula of the interlocutor, or we do not agree, and how distant we are from each other, and the problem is that this formula of the interlocutors is different from one to the other, one does not understand the formula of the other, and even if one explains the formula, the other does not always understand it or does not agree, and this deserves a deep analysis.

 Actually, one of the most important things that a living being has is what I have said before and that I will call from now on “Opinions”, but the meaning is all the synonyms of Opinion or Formula, which are almost 20. Now it will be just “Opinions”, so we can understand each other a little better.

Both animals and men have an opinion of things when we deal with each other, or not, we have information, according to our environment, education and an innumerable rain and bombardment of information through parents, school, society, media, TV, internet, etc. and this makes each person have completely different information from other people, or perhaps they have the same information, but they interpret it in a different way than other people.

However, we have an opinion on everything, we have an opinion on life, death, society, sex, politics, religion, our father, families, friends, time, the future, everything that concerns us, and we do not always agree with our interlocutors, or other opinions from other sources, and we change our opinions, not specifically, because of guilt or reasons, with our conceptions of things, but many times for our convenience, even though we do not agree.

There are interlocutors who try to unify opinions, like politicians to channel or unify opinions, religions also to unify or channel opinions.

There are many interlocutors with whom we identify and follow this line, because we agree, and where we feel good with this line, it has nothing to do with whether it is correct or not, but for us it is.

There are some groups that try to group or unify opinions, however, this group, but very superficial with the content, but very important for the conduct of society, since these opinions are carriers of the opinions of the people, I will explain, I speak of the politicians, of the religious, of those who make their own the innumerable opinions that we have and unify them towards a direction, and this makes them be within one of these large groups, for example, a communist society makes your opinions go in one direction, and you may or may not agree, but this can only go with the political opinion, and nothing else, your other opinions will be completely different, although the political ideas are very strong, now if we talk about religion, another, very strong tendency, and so it is with all the large groups such as left, centre, right, extreme, England has two large groups, Liberals and Conservatives, all the others are almost marginalized, the U.S.A. is just two groups, with religion it is more complicated because there are many religions, but also one direction.

However, despite all these large groups, the most interesting thing is to analyse the opinions, also those of these large groups, however, what is the opinion? Because you can say what opinion you have of communism, of capitalism, of socialism, of Christianity, of Protestantism, of the Muslim religion, and that is also an opinion.

 However, within this there are other opinions, however what has interested us is the opinion, and nothing more than that, and as an essence, we have to summarize and isolate the opinion with the form, which we are ultimately talking about, and isolate it so that we do not have several answers, until we find only one, which must be unique, indivisible, and indisputable, because, if it is divisible, you must go deeper and find the divisible opinions until they are not divisible, and that is the solution and the end of the question, however, that is where I am going.

Opinions can also be small conclusions of a general opinion that includes and includes many opinions, for example, the line of a political party, of a religion, of an opinion on gender, of abortion, etc. There are many general opinions, however, these are made, and they include many opinions, and it is here that it is difficult for us to break down, analyse the opinions, however, that does not mean that it is not interesting, because for me it is very interesting.

Isolating the opinion we are talking about is the essence and end of the matter, that which defines the opinion as precisely as possible, for example, the opinion of a Catholic, who condemns abortion, or adultery outside of marriage, is an opinion, but for someone who is not Catholic, it is not necessarily so and will not condemn it, both are two opinions, one is against and the other is not, however, this opinion is not conflictive, everyone understands it, if one is Catholic, he does what religion establishes, if not, this opinion will be different from the Catholic.

Conflicts, discussions, confrontations, disputes come when one does not agree with the opinions of others, and with those that I have mentioned there is no problem, if one is Catholic and the other is not, and the latter accepts, it is clear that these behaviours, what creates the opinion, is the information, or the lack of information of an opinion or we can say of a behaviour, but the most important thing is to define the exact purpose of this, of the opinion, well, another opinion!! That is why we must be very careful that the opinion is well analysed and above all in the most exact context possible, and what I say is also an opinion that can be the opposite of yours, the opinion is what happens every day, but it is what moves the world.

And that is how opinions are, it is the essence of life, and what as I have said moves the world, and can even generate discussions, fights and wars.

Studying these is studying man and his behaviour, which by the way is not complicated, but is rather simple, and very primitive, but he has to analyse, to know how he is, and thus we will behave better.

Two people discuss a topic, whether they agree or not, however, it happens every day millions and millions of times, because there are 8 billion people in the world, because there are 8 billion opinions.

I’m going to give an example that could be for children, but it is quite describable, and it is that there are two people, one in front of the other, and one writes the number 6 on the ground with chalk, and asks the person in front of him what number he wrote, the person tells him that the number in front of him is 9, there are two opinions and both are right, the problem is that in this opinion, it is not well defined, like almost all the other opinions.

In mathematics everything is simpler, 2 + 2 equals 4, and that is indisputable, so, ¿can we define Truth? ¿and what is it?

It is true when a postulate can be demonstrated, proving said hypothesis through experience, experiments and empirical evidence, such as 2 + 2 = 4 or 10/2 = 5 or the speed of light or the speed of sound or Pi = 2.1416, but be careful, because before the earth was flat, and this was indisputable until it was not.

When a postulate can be empirically demonstrated, then it is true, if not, it is just an opinion

But man, unfortunately for him, because he likes to be contrary, but here he has given up, and so we should also study as with the exact sciences, and study the behaviour of this animal, “man”, deepen, define and study the different angles and views of opinions, it would be a good thing, another way of seeing what an opinion is, I would mention reading “Values ​​​​and Controls of Behaviour”

Well, opinion and conduct have a lot to do with these two concepts.

Enric Giné

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Mental Trance of Consciousness

Mental Tranquility of Consciousness

This title, Mind Trance of Consciousness, is a term I use to explain a process that is a bit difficult to describe than what I really mean by this term. However, I will try to explain it as best as possible, since, as you can see, it may be interesting to you. Perhaps you have already lived this experience, throughout your life, however if not, try it, if you are alone and in silence, comfortable, calm, you can close your eyes, and you can feel many sensations, within the your body, for example, how your heart beats, how your lungs expand, taking air out, and taking in air, again and again, without you doing anything, all automatically, it’s called by reflex, the your body does. Everything automatically, without your consent, and if you are patient, and listen well, you will also be able to feel many other sensations, which you would never have felt, but you have to be patient and have some time. However, if you work a lot on this, which I call the Mental Tranque of Consciousness , you will discover many things, like what it really is, and it is Consciousness , which is what moves our body. If you have emphasis, and patience, you will be able to feel your whole body in this way, and listen to it, and you can also do many other things, if you concentrate enough, with what I call, Tranc Mental de la Consciousness , which is really a deep meditation, which I call Consciousness , and that is, only, when you are deeply with Tranco , listening to your body, in these circumstances it can do many things, like speed up your heart, take you a headache, increase the temperature, for example, of the hands, if your hands are cold, and many other things, etc., etc.

You can do, almost, what you want. I want to give some examples, to explain what Consciousness is , and this is what makes the body do what Consciousness tells it to do. It’s not a reflex to raise your hand. This happens only when you want it to, just like closing your eyes, walking, etc. what is the matter You can say or do what you want, but it will be your conscience, and this is you, and the one that will do what you want will always be your Consciousness , which will make you behave as you want.

And this leads to many other theories, who is in charge? Who commands the heart to beat? And how fast should it go? Well, it’s a reflex for the heart to beat, isn’t it? And how fast it goes is controlled by the lack of oxygen. If you run, your heart needs more oxygen and so on. But this analysis is already described in science! And let’s go back, who is in charge of the heart? Or in the other parts of the body, which behave as they do, here is the essence of everything.

And here we enter the physics of Quantum. What is an atom? Everyone knows what that is, right? Well, more or less, an atom can be either very small or very large. In quantum physics it is very large, it depends on the level that one observes it. There are hydrogen atoms and others of oxygen and etc., but these do not rule our body. These are full of electrical vibrations. These exist, but they are not intelligent. They do what they say. In our body there are many other interesting things, like molecules, and these are already more complicated, because inside them there are more atoms, and there can be a combination, which can make a DNA molecule , and this is very interesting, because it has an intelligent way of behaving, and it plays a very important role in the behavior of our body and our Planet. But we are the ones in control of our body, but why are we people and completely different from each other? Who tells him? And to whom? When your body lacks oxygen, who tells it that it lacks oxygen? and how does it make your heart beat faster?

I will describe an example, what happens when you see a brick falling on your head and you have time to see it, first as a reflex, which is not a reflex, because it is consciousness, you will bend down, because you have no more time than this to avoid the fatal outcome. Then your body and muscles will tense up, what’s going on in your head? In your conscience? in your body? Who gives the orders, and all in less than milliseconds . What happens is that a device is put on alert to protect you, in your head, rather, in your consciousness, it sends an alert signal to different sections of your body, one for example, the Consciousness sends a signal to the kidneys, so that there they prepare to send protection to all the cells of the body, which are billions, and what’s more, it must be at the moment, in a fraction of a millisecond , and the kidneys receive this and they send an exact amount of adrenaline, neither stronger nor weaker, the exact amount that the conscience has commanded, and that the conscience has assessed according to the gravity of the situation. And in addition to this execution, it does many more operations, and in tenths of seconds, like protecting yourself with your hands over your head, because of the impact you will suffer if you don’t do it, if you were to carry a more forceful object in your hands there would be another choice, which tool would be the best to protect you, because your hands aren’t very strong either and besides, your conscience also has to choose either your hands or your head, but she always makes the best choice, without a doubt, without any error. In addition to all this, there are millions of operations that the consciousness does, only in a millisecond , and it is for example, the acceleration of the heart, how fast the heart should go, in your body it is with a lot of tension, because of the adrenaline, the whole body will receive an alert of information that needs to be executed, and that it must send to your body to be able to fight the aggression. In addition to all this there is a connection, also chemical, of how all the molecules must talk and send, receive, or share all the information to all the atoms, molecules, of the whole body, and they are billions, and it will do so under the orders of Consciousness , which is what commands our body. Our body is very, very selfish, it protects us and wants the best for itself. It certainly does.

I have talked a lot about consciousness, but what is consciousness? This is what I define as “The Mental Breaks of Consciousness” and what is this? Because it is perhaps not exactly that, but I could argue it a little, what in religion is called , “the Soul “. When you are alive you are Conscious , and when you are dead you are no longer. When you are alive you have Consciousness , and when you die you are no longer Conscious . It is like this belief, which in religion we have of the Soul ,it has gone out of your body, and you no longer have consciousness as an individual. Now you are matter, but we must be careful not to confuse the Soul as a religious or divine element, because for me it is not. It is synonymous with Consciousness , and this is where I would like you to see the difference. Consciousness decides how your body behaves, from the time you are born until your death. Now, we will soon see a difference between Awareness and Reflex. What is one and what is the other?

If you have to get up from the chair, and you say “I get up from the chair” , not because you say you will, but because you want to, and only then will you get up. When you want to do it, when your Consciousness commands it, and that’s what makes you get up, it’s your Consciousness at the exact moment you want it. If you want to walk, you will walk not when you say so, only when your Consciousness orders it, and it will absolutely be Consciousness that will take the first step. But notice, now comes the most interesting part, and that is that after the command of Consciousness to send the first step, Consciousness withdraws, takes a step back, and remains in the background, because the Pilot Automatic is set in motion, and it will be this that will make you continue walking to the place of destination, without the Consciousness being aware of each step. This will be done by the Autopilot , or call it Reflex , as you like, as long as there is no obstacle preventing it. If that were the case, Consciousness would once again take the order.

Many years ago a man I happened to meet told me he had lung cancer. He told me that Mental Breaks of Consciousness could stop his lung, which was what hurt him the most. I could never find out if it was true or not, because I didn’t see it anymore, but here’s the thing.

As we can see, our body and the Universe are the same thing, since we are inside it, and it is of a very ingenious, intelligent, fantastic and indescribable complexity, which for us humans makes it very difficult to ‘understand how the whole Universe works, like the atoms, protons, neutrons , which are always in motion, colliding with each other, causing destruction and death, because when some die there are others who are born, and others that double are quadrupled, and so on. until the desired target is formed. And this is how life is and how we live, and trying to understand the composition of life and death and the living and everything that surrounds us. It is a very difficult task. I don’t think we’ll ever know, because life and death are a mystery. Cells die and reproduce every second. It is the basis of life, just like people, animals, plants, in short everything, here it is in the balance of our Universe because this is how everything works. We are created in the image and likeness of what surrounds us in the Universe . We have two very important characteristics, one is Consciousness , and the other, what we call Reflexes , which is the Autopilot that are very similar, but have different purposes, but it is Consciousness that is in command, and within of her there is the reflection .

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Is Respect, Disrespectful?

 Is Respect the same as Indifference?

The reason for this title is because when I was very young I read Plato’s dialogues , reading this book I saw how Socrates demonstrated to Plato a postulate that was very obvious to Plato and that Socrates said he did not know, but reasoning they could see that what was so clear, they turned it around and, after a deep reasoning, they found another reality. I would like to talk about Respect, but I can’t do that like Socrates because I’m not up to his level. However, I do want to use his system, his method, that of his deep reasoning, on this word. I, to make a somewhat controversial headline, have called it ” Is Respect Irresponsible or Disrespectful? “. Everyone knows what Respect is , right? Regarding the children, the wife, the husband, etc., etc. We could also be respectful of the environment, with plants, animals, etc. but in fact:

 To respect is to accept the opinion of another person, whether or not we agree with it , because a rough example of this respect can be political democracy. Political respect makes democracy work , that is to say, respect makes this balance hold the society of the western world that we know. First of all I want to clarify that for me respect is a synonym, nothing more , of many things. What happens is that we misuse the word respect. Respect can also be obedience ” and obedience to what? And here is its essence, why ? And here is the great, immense, intense meaning it has. The people in this world where we live immersed between civilizations, cultures, subcultures, nations, regions, peoples, religions, policies, beliefs, postures, attitudes, in short, each person has a way of seeing life, and the person who has side or the other side, or opposite part of the world, and who is in the east and what? As for what? Well, this… When we speak, we use words that don’t always mean the same thing as what we mean (“Numerical or Mathematical language” would be very good here) . Unfortunately we use one word when we should be using another. Respect is a way of seeing, experiencing, of convincing a very strong behavior, that another person is there, and that this person is fully convinced and without proving that this behavior is correct, but the person has this convention, and with this behavior in relation to another person who has or does not have the same convictions, the flame, respect. For example we use respect to say that we should get along. We must not confuse respect with, for example, a traffic law that respects the speed of traffic, or a law that you may or may not agree with, but that you must respect, because that’s what the authority says . Nothing happens if you go on a freeway that there is no one there, and there is a speed limit of 120 km per hour, and you go 130. Well, and this respect, it’s something else, isn’t it? Always agreeing with the elderly, whether or not we agree with what they say, is respect, isn’t it? I don’t agree with that, I do agree with my respect, that if I’m on the bus and there’s an old or elderly person, I’ll give them my seat, so that old person can rest, but even though the word respect is used, it is not respect, it is a synonym that instead of respect would be education or civility. You have to be very careful with this word, read this reflection, because it is very interesting, to see and understand how the word respect is something else than what we are used to. It is again a synonym. Many times the words we use are not the right ones, and we make a mess. I do an analysis in my own way and say what I think. It is clear that what I think is correct, otherwise, I would not write it, but I am aware that I am not necessarily right. Then I would be very, very grateful if someone who disagreed with my theories, and in this way shed light on some new and correct theories, would be fantastic… If he did not respect what I write and correct me , to be on the right track again.

Well, let’s get to the point. A parent loves their child very much. The boy, twenty-one years old, wants to leave his studies because he wants to live in India for a few years. The parents are people of good social status and do not like their son to go on adventures, as they want him to go to University and have a career so that he can have a good future for his son. Should they respect his decision? Or must they show their indifference as a person who did not know or love the child would? A wife tells her husband that she has found a young man, and that she wants a separation, should the man respect the woman’s decision? Or should he say that very well, that he respects the decision and in this way show indifference , which, moreover, is impossible to demonstrate , since if this man loves his wife, the more he loves her, it will be more difficult for him. It is clear that there is an attitude which is to talk to the stakeholders and tell them to think about it and try to influence. This weakens the word respect, because the word ” respect equals indifference “. A man who loves his wife is not indifferent, and his feelings are clearly disturbed by the situation, he cannot respect his wife. The situation would be very different if the man no longer loved his wife, or had another wife. Then I would respect that decision. A parent sees their child smoking and the child is young, fifteen years old. The father tells him that smoking is bad for his health and that he should not smoke, but the son ignores the parents and continues to smoke. Here we have another example of respect, should the father respect his son? Well, I think it will be proportional to the degree that the parents love their child. The more they love him, the less respect, and if they did not love him, more respect, although it is very difficult for parents not to love their child. With this example, it could be argued that the child is a minor, and that he should not smoke, but even if the child is 18, 20, 30 years old, it would be the same thing. When you love a person the most, you want the best for them and if you see that that is bad or harmful for them, you will do everything you can to influence them, that is, more love less respect and vice versa. Today this respect is accepted because there is nothing else to do. You can try to influence whatever you want and not like anyone else, but you can influence as long as you are within the law, or the current jurisdiction. These situations are extreme, but usually scenes of respect happen daily at home, on the bus, at work, with friends, in all our daily lives. It’s that we are very hardened, with this word and it really gives rise to a behavior that could be repressive, we repress ourselves, constantly talking about everything. For example, in football, we respect those who believe that Messi, or that other, is what makes Barça work or those who are from Madrid. We have our ideas, which are very clear and which are the best. We respect the others because they are silly and don’t deserve to share their ideas, since we almost always have to argue with them to get on our bandwagon. Now, however, we are tired and respect everything they say. A very common example is which TV channel should be watched when there are six in the family, who should suppress and show respect? They are small behaviors that happen every day, almost without us noticing, but it is nevertheless a giving and yielding of respect. A strong position is maintained or not towards the matter, the truth. However, when one has or believes to have a clear vision of a behavior, concept, principle, political, religious idea, and I could mention many more, it is more difficult to respect the idea of the interlocutor that is different from ours , and this will be inversely proportional to the emotional bond you have with this interlocutor. If the bond with the interlocutor is superficial, the respect will be total, if the bond with the interlocutor is very strong, the respect will be null. Therefore, respect equals indifference. You can’t tell a person with whom you have very strong ties that you don’t approve of what that person does even if you respect their decision, even though you know that that decision that you respect will be the ruin of the person you you love This respect therefore seems to be inconsistent. There are many moments where the word respect makes sense and it’s when we talk about football, politics, a thousand topics in society. We have the ideas we have, and we want all people to think like us, because we are us, and what we think today is the dogmatic truth, even if tomorrow we will have changed our criteria, because that’s life. This respect is what regulates society, because we cannot be arguing all the time from the time we get out of bed until we go to sleep. Then this respect that we call indifference is regulated automatically according to whether the person is accepted, or it is a family bond, or a friendship or simply a feeling . This will make the discussion and warm-up time shorter or longer. Respect is what regulates our daily life and we could also say that it regulates our democracy. And now I say to you: “you can respect me, if you agree with me”, of everything I am writing here, although it would not be respect, it would be to agree. But if you don’t agree with me, then you don’t have to respect me. Then you can do two things, either try to debate my argument or say nothing. If you do nothing, you mean that, your indifference, because you don’t care about anything, and this reinforces my theory, that the opposite of respect is indifference. To me, the respect I’m really interested in is when the bonds are strong, even if the laws that regulate it are the same as they are in both cases. In short, “more respect, more indifference”, and accepting this is not always easy, ” the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference .

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We will see what an insult is, first we will define what an insult is, and an insult is a behaviour, verbal or not, that the insulted receives from the insulter, and this can be defined as a lack of argument from the insulter to the insulted, and that also entails an inferiority complex of the insulter against the Insulted, well, this happens unfortunately every day, and sometimes, with very disastrous consequences, when someone insults another person, it is for the reason that the insulter feels offended, then the reaction of the insulter will be proportional to the behaviour that the insulted takes, if the insulted does not react the insulter will take more drastic measures so that the Insulted reacts, but the insulter cannot always provoke a reaction from the Insulted, for many reasons, or because the Insulted does not pay attention to him, or for various reasons, such as the Insulted does not mean disputes, or physical reasons, or location.

Well now that we have defined the insult, we will see what happened the other day in a football field, where a part of the opposing group’s stands, cheered with insults and shouts at a black Real Madrid player, Vinicius. I was surprised by the reaction, the popularity, in the media, it has been called discrimination, and what is discrimination? In the Royal Spanish Academy, the word Discrimination is to separate or see the difference between two things, and fortunately we do it every day, a stone is different from a tree, and that is all that is Discrimination, now if we see a black, white, yellow or other coloured person, we will first discriminate them, because we must see the difference in colour, and then when we see the colour they have, and that is where the problem comes, which is, when we have discriminated the colour, we should give them the same treatment, but unfortunately, it is not always like that, then it is Discrimination, and this should not be done, but unfortunately it is done.

Well this is Discrimination, but in the case of the Player we have spoken about it has nothing to do with discrimination, but it does have to do with the Insult.

The insult, as I have already said above, is an inferiority complex of the insulter, against the insulted, and the action of the insulter, will be closely related to the behaviour of the insulted, if the insulted does not flinch, the insulter will double the action, to aggravate the insult, if circumstances allow him to do so, in a football field the insult can be only verbal, due to the access or excess of public of the insulter or insulters, but the reason is the same, the player has done a behaviour that the insulter did not like, and the only reaction that the insulter can do is the insult, since the inferiority complex, or call it repression, containment, is the only moderation, because of that complex, which he cannot dominate or solve, and that suffocates him, to the point that on some occasions, it could result in a criminal act, this happens every day, countless times, it always begins with the insult, and it can end badly if the insulter and the insulted are close and alone and the reason for the inferiority complex is serious.

The other day I saw on television a group that were demonstrating in the street against the mayor of Barcelona “Ana Colau”, and they insulted her, calling her “son of a bitch”, the insulted person could not say anything because first of all she was not there, and secondly, even if she had been, she would not have faced an entire crowd, and this is always what the insulter or the insulted person must evaluate.

Well, anyway, the player’s response, for racism, for being black, had more communicative echo in the media and federations, even international ones, than the mayor’s response, for insulting the mother, without the insulters knowing the mother of the mayor, but the truth is, without looking at the degree of offense, that the insulters wanted to offend the insulted, and the insulters achieved their purpose and that was possible, because of the inferiority complex of the insulters, because they could not do anything other than the insult.

For a normal, rational, or intelligent person, insults do not exist, they have no place, since insults are the opposite of reason. If you do not have an argument to explain to the person who is repressing you, or that you do not agree with said behaviour or offense, the only thing you have is an insult, or even a fight or more.

Enric Giné y Orengo

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The Problem of Eternity

I have always, from a very young age, had metaphysical problems that have plagued me to this day. The existence of God, and eternity have been one of them, but perhaps, much more important than the existence of God, has been the problem of eternity, since this is very connected with time, and what is the weather Time is the duration between two points in space, from an observer, my inability to understand the word and content of eternity , has left me many blank nights, and there is no night that, when go to bed, don’t think about her and what the world or life in the Universe will be like, millions of light years from now.

Imagine that a hummingbird that lives on the California coast, every 1 billion light years flies to Mount Everest. There he sharpens his peak with two strokes, one to the left and one to the right, and returns to the California coast and again, flies back to Everest, after another 1 billion light years and and so on until Mount Everest has been completely worn out. This will be a second of eternity!!! It may be a story for children, but on the other hand, it is not at all exaggerated. This problem haunted me and I was looking for answers to questions that I was not able to find. In the end I found a strategic principle that was a very factual answer, that is, eternity is eternal, it has no beginning or end, this is a postulate that I accept, but how long is eternity? Eternity is eternal or in other words, the length of Eternity must be at least as long as from here to the beginning of eternity, and as long as from here to the end, right? Well, that opened up another postulate. We already have some numbers to work with, we already have something. Well, so where are we now? In what kilometer are we from eternity, where topographically?

Well, here I did discover an answer, or at least it seemed to me. The answer is ” a path that has no beginning and no end ” , and if so, I must be in the middle of the path , so all of us are totally in ” the middle of eternity “. The problem is that you cannot measure the beginning nor the end, and the reason for this theory can be compared to a foggy day, in a valley or esplanade, where you are in a place, in front of you you see a distant or near horizon , it depends on whether there is a little or a lot of fog, and if you look back, the distance is exactly the same, as if you look to the side, both left and right. You will always be in the middle, and the fog will be like a circle. You will always be in the middle of this path no matter how much you walk forward or backward, left or right. This also opens up another hypothesis, and that is that the universe is round, isn’t it? Because? Because the strategy is the same, no matter how far you walk (just like a foggy day), you will always be in the center of your world, of your eternal path, the universe, with the particularity that you will have the same distance both forward and back, both to the right and to the left, i.e. a circle. If you move one meter to the left you will be in the center, if you move 1,000 million kilometers light years forward, or backward, or to the left, you will always be in the same place, exactly in the center. When I read the theory that the Universe is curved, I got goosebumps because according to this theory of mine that the Universe is a circle, and that, moreover, there is nothing scientific about it, but quite the opposite , seemed to have a connection.

The idea of knowing what our planet will be like fifty years from now is perhaps predictable, perhaps even within a hundred years, but if we say five hundred years or five thousand years it is already starting to enter out of control territory . Our civilization started 16,000 years ago, that’s not a long time. However, when we talk about a hundred thousand years or 1,000 million years, or 1,000 million light years, the picture is different. The Sun may no longer give light, and the Earth may have no atmosphere. There will be no water in the sea, and there will be no life. We will no longer exist. If the Almighty had made us eternal, now you would be sitting in a chair, watching a lifeless, dark, desolate planet, just like Mars, or some other planet. And this would only be a second of eternity, without us and without the chair, and that day will come, whether we like it or not, but the most important thing is that time is eternal, and it will not stop, it will continue billions of light years . The hummingbird will already be millions and millions of light years away from Everest, and everything will remain the same, impassive, but without us. Perhaps the planet Earth will not exist, there will be no wars, no conquests, no crimes, no evils, no goodness, no love, no poetry, no human efforts, everything will continue the same as at this moment that I write this nonsense. Everything will continue the same and in the best or worst cases, it will never end, because eternity has no end, just as it had no beginning. Eternity is saying goodbye to your children, wife, siblings, family, friends and thinking that you will never, never again, see them again and that you too will never again see a sunrise or a smile from your child or daughter, you will neither kiss your wife, nor smell the scent of a rose, nor hear the song of a bird. I too have hope that there is an Almighty Being, but does that change anything? One God…what will we do for all eternity? And even a little more, because when this eternity ends another will come, because there is no wall or sign that says: “End of eternity” and behind the wall will come more eternity, because eternity is infinite. Our only chance is God. I have no idea what eternity is. To me it is humanity’s greatest metaphysical problem. Maybe an omnipotent God has the solution to my problem. It is as if an ant could understand a mathematical equation, whether it was simple or complicated, it is impossible. The same could be with God, a very complicated problem for me could be silly for an Omnipotent.

Enric Giné i Orengo

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What is the Universe?

If we ever look up at the sky during the day, we might be able to see the clouds if there are any. If there are no clouds, we will see the Sun, and if it is night, we will see the Moon or the planets and finally we will be able to see the stars and maybe some galaxy like ours and this is where our Universe ends, with our own eyes . If we use modern equipment we can see a little more, but not much more. To start I would like to present a very interesting video, because it can give a different perspective of what we understand by the universe:


What we see, is this the Universe? Well, it seems so, but the question does not end here, but begins here, because the Universe is everything, what we see and what we don’t see. According to some very clever gentlemen, they say that the beginning of the Universe occurred with the famous big-bang and that the expansive explosion is still developing, that is to say, that every day the universe is getting bigger. How long this will last, because I don’t know, and for these scientists the universe is the big-bang, and that’s where it all ends. But this does not satisfy me, it seems to me an incomplete theory. It’s like looking at the sky on a cloudy day and saying that the stars don’t exist because we can’t see them, or because the devices we have can’t see them either. Couldn’t there be 2 big-bangs?? Or 3?? Or a thousand or millions?? Or trillions?? of big bangs in the Universe?? I believe that we must distinguish that there are two Universes , the organic and the non-organic . That is to say the organic which would be as the word itself says organic with all its organic fullness, electromagnetic like matter, light, heat, gas, etc., etc. This one is indeed limited, even if it is expanding and getting bigger every day. This one I say is limited because it can be measured. The other Universe, the one that is not organic , this is the rest, and that which is nothing cannot be measured. It is Eternal and this means that it is infinite , and since there is nothing, no space, no time, then it cannot be measured, and this characteristic is typical of the universe. What is the absolute universe? The absolute universe is nothingness! Where the organic universe ends , where the star is and where something organic like a stone or a person or something you can measure can come. this is the organic Universe . Where there is nothing, there is no space and where there is no space there is no time, if there is nothing you cannot measure anything, and if you cannot measure anything, it is the absolute universe. Where the organic universe ends, is where the absolute universe begins. As you can see, that’s why I say there are 2 Universes , but really there is only one!! And this is absolute Universe . However, where we live is the Organic Universe , and this is within the absolute Universe . However, when we talk about these things, it’s all very complicated. However, I try to make it as simple as possible so that it is understood. What I mean is that the Universe is a whole that is with us and outside of us and within us, as with the previous video there is no limit to travel outside the outer Universe, and neither is it within us . We would never find 1 barrier or sign that says “End of the Universe”, when the planets, the stars, the galaxies, that is the organic universe, will come to an end, the other part of the Universe will come, and this one will it is also the Universe in which are all the Small universes that exist. This Absolute universe is the Infinite, Eternal universe. The others are finite and limited, and although the organic universe is the most interesting, because it is where we live, and it is our life, but this one is very small. Imagine a universe like ours and your journey in a utopian plane that can travel 1 million times faster than the speed of light, and after many millions of years you reach the end of our big- bang, where the big-bang is far away, and you can hardly see it, and there is a lot of darkness, and a little more of your utopian travels, there comes a time when the darkness is complete. Now this is the Absolute Universe, you could travel beyond millions and millions of light years, finding nothing or maybe finding another big-bang, and so on forever and, it’s strange when we talk about the organic universe and the absolutely We say that an organic universe is a universe that can be measured because there is space and in the absolute there is not. The Organic Universe in which we live is approximately 13,761 and 13,835,000 years old. It seems that as in the organic there is life and in the absolute not, in our house in the organic, there is space and time, then we can measure, but it is an objective thing, because for a dead person the state is no longer organic but absolute. But anyway, although time for others continues to flow, I explain myself, with the absolute there is no longer anything, no space, no time, no nothing. However, with this example I mentioned earlier of the journey through the Absolute Universe, which is a utopia and is absurd and unrealizable, if we had a clock we could measure time, even if the vehicle would not move, because in addition to being dark night there would be nothing, neither space nor time.

That makes you think, doesn’t it?

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Measurement and Time

Measurement is a synonym, expression, term, used to describe, define the quality, property of an object in space and this description can be defined with values ​​such as length, width, height, weight, volume and density, and or, coordinates angles to locate in space, among other things, the measurement of time in space, deserves special attention.

Every object, event, organic or inorganic in space has a behaviour from the beginning of it to the end, and I call this Time, but also from a specific part to another, also obviously I call it Time.

Definition of Distance

Distance is the separation of one objective from another in space.

Speed ​​is the duration of the separation of one objective from another in space.

Definition of Unit

The quantity of objects in space is made up of units, and these have been assigned a mathematical number.

Past Present Future

The Measurement of Time has been created by man, and it is very interesting, in the Measurement of Time, the only thing we can affirm is that there are two eras, the Past and the Future and what happens with the Present? Well, this does not exist!, but it has existed because we have measured it, and because we cannot specify the Present, but we can measure it, since this escapes, every second, every tenth, hundredth, thousandth, when we measure the Present, we do it, but it is already in the Past, the fictitious Present is only a story between a period of time that we want to define, and what this is or was for us the Present, but this no longer exists, even if we define it, after having defined it, it will no longer be the Present, we will have defined it in the Past, specifically we can say that that measurement that was made in the Present we can only describe it in the Past.

This is in relation to measurement, but in this, in measurement we have already seen that the Present does not exist, but in Consciousness, it is only found in the Present, it does not exist in the past or in the future.

When a Consciousness exists in a Universe, it is the first indication of the existence of the Organic Universe, if not, it is because an Absolute Universe is described, this implies the evidence that to confirm an Organic Universe there must be or exist a Consciousness. I would recommend perhaps reading this link

Enric Giné i Orengo

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Current analysis of Catalonia

Tiredness and disappointment


The history of my country, and of many other cultures in the world, has been very painful, sad, bloody, plundered, with many lives sacrificed in wars, suffering for the simple reason that a culture, the Castilian one, with a sick desire for power to seize the goods of other cultures, and destroy said cultures, until their disappearance, to become an Empire, since this was the purpose, after more than three hundred years, we still continue, with all that this means an Empire, countries, entire nations plundered of their cultures.


We have and have had politicians, chosen by us, who only manage to continue in their jobs, with a salary that has not been chosen by us, but that does not matter to them, they receive a salary from us, which is much more than that of an office worker, but that is how things are, we will not lower their salary, and they will not do it either, but they will surely raise it themselves, and their school or university education is often less than that of an office worker, and when they speak, some of them seem illiterate, or if not ignorant, if we did not have those people called politicians, I am sure that Catalonia would have been an Independent Country for a long time, because Catalans want Independence, but politicians do not, they want their jobs and their salaries, and that is where we have one of the problems.

Loving Parents

Don’t you love dad more than mom? Or vice versa, right? They love each other equally, I am Catalan, but in 1973, I went to live in Denmark, it was during Franco’s time, and it was a shock for me, going from a dictatorship to a democratic country like Denmark, I have a daughter, son-in-law and 4 granddaughters who live there, my heart is broken in two, I love Catalonia as much as Denmark, I am part of these two cultures, and they have given me everything that I am, now I live in Catalonia, Denmark is independent, it does nothing to make it so, but that does not mean I have less identity, and that makes one wonder why many of those who call themselves Spanish fear that the so-called Spain will break up, so what? They will not prefer this culture, if they want it, the so-called Spain will not disappear, but will continue, not the opposite, like where they live, the country where they live, the culture is broken because the country they love, they broke it, and this is perverse ignorance.

Speaking a language that is not the culture of the country

I go into a shop and say “bon dia” and the shop assistant answers “Buenos días” and I answer and “am sorry” and he continues in English, when I get home I go to see my psychologist and explain my experience in the shop so that he can explain to me what I did not understand in the shop, he tells me that he is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist, he definitively says that he does not understand this behaviour either, but this behaviour is very widespread in the so-called Spanish mentality, speaking Castilian or English within another culture, Catalan, but they do not want to understand it, but a language that is not from this culture, Castilian or English, it does not matter which one, they can speak it, however, the Catalan language, the native one, no! What is the argument? It can only be perversion!


Since 1714, Catalonia has fought peacefully with the hope of being able to be what it was, the problem is that the Catalans have never understood that what is lost in a war, that is, with weapons, is difficult to return with dialogue, we Catalans are peaceful, and that is how we should be, but the Empire knows this, and it also knows that the Catalans are a rare race, for more than three hundred years, they have done nothing, well, yes we have done, and a lot, and it is the only thing we know how to do, it is to complain, we are the best at doing it, it is the only thing we know, we do it every day, thousands of times, it is on TV, Radio, newspapers, Catalan and pro-independence institutions, and people talk about lamentations, every day, the dialogues or conversations between friends and families, it is this, to complain about the Empire but nothing more, with lamentations everything ends, and the Empire thanks us.

Our Institutions

We have countless Institutions, which bombard us every day, with emails, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and so on. and these institutions are ANC, Òmnium, Consell Català per la República, there are many, I am a member of all of these and many more, I am member number 3999 of ANC, and I am a local administrator in some of them, well, what happens with these institutions? Well, nothing, they bombard us with a lot of information, which says nothing, only complaints, and I’m fed up with that, these institutions have fantastic and tremendous organizational options, but let’s look at where we are, I don’t want to say that they are very similar to politicians, because it is an insult, but the inactivity, and the results are the same, and it is sad, very sad, if now “Junts” and the “ANC”, and some others, say that they want amnesty, and a referendum, and this is nothing, just beating around the bush, with amnesty we would be in the same place as before October 1, 2017, with the referendum, because a referendum, already We have it, and we won it, and with a new one we could lose it, because we have many of the so-called Spaniards who reside in Catalonia, Well, I say, no!, no! and no!, I am not democratic in this respect, Catalonia belongs to the Catalans or to those who feel Catalan and love this country, it does not matter if they were born here or not, only if they love Catalonia.

What we have to do

What we have to do is organize ourselves, and build a new country, and this is the only priority we should have in our heads, nothing more than that, and how, and who has to do it? Well, we, the people who want change, together with the three Institutions that exist and with a command outside of the so-called Spain, “Òmnium Cultural”, its role is cultural, but it also stirs up part of the Catalans, “ANC”, is more political, and lately it wanted to present itself as a political party, and that is also good because it also stirs up many of us, the Catalan Council for the Republic, with its “Local Council for the Republic”, should be decisive in giving voice to the people, in order to be able to convey the decisions taken from the Local Council, since there are 947 Town Halls, and then the Catalan Council for the Republic, either in Brussels or abroad, out of the clutches of the enemy, both the Catalan Council for the Republic, Òmnium and ANC, should work very closely together, all three, in looking for strategies, to be able to get out of the Empire that exploits us and destroys our culture, and they are these three institutions and we from the Local Council for the Republic, which they have, and we have to do it, and this It is an enormous task, because the break with the so-called Spanish state involves two very important and difficult phases, and the question is: how can we do it? and how do we have to organize ourselves? In order to survive after the break, all of this has to be studied very rigorously, because it depends on whether we are successful, or whether we have to continue for 300 more years, so let’s all study it well, because it has to be very well tied up, without any cracks, and when everything is well tied up and studied, and well approved, without any incidents, then there has to be a command, as I have said abroad, where they must give the orders, which all of us Catalans have to follow, rigorously, with a lot of discipline, I would say almost military, but without violence, anything other than that is continuing with the same, and it is doing nothing.

Possible Strategies of Enric

1) We Catalans who feel Catalan must behave as Catalans, within a State that has us, by merits of war, as a colony or region or autonomy or that administers our economy, language and Culture. In these circumstances we are very weakened, but not defeated or annihilated. There have been many Empires that have tried it, but with us they have not been able to do so for the moment. We must behave as what we are “a colony”; however, we must fight, democratically and intelligently, to get out of this nightmare, and we must follow some guidelines to be able to do so.

2) The “Council of the Catalan Republic”, with the name of M.H. President Carles Puigdemont, should now lift the suspension and make the declaration of the Catalan Republic.

3) The “Council for the Catalan Republic” should lead all the actions that we should take for the liberation of the Catalan State as a full Country or Nation.

4) We must broaden the base of the independence movement, in order to have a majority, and of course in all the Town Halls.

5) We must use the Town Halls whenever we can

6) Declare the Municipalities either Republican or Independent

7) Declare the King persona non grata in all the Municipalities

8) Buy or deal with Catalan companies, none of them Spanish

9) Strategy to pay all taxes, VAT, etc. to the “Generalitat”, not giving any money to the so-called Spain.

10) The official language, only Catalan, both in the town councils and the Generalitat.

11) Put in the entries of the municipality is the name of the town, it is also the Catalan Republic.

12) Put on balconies, windows etc. Catalan flags, and wear personally as possible, or a flag or an insignia on the lapel or a visible site, to demonstrate that we are Catalans.

13) Put a flag at all the roundabouts in all the towns of Catalonia.

14) TV3, Catalan televisions and radios only broadcast in Catalan.

15) The information records, only in Catalan and English, both on Highways, or on roads.

16) It is the whatever they are called, Homes or Embassies Catalan, they have established the foreign country, representing Catalonia.

17) We encourage other Cultures such as Galicia, the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Country, Catalunya from Nord, to abandon the Empire, since Spain is an Entelechy and such does not exist.

18) Spain should be what it has always been, a region of the Iberian Peninsula, specifically Castella, and this is what we must try to force to become its own culture, and stop exploiting it. Others, all the cultures are equal, and both respect each other, since in this way the cultures are enriched, not just one, all.

19) From the “Local Council for the Catalan Republic”, hold meetings are held to update the moment in which the society came to life and to review current strategies. This is very important, because the Local Councils for the Republic. 947 have not existed, therefore, in Catalonia, we have 947 municipalities, and the finality is that there are 947 Local Councils for the Republic to continue working, because the interconnection between all the 947 Councils is crucial, the more united, the more forceful.

20) These are the best strategies, and here is the essence of the one you were trying to do, although there are some strategies, and with only one person per month, among all of us we can find other strategies and millions and it is here that we can study among all of them, to find out that the best ones are able to function satisfactorily.

If you have a description of my book you can click here

 Enric Giné i Orengo

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Thank you friends

Thank you, friends, without you we would not have reached where we are now .
I want to write to the ANC of which I am a member. Why the ANC? Well, because it is a civil movement to which I belong and to which I want to transmit this message.
I am not writing to Jordi Sánchez, because, although I have a lot of respect for him, he is just another person in our association, who represents me and the whole association. But he is in prison, and I am not, and for having the same ideas. That’s unfair and that’s why I wear a yellow ribbon on my chest.
Catalans are by nature peaceful , but another characteristic of ours is that we are disunited, and even though we are many, we only know how to complain. However, we do not have strategies, and it is difficult for us to solve political problems. They slap us and we turn the other side.
I would like it, since we are many people who defend our culture, and we would like to be independent again, and for this reason, I give these two strategies here, and try to contribute in this way if there are more people who are in agreement with these, which are as follows:
 1) All councils that had a sovereignist majority, (have to) declare a Republican Council, just as the town of Amer did.
2) Put a statue, like the one in the photo, in a square in all the town halls where there was a sovereignist majority, thanking our Spanish politicians.
peaceful strategy , and this is where we must go. We leave violence and injustice to the Spanish state. The more violence and injustice they do, the more they show how terrified and panicked they are of us. “The Unity of the Motherland is being destroyed!!!”. Is it a “gene”? Yes, and that all Spaniards have it, and that, if they don’t need psychiatric help, they need psychological help. Because? What is “Unity of the Motherland” for an ordinary person? Or for one who is not Spanish? Well simply, a logical reasoning would mean that one “commands and the other obeys”, “one pays and the other receives”, in short, “pure colonialism”.

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Dependency or Independence, that is the question

                             Everyone has their thesis about Independence, but for me it is something special and I use it very often with very good results. That’s it, there are two ways to position yourself, one is to be Dependent and the other is to be Independent. The clerk is the one we Catalans have used for the last three hundred years. It is to give some money to Spain to administer us for 60 million euros a day, since the Catalans are fools and as there are people smarter than us, like the so-called Spaniards, or the Castilians, they do us this favor or work . Now they charge us this money to administer Catalonia, and now it is no longer as rich as it was before, when it was the most industrial, agricultural and livestock region and the richest in the kingdom. Now that Catalonia has become less rich and the poor regions have become less poor, such as Andalusia and Extremadura, we still have to be happy with our politicians who have managed to make us pay only 60 million a day… All a feat I always ask supporters of independence and very close friends of the Spanish that maybe now, after three hundred years, we could look for another administrator, for example, Germany, England or the Nordic countries. They have their countries very ordered and controlled and they could, for 22,000 million euros a year, administer our country. I’m sure they would be delighted with life and would do much better than the Spanish. You could even hold an auction and there would still be someone who would do it for us cheaper. The other possibility is to be Independent, maybe we are not as stupid as we think and could manage ourselves and thus save all this money. These are the two possibilities we have. I believe that there is no color, that the best is Independence. If we decided on the other one, the Dependency, I think it would be much more beneficial to us than, instead of Spain, as I have already said, if another country did it. The solution is as clear as water. Catalonia is already of age and knows how to administer its own resources without the need of anyone. In addition, it is a little incomprehensible that some people who have nothing to do with Catalonia know how to solve the problems of the Catalans. For example, how many train lines do the Catalans need, what timetables, all the roads or motorways or airports and thus an endless list of things to do from Madrid. Wouldn’t it be better for the Catalans to administer themselves according to our needs? Dependency or Independence! It is synonymous with Administration, and those in Madrid want to administer us because the administrators get a much better part of the Pie than the administered. Elementary Mister Watson, however, Dependence or Independence also means what the same word means, which is, or “Depend or not Depend” .Catalonia now “Depends” on Madrid , and this means that Madrid administers Catalonia, because it “Depends” on it. We need this money that the Spanish robbed us of to build roads, have a good railway network, good airports, good public health, good schools, etc., etc. 60 million euros a day is a lot, a lot of money. There is a lot of talk about Independence, but what we want is for Catalans to administer ourselves, say Independence or Administration. We want our language, which is Catalan, to be spoken in Catalonia. We are a Nation, and as a Nation we have a culture, a Language, customs, just like others such as Spanish, Galician, Basque, French, German, etc. and the only thing the Catalans want is to administer themselves, and to persevere in our culture, once again Independence is equal to Administration .

Enric Giné I Orengo

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The 10 Deadly Sins of Catalonia

Catalonia is one of the oldest nations in Europe, and its languageis Catalan!

1) What is Catalonia?

Catalonia is a nation, which was born on February 19, 988 and was stripped of its rights as a nation in 1714, after the War of Succession. It has been at political war against Spain ever since. Catalonia, like any other millennial culture, has its own language, gastronomy, dance… It has been a Kingdom, Republic and Principality and countless customs that make Catalonia, throughout many centuries, have a relevant Culture.

2) Media

The media play a very important role, both in Spain and Catalonia, and as in the whole world, but especially in the Spanish media, perhaps out of ignorance, perhaps out of convictions, perhaps to please the government, they have been especially very harsh against Catalonia. They have always hidden, in whole or in part, their relationship with Catalonia. They believe that Catalonia is a part of Spain, where a dialect is spoken, and our identity bothers them a lot. Even when we speak Catalan, they think we do it to provoke the Spaniards. Abans en temps franquistes, estava prohibit parlar el nostre idioma, el català, i quan havies d’anar a un lloc públic, i et dirigies en castellà, et deien que parlessis en “cristià”, tant la TV com la Ràdio, com en the State newspapers are totally indoctrinated and even the news is manipulated, and some of them that do not interest them are omitted, and those that are interesting to the State, increased. Catalan TV has been awarded many times for its impartiality and professionalism, the state media has been questioned, even by its own staff. The Madrid government wants to intervene in the Catalan media because, according to them, they indoctrinate the Catalans, and in this way they can control them.

3) Justice

What is Justice in Catalonia? Well, Justice should be, in the whole world, just, and nothing else. What is happening in Catalonia? We have five people from the legitimate government in exile, the two Jordis , the vice-president of the legitimate government, and the Minister of the Interior are in prison. Tothom jurídic, tant l’espanyol com el català, estan d’acord que es tracta d’una injustícia, que aquesta gent estigui empresonada no té cap base jurídica. What happens is that the “Unity of the Motherland” is indestructible, according to the Constitution itself. TC himself knows that this, legally, has no basis, given that he does what the political power dictates. The TC has no one before them to question it. First he makes his decisions, when it comes to “The Unity of the Fatherland”, the TC has the support of the Spanish Government, and of all the judges, whether or not they agree with them, and has, behind him, the whole Nation spanish

4) Constitution

The Franco period, forty years of dictatorship, affected the Spanish population, like all dictatorships, impoverishing its population, both physically and intellectually. The dictatorship did a lot of damage and we are still suffering the consequences and it will take a long time to normalize this situation. Anyway here, in Catalonia, there is a fact that no one has been able to destroy since 1714 and that is that the Catalan sentiment has not been able to move a millimeter, it is still intact (of course there are new Catalans and immigrants que no volen ser catalans, sinó espanyols, d’això ja parlaré en un altre Pecat Capital, “Nous catalans”). We were asked many questions following the end of Francoism, when, theoretically, it arrived, the political parties found a way to be able to open a new period, which they called “transition to democracy”. An attempt was made to make a new Constitution, which could be accepted by all. It was very difficult, especially for the army. The Constitution came out which was only possible in 1978. In 1981 there was a coup d’état caused by those who longed for the old regime. It was a failed coup d’état, but this Constitution is what we have now, a constitution that, in 2018, is of no use, not even for the Spanish and much less for the other identities that live together in Spain. It was not a transition, it was a continuation of the Franco regime.

5) The Unity of the Motherland

First we will have to explain what this word is or how it is understood. Here, in Catalonia, we Catalans understand it as repression, but we will have to do a bit of history to understand it a little better. We will have to go to 1492, when, in a benevolent moment for Castile, which was conducive to an unprecedented conquest, Castile and Aragon conquered almost all of South America , Central America , Mexico and many others. Already, in those days, Castile and Aragon had the feeling of conquest and this is what he did, and it turned out well. He became rich by using the tools they used as repression, annihilation, destruction of language, religion, culture and expropriation of all goods, gold, and in this way he took command of this entire Empire. The ships left full of gold and slaves towards Spain. Here was born the feeling of “the Unity of the Motherland”, with time and little by little, the Spanish Empire fell, until today, where only Galicia, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Valencian Country and also Ceuta, Melilla, and the Canary and Balearic Islands. Despite this setback “The Unity of the Fatherland” is as strong as ever. Last year I went to Madrid and a taxi driver, hearing my Catalan accent, asked me if I was Catalan. I told him yes, and he asked if I had any comments on the current political situation. I told him that if the Catalans want to be independent, it must be the will of the Catalan people, right? I asked him what his comment was, and he said with a very long and sad face: “A broken Spain?!!!!!!” I was not surprised because I saw that “The Unity of the Fatherland” is still very much within the Spanish people. It’s a “Gen”, it’s a psychiatric, psychological thing that, through the history of Spain, has taken hold and deepened within the Spanish mind. The problem with “the unity of the Motherland” is that the Spanish do not know what it is. It has been repeated so many times that they have it in the “Genes”. For a Catalan or for another human being, he will see that unity is, “one who commands and the others are to serve”. Pure colonialism, it is the colonies that bring the goods to the Empire and that this unity cannot be broken for obvious reasons, Madrid wants unity and when the Spanish are cured of this disease, they will see that the rulers have taken them the hair Franco was the greatest anti-communist in the history of mankind. Well, as you all know, his phrase: “Before a red and broken Spain”. Amazing, isn’t it? And today this phrase is as alive or more than ever or just as well as ever. That’s why Catalans have it so bad. We will have to fight hard for our liberation. When Spain puts so much emphasis on “The Unity of the Motherland” something is wrong. Let’s see what’s there. I copied and pasted Article 2 of the Spanish Constitution: “Article 2, the Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards”. This is in article 2 of the Constitution. Unbelievable, Spain is still the same as in the time of the conquerors, “the Unity of the Motherland”. I am not sure, but Spain must be the only country in the world where in such a priority place in the constitution it is so important for its citizens to tell them what “The Unity of the Fatherland” represents.

6) Humiliations

One of the many degradations that are done by the State and some Spanish people are humiliations against Catalonia. For them our history does not exist, the language is a dialect and for them, Catalonia is Spain. They despise Catalan culture, they ridicule it and now, in the last days of the Process, they even insult, threaten, and remind the politicians that they have children, and, to our president, to remind him that a very honorable president of the Generalitat he was miserably shot in the Castle of Montjuïc. The humiliations have reached an unsustainable level for the dignity of a person, whatever his ideology. They say that the Catalan media are indoctrinating Catalans, but it is they, not us, who must tell the truth, and nothing more. The 1st of October, election day for the Parliament of Catalonia and, moreover, a day of mourning, because the Spanish Police made very violent charges against the people who went to vote. It was another act of humiliation against our people, after these uncivil acts, the Spanish people rewarded the policemen who beat our people with trips and pleasure holidays, to thank the policemen who d’enfrontar amb aquells insurrectes, rebels… Els catalans ens adonem que els espanyols ens odien i un exemple d’això és que quan els policies espanyols sortien cap a Catalunya, de les diferents ciutats espanyoles, per reprimir els catalans, els policies they shouted “a per ells”, as if saying that not a single Catalan should be left on foot, the insults we had to hear are countless… You could write whole pages of these adjectives. This is the estimate that a good part of Spain has for us. Here is a group of examples.

Duc d’Olivares, 1641 : It is necessary to reduce Catalonia to Castilian usages and customs.

Martínez Anido to Primo de Rivera : Catalonia must be filled with the worst that Spain has.

Francisco de Quevedo, 1640 : The Catalan is the saddest and most miserable creature that God created and they are thieves with three hands, as long as there is only one Catalan left in Catalonia, and stones in the desert fields we must have enemies and wars.

Miguel de Unamuno, 1905 : If the state did not impose Spanish throughout Spain, dialects would be imposed on Spanish.

Felip 5 de Borbó, 1715 : Que a les escoles no es permetin llibres en llengua catalana, escriure ni parlar-hi dins de les escoles i que la doctrina cristiana hi sigui i l’aprenguin en castellà.

Manuel Azaña, 1931 : A person I know assures that it is a law of the history of Spain that it is necessary to bombard Barcelona every fifty years, the unjust and harsh, but solid and comfortable system of Felip Vera has been valid for two centuries.

Queipo de plan, 1936 : We transform Madrid into an orchard, Bilbao into a large factory and Barcelona into an immense lot.

Manuel Fraga, 1968 : Catalonia was occupied by Felipe IV who defeated it, it was bombed by General Esparter and we occupy it in 1939 and we are ready to occupy it as many times as necessary and that is why I am ready to take it again the rifle

José Prat, 1984 : Els catalans només són importants quan parlen en castellà.

Calvo Sotelo, 1983 : Spanish-speaking immigration to Catalonia and the Balearic Islands must be encouraged in order to ensure the maintenance of Spanish sentiment.

Felipe Gonzalez, 1984 : Terrorism in the Basque Country is a matter of order, but the real danger is the Catalan differential fact.

Santiago Bernabéu, 1968 : I like Catalonia, what I don’t like are the Catalans.

Antonio Machado, 1937 : Of those who claim to be Galicians, Catalans, Basques… Before Spaniards, always distrust them. They tend to be incomplete, insufficient Spaniards from whom nothing great can be expected.

These are the people who have loved us since time immemorial.

7) The New Catalans

Who lives in Catalonia? Many people live here, as in the rest of the world, tourists, refugees, immigrants, new Catalans, Catalans… Etc. Ens concentrarem, només, amb els immigrants espanyols i nous catalans. The new Catalans and Spaniards are the same thing. They are people who, for whatever reason, come to Catalonia to live or work. Immigrants, foreigners or Spaniards who come to work, find themselves with a language and culture completely unknown. The new Catalan will live with two cultures, that of his origin and Catalan. Over time he will integrate into the new Catalan culture, for whatever reason, he is fine in his new society, although he does not want to lose his culture of origin. Although he doesn’t speak Catalan, he feels Catalan because, in addition to being integrated, they find that Catalan culture gives them many values and they sometimes feel more Catalan than the Catalans themselves. Perhaps there are also first and second generation Catalans who, perhaps, have not integrated very well and consider themselves Catalan, but are against the language and Catalonia as a state, and want to be and continue to be a province of Spain . As a result of this analysis, you can see that everything is a bit complex, but it is not. In the sixties Catalonia had an immigration of 42% of the active population. This immigration was a revolution, however, it somewhat denatured Catalan culture. Sociologists say that 12.5% immigration is the quota allowed to not denature a culture. Well, on the one hand, it hurt us, but on the other hand, it was very beneficial, since there was a lack of labor and, thanks to this immigration that came, the vast majority of Andalusia and especially Murcia , Catalonia had a very strong economic progress and many people from this region became immigrants or new Catalans and, many of them, their sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, are Catalans and defend Catalonia. There are other new Catalan immigrants, which is more complicated to make an analysis. We could categorize this group into political parties called Constitutionalists. These parties affect the people who came to work here a few years ago, these groups have a Spanish ideology, and may or may not be working class, and many may be South Americans who come or have come to work in multinationals such as now Telephone, supermarkets, construction, finally, services. The typical worker who has come here because there is a better chance of making a living. There is also another group that socially perhaps has a higher level. Finally, a socially high group, this is on the boards of companies. These three groups that I have just mentioned do not want, nor do they want to integrate into Catalonia. They consider Catalonia to be Spain. Hi ha gent que ha nascut o no a Catalunya, i que viuen amb una altra cultura dins de Catalunya, que podria ser espanyolista, i que ells es consideren tan Catalans com els Catalans independentistes. They believe that the mere fact of having been born or living in Catalonia gives them the right to be Catalan. An example, the Catalan leader of Citizens, Inés Arrimadas García. Ella parla Català, viu a Catalunya, i ella amb un entorn espanyolista, i sense tenir cap sentiment cap a Catalunya per contra, un exemple, que amb això no vull dir que ella és terrorista. They are fortunately peaceful, but if ignorant. A pure example can be seen in a terrorist who lives in Catalonia, for example in Ripoll. They were born in Catalonia, they love Catalonia, but they commit crimes against Catalonia. Inés Arrimadas is not a terrorist, he does not kill people fortunately. Això no obstant destrueix la seva cultura on ella mateixa viu, per” mostra un botó”, i com ella hi ha molta gent que viu a Catalunya, això no obstant que no se senten Catalans, se senten Espanyols. I have lived in Denmark for forty years, and now I live in a small town in Girona, Tossa de Mar, I was born in Barcelona, but I have lived half my life in Denmark. I love both Denmark and Catalonia. Denmark has given me many things, many values, my problem is that I have a broken heart. Això no obstant no fa res, ja amor suficient per a les dues nacionalitats, no tinc que refusar una per tindre l’altre, com fan els Catalans que no volen perdre la seva identitat Espanyola. I love both with an incalculable deep love, I am very lucky that two cultures welcome me, I am very lucky, and it would be a great misfortune to lose one of them, they are always in my heart. How has it gone to the American countries that were robbed, impoverished, they have destroyed all their culture, including their language. But what is a Country? A Country consists of a culture, a language, a dance, a flag, a literature that consists of poetry to songs, books and etc., etc. And finally a story, and you can’t trivialize a culture like Inés Arrimades and other constitutionalists do, saying that they are as Catalan as those of us who really feel Catalan. All these people show is a deep ignorance and contempt against our culture. To feel Catalan is not only to love the territory, but also to identify with all parts of Catalan culture. A person cannot say that he loves Catalonia, and attack its culture as many people do, and constitutionalists. I love Catalonia, because I feel identified with all its branches of its culture, and like others who have given their lives to defend it, I would also defend it against those who want its disintegration, or annexation to the seva cultura Espanyola, com Espanya ho ha fet amb totes les seves colònies tan americanes, com amb la Gallega, País Basc, Catalana i moltíssimes altres, sobretot d’espanyols, que pels motius que siguin, tenen o volen tenir uns vincles o valors amb Spain, for its Spanishness. This group of immigrants or new Catalans, for reference , have, as I said before, sympathy for constitutionalist groups, and this is a danger for our culture, because there must be a maximum of immigration allowed, as I have said before, in any country. An example I want to mention is Kosovo. This new country was, before its unilateral Independence, a Serbian state. In Kosovo there was a very strong immigration from Albania, which reached 94%. 6% were Serbs, and 94% Albanians, a cultural aberration for which the Serbs paid dearly. They lost Kosovo in a democratic way. Do we want to lose our culture? Our language? Our customs? If the answer is “no!” we have to be very careful and act accordingly. It would be very interesting if we all did a reflection together. This is very important because, statistically, it shows that all the Constitutionalists who are against the Process, and this is evidence that, “when we have more progress in Catalonia, there is a decline in independenceists” . Possibly, the latest immigration that arrives in Catalonia remains surprised by the Catalan situation. Obviously, these new arrivals have no emotional or sentimental ties to Catalonia. This means that, the more successful we are in our country, the sweeter we will be, and consequently, more people will come to Catalonia, and the fewer pro-independence people we will have. Repeteixo “El nostre èxit serà la nostra destrucció de l’Estat Català”, que és, precisament, el que l’Estat Espanyol vol. Recently , a Political Party has emerged that they call ultra-right, which is Vox. This is also classified as constitutionalists, just like PP and Ciutadans. All the constitutionalist parties are against independenceists putting yellow ribbons on streets and public places. His argument is that public places belong to everyone, and precisely because they belong to everyone, independenceists wear yellow ribbons. Being able to express oneself in a public place must be the pure essence of democracy, not as it happens in dictatorships, which must be inside the houses and hidden. If the constitutionalists do not agree with the yellow ribbons that others of another color wear or that demonstrate it in public places. This is called democracy, don’t rip off others because they have a different ideology. Another of the arguments that the constitutionalists say is that families in Catalonia are torn apart, because of independence. This could partly be true, but according to the part that is observed if one is a constitutionalist, blame those who want to break with Spain and if you are not, it is those who want the extinction of Catalonia as a Nation and its disintegration within Spain. This argument exists all over the world, families at odds because one party has an ideology contrary to the other. This is called pure democracy, in the USA, the nation is divided into two parts, one is the Republicans and the other is the Democrat , in England also, one is the Labor Party and the other is the Conservative , and it is like this all over the world , that’s democracy.

8) Legality

          What is legality? It’s very easy to define, isn’t it? It is doing what is within the law everything else is illegal. It is very difficult for us Catalans if we want to be independent, right? Well yes, if we are to be within the legality, we will have to convince a majority of Spaniards to let us out and, for that, we need to convince the political parties, and that is difficult because they have the majority. PP, PSOE and Cs do not want to break with the Sacred Unity of the Fatherland , in addition, the Constitution must be changed and blah, blah, blah… Total, impossible, we can never be independent. So let’s do a little history. The fall of the Spanish Empire was when Spain began to lose its colonies and none of them left Spain in a democratic way, meaning within the law. It was with pure illegality. That’s why I say, how can the independence of Catalonia be achieved? But with the difference that most states, when they separated, did so via open wars or violence. In addition, the distance did not play in Spain’s favor and today, in a Catalonia that is and has always been non-violent, the bottom line is that it has always been done illegally. No one gives up their sovereignty amicably, and Spain didn’t either, she took it by force and gave it back so she couldn’t do anything else. That is why I say that Spain cannot now preach when she did what she did by force, and she did it Illegally, with violence and wars. Now we are in a different time and many years have passed, more than three hundred years, that we lost the war, our sovereignty, our language, our culture and our rights, and now, it is time for Spain to return to us our rights, which are like what the blacks wanted, to have the same rights as the whites. What did the whites say when they banned blacks from entering? “What did these blacks think?” Blacks had to commit many illegalities to achieve equality with whites. Women’s suffrage, another right, many illegalities also had to be committed to get the right to vote. To legalize abortion, how many women had to abort when it was prohibited, pure illegality. I could name hundreds, thousands of things that people used to do illegally that are now legal. The will of the people makes the law, not the law makes the people. The people of Catalonia want to become independent, and there is no more sovereign will than the will of a people, moreover, with the aggravating fact that the domineering people have not been of much help to us, quite the opposite. He has persecuted our language, culture and impoverished us in an illegal way, both in Spain and international law, where the United Nations says that languages and cultures in extinction must be helped. Spain, however, defends the Spanish language because it believes that it is the one that is dying out in Catalonia. Therefore, illegality is the only way to move forward from this impasse. We have the United Nations to protect us. We are not illegal there.

Song of Freedom

Enric Giné i Orengo

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Political prisoners and exiles

If we say we have political prisoners, in Madrid they say it’s not true. They say that we have politicians in prison, but the politicians in Madrid do not see, or do not want to see, that the people who are in prison are democratically elected politicians, that all our politicians have done is show their faces by the people who elected them, by a political idea. If Madrid sees that this is a crime, then it should ban all political movement, if it does not, they are legitimizing all parties, PP, Cs or PSOE or any other political party that has presented itself in the elections. They are all the same, the only thing that differentiates them is ideology. If this is not prohibited, then all politicians are legitimate and cannot be put in prison, precisely, for their ideology, because they have been elected by the people, to be able to develop their political ideology to be able to bring it to terms, which is also the purpose of democracy to elect the party you want. One of my arguments is that these people who are in prison have not committed a crime, although in the eyes of the constitution, since the Republic was declared and automatically suspended seconds later. Then there was no conflict or break with the Sacred Unity of the Fatherland , you can perhaps talk about provocation, but not a crime, because things continued the same and having been able to change the jurisdiction, because it is the highest institution, and that is Parliament, and voted in favor of proclaiming a Catalan Republic. However, he didn’t do it, and everything continued the same… It makes no sense to present to Parliament a political idea like La Republicana Catalana, which has also been chosen by the voters, accepted, so that it can be in Parliament whenever it wants execute this political idea cannot be done. It’s nonsense, isn’t it? This thing about the yellow ribbons, it’s the same as what I just wrote right now. There are some people who do not see it clearly and remove the ribbons from the places where the yellow ribbons that we, the pro-independence people, have put, in a public place that they would have understood and respected, and that is a demonstration of a political expression, but they consider it an anti-democratic proposal. Constitutionalists must understand that the majority is the one that decided it. We would agree if it were the other way around. I think that when there is a group that is pulling ties, it is a provocation, and we should look for a dialogue “like what I am doing here with this reflection or analysis” and try to find a point of understanding. I don’t think dialogue is too difficult, they say that by talking you understand people. I hope so. In addition, the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy is precisely being able to publicly express everyone’s ideology , it is a right to use all public spaces, not private ones, and if we cannot use public spaces, then we will not have Freedom, neither of expression, nor of anything, and this is called dictatorship.

The other day, I was walking down the street, a man stopped me and asked me why I was wearing a yellow bow. I told him that it was because some people who had the same political ideas as me and who represented me in Parliament, were in prison, and that I found it very unfair that they were in prison and I wasn’t, when we had the same political ideas That is why I and many other people support them in this way and show our disagreement with this injustice. I also told him that he should support him because, if one day his deputies elected by the people went to prison, we would come to support him, and if we had to wear a yellow ribbon, we would wear it. This is called democracy. Also, when a person commits a crime, as they have done and more than 2 million people too, to vote for people who represent us, they have to go to jail, right? Well some are already there and the others more than 2 million, right? What do Spanish judges do? Don’t they do their job? Can’t they do it? They can’t put more than 2 million in jail, a judge has to judge what is good from bad, what is a crime from what is not a crime, and they don’t, what are these judges doing? They only put a few in prison to scare the Catalans, shame on the judges, these judges can’t put more than 2 million Catalans in prison, of course not!!! A judge cannot put an entire nation, a culture, a people in prison. This man, surprised by my explanation, left without saying anything to me. I don’t know if he understood what I told him or not!! Or he took me for a fool.

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Catalan-Spanish Political Strategy

1) Catalan-Spanish History

First Spanish Flag 1785 Catalan 1050   

First Spanish Parliament 1785, Catalan Parliament 1192  

First Spanish President 1823, Catalan 1359  

First Spanish Constitution 1812, Catalan 1283  

Spain is an Entelechy , and why yes, then, because we see it, but it is an invention. The closest you can see is the word Hispania, which has nothing to do…with Spain and the language of Spain is Castilian, not Spanish. Spain does not have its own language and this was solidified with Cultures and Countries that did not belong to them, but that it has acquired through wars, violence and conquests. We see as an example South America, Central America, part of North America, the Philippines, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Galicia, the Basque Country, Catalonia, the Valencian Country, Ceuta and Melilla.

3) Continuing with Spain . The Spanish idiosyncrasy is conquering, dominant and clear, a Conqueror! with a lot of command experience, since that’s what he’s always done, it’s the skill that when you’re in command and have all the control apparatus, you perfect yourself and get what you want done.

4) For thousands of years , the control device has worked perfectly, always the same, it has not moved a millimeter. The first known monarchy was the six hundred and sixty BC and it was Jinmu , then the Romans, and so up to our time, everything remains the same. First the kings, at the end of feudalism, at the end of various states of government, but totally equal, the same as today, like Socialism, Communism, capitalism, Democracy, the Kings had the vassals, the army, the power judicial, and all forms of repression against the people. Feudalism made concessions, however with the condition of not weakening the apparatus of power, and so it has continued until our times. The apparatuses of power of the state are the same, they are untouchable, the governments, the armies, the institutions, the Justice (the judges), the teachings, in short everything, including the society, which has had the weight of the Empire under her

5) The role of Spain is complicated, because first as an old Empire, and second as a Dictatorship and has never broken with this phase of its relatively short, but active history, and this has been and is the problem. And its inhabitants themselves strongly believe in “the Unity of the Motherland”, and this is above all! In Spain you can do everything, and when I say everything, it’s everything!! Acts of corruption, criminals etc. but as long as it is in the name of, or for “The Unity of the Fatherland”, with this everything is allowed, and the king, the government, the army, the judges, and the whole apparatus have done it, do it and they will And that is why we have politicians in exile or in prison, not for having committed a crime (because Independence was suspended and was not effective), but for political ideas, it might have been more controversial if Independence had declared effective, because then a crime would have been committed. But that was not the case, because it was suspended. How can it be that a person with a fascist, Francoist, Falangist, or ultra-right tendency can do acts that are not legal, and a Republican, Independentist, or Rapper cannot do it. How can judges make such a difference. Well once again “the Unity of the Motherland”.

6) On the other hand , going deeper, with “The Unity of the Motherland”, what is this? Well that’s “I command and you obey”, and what’s more, you pay me because I’m in charge and you do what I say! And this is called “The Unity of the Fatherland”, both in times of kings, feudalism, or democracy and etc.

7) Spain has some difficult problems to solve if it wants to continue to be Spain, and it is the nationalities that really make up Spain. But of course, this would be with a different perspective, since the Spain we know is an Entelechy. However, if you wanted, you could try to make it like one with a federation, without headquarters in Madrid, where each country and culture were equal, and each culture was governed independently, and culturally independent, independent language. However, I do not want to enter here now, I will do so on another occasion. However, it is clear that the departure of Catalonia would be a hard blow for Spain’s economy, and they know this, and they also know that Spain cannot survive without Catalonia, and especially now.

8) Another impact that makes the Spanish suffer a lot is that an exit from Catalonia would give strength to the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, Ceuta and Melilla, to do the same, what would Spain do without all of them, nothing? And this is what makes them unable to sleep at night. But this implies having been a great and powerful Empire. All empires have been losing their colonies and have reached the beginning where they were. The USA and the United Kingdom are already in a crisis that is getting worse and will get worse with time, it’s just a matter of time.

9) En relació ara a la situació política Catalana-Espanyola , nosaltres els ciutadans catalans ens compliquem molt la vida, malauradament seguim com sempre, per això fa més de tres-cents anys que som on som, som llestos per parlar, lamentar-nos , and also to do nothing.

10) Catalonia, has existed since 990 . It has a Culture, its own language, dance, traditions, customs, gastronomy, but globalization, immigration, as in the years 1950 to 1960, there was a very strong immigration to Catalonia, with the result that the Catalans and the Catalan culture was greatly reduced. Well sociologists say that controlled immigration can even be good, always at a maximum limit of 12.5%, here it reached 46%, and that is not good for a culture.

Something similar happened in the former Yugoslavia . It was in Kosovo, which were Serbs, but it had a very strong immigration from Albania, which was fatal, and which reached 96%, where the Serbs were 4%. This led to the Kosovo Albanians democratically declaring the Independence of Kosovo. A parallelism that could happen, and is really happening, and you can see that the interests of Catalans are different from what non-Catalans feel, in Catalonia.

12) Neither Spain, nor the Spaniards will give their confirmation for a secession , neither for Catalonia nor for another community, and especially one like the Catalan one that would bring them very favorable economic benefits. There are 99.9% of Spaniards who do not even want to hear about this issue, “the Unity of the Fatherland” again, not about a secession, not even a referendum. Only 34% of socialists would let us hold a referendum.

13) An argument that they don’t believe, but that they always gesticulate is that the Sacred Constitution does not allow it, and what’s more, it was signed by all the democratic parties, after the Franco dictatorship, among them the Catalans, who now want to leave.

14) I would also like to say what many have already said. The transition was a problem. It was not a transition, it was a Francoist continuation, and the Sacred Constitution was controlled by one part of the army, and the dome of power, which could later be seen, by the other part of the army with the coup d’état

15) Another one of the issues of those times and still persists today is that they wanted to create a democracy, without democrats, and this is a little difficult in a country that says “I do this because I’m out of my ass” , pure democracy.

16) All Spanish political parties are exactly the same , be they Socialists, PP, Vox and even Podemos, and it is clear that there can be no dialogue, because both the leaders and a very important part of Spain do not understand the issue , partly because as much as the education they have received at school, as the media, as in the whole of Spanish society, they have not been told or taught the History of Spain, there is only “La Unitat of the Motherland”, and this “GEN” is very much within the Spanish people.

17) On October 1, 2017 , after the Referendum, the President of Parliament declared the Independence of Catalonia, but after a few seconds, he suspended it, meaning that the declaration was not effective. This led, in spite of everything, to prison terms and exile for some people who, although the declaration of Independence had been declared and suspended, for something that had not formally occurred, since it had been suspended, other civil leaders are sentenced to more than ten years in prison, for being the leaders of a civil cultural organization, such as Cultural Omnium and ANC, where they did not commit any crime, something never seen in Europe.

18) We have the politicians that we elected democratically, and now they are in exile or in prison, just to represent us, as is done in any democratic country. Here you can present to Parliament anyone with the political ideas you want, but nothing more… If you want to implement these ideas by a majority in Parliament, you can’t, that’s why our representatives are exiled and in prison, only them, that but we, the people, ‘no!! Those of us who voted for them are the only ones responsible, we are not penalized!!! Sure, they can’t put a whole town in jail.

18) Country with the name of Spain, it is not a country , it is a scam, as I said before, it is an Entelechy, with all the rules. It is not a country, but is held by various nationalities. It does not have its own language, because it is Spanish, and Spanish does not exist, and it is also a dictatorial country, and central. Everything is directed from Madrid, even if they say that there are autonomies, it is not democratic, everything is directed by “the Unity of the Fatherland” and because of a democratic reality, what is it like to vote on the 1st October 2017, Spain blames only the civil and political leaders who had participated. He condemned them as Sedition, but of course only to the leaders, they could not do it to those who actually went to vote. They were satisfied with the punishment of beatings, almost 1,000 were injured, and this in a Spain that calls itself democratic. However, as I said, some of the leaders are in exile and others in prison, and then sentenced to more than ten years in prison. However, again, the people who, according to them, did the Sedition, nothing, beatings, however, not judicially condemned, only the leaders, punished, because since they cannot condemn the whole country, it is a warning, of a Justice that cannot be held anywhere, again “the Unity of the Fatherland”.

19) The consequence of the conviction of Sedition has led, first, to nervousness in both Spain and Catalonia. In Spain, this nervousness is absolutely out of control. The government wants to grant a pardon, because it believes that this will end independence. It can be seen that they believe that the Catalans did something that was not very good, and if Pardon is granted now, we will be very grateful, and we will not do it again. The government does not want revenge, it says… The opposition is against it, it does not want a pardon, they believe (as do 63% of the socialists) that a pardon should not be given, and that means that, if the Catalan Parliament, which now has a majority for independence, wants to proclaim independence and the Catalan Republic, it cannot do so in a democratic way.

20) Catalan nervousness also exists. On the one hand, the Catalans having a majority in Parliament, we are not united at all. Time is used only with regrets, discussions that lead nowhere, and this has been done for more than three hundred years, solutions in the form of strategies to follow, none, and this makes the so-called Spain still stronger, because they see that repression works very well, and they will continue to do so until, of course, it stops working. Pardons and amnesties do not fix anything for us, only humiliation, by giving them we would be at the same starting point as on October 1st, it is only possible to restore our country again forever.

21) On August 23, 1833 , the Slavery Abolition Act was passed in the United States. In 1931 it was the law that gave women the right to vote for the first time in Spain. On July 5, 2010, the Abortion Law entered into force.

22) There are many laws that come into force throughout history, but I just want to say 3. The first the law that abolished the slavery of blacks in the USA, the second the law that gives equality in society to the woman, equality or the right to vote, and the third, the abortion law. Well before these events, which were illegal, or lack of freedom, from one day to the next they became illegal to legal. What I mean by this is that something that was once illegal, then after a while, can become legal, meaning that legality or illegality is very relative. You have to be illegal and fight to make it legal, and that needs to be analyzed very well.

23) What is a Culture? If we look around us, we will see it very clearly, we don’t have to go very far, since a Culture can be within a specific geography, or a language, gastronomy, music, dance, clothing, customs, etc. In the so-called Spain, there are many cultures, some that are and have already been considered as Countries, such as Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, to name Countries, and so we will see again, that Spain it does not exist, there is no such thing as Spain, yes there is a Castilian culture, which is Castile, and which speaks Castilian, but not Spanish.

24) In Catalonia there are two governments, one internal, the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the other in exile, “The Council for the Catalan Republic”. The first is very subordinated and bound by the jurisdiction of the Spanish government and justice, and the second is completely free to do what he thinks fit without any obstacle to its execution.

25) What solution do the Catalans have , to assume national sovereignty again? On the one hand, firstly the so-called Spaniards still have the ability to command the Catalans, since we also in the so-called “Continuation” period signed what could only be signed in those days, there was no other possibility . But now there is the Holy Spanish Constitution. On the other hand, the so-called Spain cannot do without Catalonia, not only economically speaking!! However, for her “The Unity of the Fatherland” is written in Article 2. The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that make it up and the solidarity between all of them. This Article 2 of the Constitution has been copied directly from the BOE and is above everything else. On the other hand, the Third, like any empire, the secession of a colony, leads to the collapse of the whole empire, and, on the other hand, Fourth and last, the mentality of the so-called Spaniards is that Catalonia is Spain, and there can be no dialogue or anything, only obedience to the State. That is why the importance of “the Unity of the Motherland” being in Article 2 of the Constitution.

26) Can the European Union provide a solution to the problem? The EU must support its 28 partners and help them. Then the EU will always support Spain, and its 27 remaining partners. In addition, the majority of its members are conservative, liberal and socialist, exactly like their Spanish colleagues. Here things are bad for the Catalans, but in the EU there is also a court of justice, just as it exists in the so-called Spain, and this is the difference, since it is not so contaminated by “the Unity of the Fatherland ” and that makes a difference.

27) What can be done under these circumstances? When the announcer you have to talk to is completely closed off, and dialogue is difficult, this is where the Catalans have a problem. If Spain does not give permission, and disobedience is a crime, we will always be repressed, and this is where all Catalans, but all, from the left, middle and right, must talk about how we should do things !!!! What strategies should be made? And how can we get out of this nightmare that we have been suffering for more than three hundred years? Do we want to continue like this? Do we want to annihilate our language? Our culture? As they very wisely have already done with many other cultures, especially in America, and they have not yet asked for forgiveness, but on the contrary, they are proud to have stolen their culture and imposed Spanish, we will passively wait for the same to happen with us, we already know how the Empire works.

28) And what is it that we Catalans must speak? Since we can only look for exit strategies, the dialogue with the state is already exhausted. They themselves say that neither Independence, nor a referendum, will ever take place in Spain. Then we have to do as was done with the right of abortion, or the right of women or the poor black, otherwise we will have to wait for more repression, or no right, and no freedom to do what the people want, to continue being illegal, to be in repression, domination and more humiliation, without freedom, and annihilation of our culture. With these premises we must free ourselves from the repressor, who seems not to have had enough of the more than three hundred years and wants to continue doing so.

29) It seems that we have a tool that we should try to exploit and it is “The Council for the Catalan Republic” we will call it “C * LR”, and this is our government in exile, that means in the outside, outside the influence of the repressor, and that is a very good thing. The “C*LR” doesn’t work too well now, but we need to make it work, and make it work perfect. We have almost 100,000 members. However, it works very slowly. We haven’t received the identity cards yet, but we hope it works well, and that everything goes well, very soon. The “C * LR” is a tool that we must prioritize, because, on the one hand, it gives very valuable information, which we would not have without its existence, and the other is that we must use it as platform, in the immediate future, to proclaim the Republic. Another thing we should do would be to remove the suspension from when the Republic was proclaimed, so that the Independence of Catalonia and the Catalan Republic came into force, and in this way, yes, do it now and, deserving of the crime that they put on us, when they suspended the Declaration of Independence. Now they could at least condemn us for an activity that we had done, this is the proclamation of Independence and the Catalan Republic. It would be a beginning, where citizens could follow it, it would be a new era that should be led by “C * LR”, from here it should be the tool that Catalans should follow, just as I don’t know if you remember the Democratic Tsunami, which set the pattern to follow. Well our “C * LR” should be the same. There should be the direction that the people should follow for their liberation.

30) The “C * LR” must be reformed , and take another structure different from the current one. Now it is very symbolic, and it does a very good job, especially informative, a job that is essential and very valuable, but in addition to all this, it should be formed as a platform for effective government, with the ability to govern for the people Catalan, that is, a government in exile, where the Generalitat should govern, in the same way or approximately as it does today, here in Catalonia. Això no obstant el “C * LR” només liderar políticament, a l’exterior, fora de Catalunya, fora de la influència espanyola, i seguir, nosaltres els Catalans, atentament, tots els moviments que nosaltres hauríem de fer pel nostre alliberament, i where at all times all Catalans should continue with military discipline, not with weapons and not with violence, but with obedience and discipline.

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Possible Strategies


Això és una continuació de l’anàlisi que faig en l’anàlisi anomenada “Estratègia Política Catalana- Espanyola” , i és aquí on indico unes estratègies, raonables, on poden funcionar, ja que alguna cosa hem de fer per sortir d’aquest carreró no way out where we are now, and we have to open a dialogue where we all have to say our opinion, and the more we are, the better!! Firstly, I would like to make some comments on the current situation that the Spanish government has unleashed with the pardons.

The Spanish government partly due to pressure from Europe and partly due to its ignorance, has been forced to do something, and apparently with success, but look a little deeper, the Spanish Justice is quite discredited, and still it will be more with the pardon, but it seems that the government of Spain is rectifying the Spanish image a little, and this can be seen in the foreign press. Another reason is the position taken by the Spanish government, as good people. They open a superficial dialogue, and now it is the Catalans who have to move the table. Well, all of this can be very easily refuted, but I don’t want to go into it here, I just want to give a cursory profile, so as not to go on too long. On the other hand, we have 9 people who are apparently free, if they are behaving well, and who are convicted of doing something they did not do, and I am glad that they are out of prison, because they never would have been to be inside, both the pardon and the amnesty, it is the same for them and for the Catalans, therefore, with a pardon or without, we would be in the same place as on October 10, 2017, after our president declared the independence of Catalonia and 10 seconds later suspended it. Catalonia did not declare itself independent, but the Spanish government did not understand it that way and punished some people for doing something they had not done.

Well, although with or without the pardon, or with or without amnesty, we would be in the same place as on October 10, and then what? This is not the solution, the solution is to leave Spain, and here is the essence of the matter, how do we do it… one of the solutions is as I said before:

1) Catalans who feel Catalan must behave like Catalans, within a State that has us, for war merits, as a colony or region or autonomy or that administers our economy, language and culture. Under these circumstances, we are greatly weakened, but not defeated or annihilated. There have been many Empires that have tried, but with us they have not been able to for the moment. We must behave, like what we are “a colony”, however we must fight, democratically and intelligently, to get out of this nightmare, and we will have to follow some guidelines to be able to do so.

2) The Council of the Catalan Republic, under the name of MH president Carles Puigdemont, should now lift the suspension and make the declaration of the Catalan Republic.

3) The Council for the Republic should lead all the actions that we should do for the liberation of the Catalan State as a full Country or Nation. But what I think is very important is that a “source of union” should be made or created, an agile, fast, light source, nevertheless very effective, where all Catalans who wanted to, could say, or give your strategy, to get out of the black hole and thus democratically enrich your strategy. Today it is possible with the means of communication we have on the Internet, and everything under the tutelage of El Consell per la República, and perhaps it could be done, physically by “El Consell per la República Catalana”, we have to go very alert, intelligent and very united. We are where we are because we are dissolved, and disunited. We live in the same territory, but we are not united, we do not talk to ourselves, only regrets. This is the weakest point that Catalans have, and this is what we must correct. We must have a connection, intimate, vital, where we can express our strategies, but we must be aware that it should not be a place of regrets, gossip, banal information, since we have other means on the networks to do that. It must be a place of maximum union to give very concrete strategies, because we must be careful that 7.8 million Catalans can say many things, and if we are not careful this place of union is important and vital , it can end up being a disaster… And this source could be “The Local Council for the Catalan Republic” where they should study how to be able to communicate with the 947 Local Councils * RC, and thus be able to organize very quickly and democratically and give the results to “C * LR” in the Foreigner so that it gives the command.

4) We must broaden the basis of sovereignty to be able to have a majority, and of course in all the City Councils.

5) We must use the Town Halls whenever we can, and this can only be if we have a majority to be able to do it democratically.

6) Declarar els Municipis, o Republicans, o Independents, sempre que hi hagi una majoria sobiranista al municipi, i aquest últim sempre que no comporti mesures penals per part de la Justícia Espanyola, a més l’Idioma oficial a Catalunya és el català, exclusively

7) Declare the King “Persona non Grata” in all the Municipalities, again if there is a majority.

8) Comprar o tractar amb empreses catalanes, cap d’espanyoles, escoltar o veure TV o Ràdios o mitjans d’informació catalanes.

9) Strategy to pay the Generalitat both taxes, VAT, etc. No money in Spain.

10) The official language, only Catalan, both in the town councils and in the Generalitat.

11) Put in the entrances of the municipality where the name of the town is put, also put República Catalana.

12) Put the Balconies, windows, etc. Stars, and wear as possible, or a star or a badge on the lapel or in a visible place, to show that we are Catalan.

13) Put an Estelada at all the roundabouts in all the towns of Catalonia.

14) TV3, Catalan televisions and radios, will only broadcast in Catalan.

15) Informative signs, only in Catalan and English, both on motorways, expressways and streets.

16) It doesn’t matter what they are called, Casals, Catalan Embassies or, etc. They must be established abroad, representing Catalonia.

17) We encourage other cultures such as Galicia, the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Country, Northern Catalonia, to leave the Empire, since Spain is an Entelechy and as such does not exist.

18) Well, Spain should be what it has always had to be, a region of the Iberian Peninsula, exactly Castile, and this is what we must try to force it to become its own culture again, and stop exploiting the others, all cultures equally, and with mutual respect, since in this way cultures are enriched, not just one, but all.

19) From the Local Council for the Catalan Republic, hold frequent meetings to update the moment in which society lives and resume current strategies. This is very important, because there should be 947 Local Councils * R., because, in Catalonia, we have 947 municipalities, and the purpose is that there should be 947 Local Councils for the Republic. This is why we need to work, because the interconnection between all the 947 Councils is very important, more unity, more strength.

20) If there is a person who has a strategy, that they think is convenient, or interesting, then, let’s be there, they are very, very welcome. Write it below, and in this way we will make a better country, let’s do it, together, the more strategies the better. Thus, we will be able to choose among all, the best, or the ones that suit the most at the current moment, this is democracy!!!

Enic Giné i Orengo

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Environmental Strategies

A) Abolition of Abuse in the Environment, the abolition of Abuse in our society is the first principle or premise that we have to keep in mind, with Abuse there is no survival, it is the most important premise that exists for our survival. B) Definition of Environment, the Environment is the Universe, and this is the place where, among many things we live or coexist with Nature, Vegetation, Animals and Man, and that is why we have to respect it, because the Environment is ourselves, all of us…

        B) Definition of Norm, first and only Norm, “Love your Environment as yourself”, This is the essence, and the main motive of the Society, because what you want to build, is within the environment, and you have to love it, protect it, and defend it, because the Environment is yourself, and the consequence is, that to love the Environment is to love yourself.

          C) Creation of Cultures or Regions, all existing Countries, disappear as such, and are grouped together, under the incidences, of Language, Culture, customs, food, clothing, beliefs, dance and feelings, and are converted from Countries, which are abolished to Regions.

        D) Change of Politicians by Guilds, the Abolition of Politicians, and they are replaced by an organisation, national professional, Professional Guilds, which are the ones that have to, organise, plan and govern in The Regions, and this is sovereign, they are the ones that restitute the so called today, Countries,

        E) Creation of administrative self-government, the professional organisations or Guilds will begin to try to get the Region up and running.

Abolition of the current Laws by the Norms, all laws, decrees, edicts or mandates, have to be abolished, only the Recommendations, whose source would be The Norm, have to be respected.

        F) Trying to give food to those who are starving, One of the first priorities that should be taken, would be to give food to the people who are starving, today we have 24 million people who die of hunger every year, 25% are children, and there are also 850 million people who suffer from hunger, and we should also level the socio-economic imbalance that the world’s population suffers from.

        G) There has to be consensus for an operation of this magnitude, and a thorough, global planning of and for the whole world, experts, specialists, economists, sociologists, philosophers, a very important group of experts who can handle such an important project.

        H) Contact all philanthropic organisations worldwide, e.g., NGOs, FAO, WHO, Amnesty International, ExpokNews, OECD, OECD, Unicef, Unesco, Manos Unidas.

         I) Teaching what the Environment is, one of the priorities we also have to learn, and to know is, where we live, and the relationship we have with this, and this is the Environment, we have to learn the meaning and what it represents, for our survival here on the Planet.

         J) Radical change of solar energy, Solar energy in the deserts can supply the world production, and the end of pollution, end also of the consumption of oil and its derivatives, explanation of the use of solar panels in our World deserts.

         K) The 8 largest deserts on Earth, we have 8 deserts with a total capacity of 16.407.853 Km2, only with 46.335 Km2, we would cover the current energy needs.

        L) World-wide change towards the Automotive, it would be the Abolition of the motor with the derivative of the petroleum, all the Automation, of the World, would have to be Electric, or motor with hydrogen.

        M) Creation of small industry for self-repair and supply of agriculture etc. creation of autonomous small industry for maintenance, repair etc. in the interior of the Regions, where it is planned to build solar sources for production, in the desert localities.

        N) In rich countries a 1 % VAT increase to finance such a project, rich countries would have to contribute, with a minimum share, a 1 % VAT increase, in their respective Regions.

        O) Banks would also finance this project at a very reasonable interest rate, the role of the Bank would be different in our Society, and they could finance at a low interest rate the whole electrification and construction of the energy transport.

        Q) Gas stations disappear, they could, like banks, replace oil with solar energy transport or construction.

        Q) Detailed explanation of Energy and Solar Panels, all the deserts of the World 16.407.853 km2, current world consumption 9.703.196 MW per hour, we need 46.335 Km2, to cover all the energy production in the whole World, it is only the ridiculous amount of 0.2824 %, of the total of all the deserts of the world.

         A) Biological pleasure, we have 6 senses, smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing and pleasure, and the sixth, pleasure, has deteriorated a lot through history.

The 10 Commandments changed everything, the rules of the game were changed, man was intelligent, and understood that of the ten there are two, one that says you shall not commit impure acts or adultery, and another, that says, you shall not lust after your neighbour’s wife, and also when Adam ate the apple, which Eve gave him, that is when they realised their nakedness.

        S) Explanation of the meaning of Pleasure, deployment, behaviour, Pleasure, what it is and how it has to be.

        T) Social pleasure, influence, deployment, of behaviour, of Pleasure, how it has been transformed in society, and what results, consequences, after-effects it has brought about in it.

        U) Reset Pleasure, and start again, as we have to straighten, direct, channel, and normalise, Pleasure.

        V) Family Groups, here we will see how the family has made a very important change, and transformed itself into different groups.

Enric Giné

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Catalonia events


Guifré I, El Pilós, begins the dynasty of Barcelona.

985 Ràtzia d’Almanzor destroys Barcelona.

988 Borrell II breaks vassalage with the Franks.

1137 Dynastic union with the kingdom of Aragon (Ramon Berenguer IV Peronella of Aragon).

1148-1149 Conquest of Tortosa and Lleida.

1213 Battle of Muret: head of the domain in Occitana.

1218 The Corts are born in Catalonia.

1229 Conquest of Mallorca.

1235 Conquest of Ibiza and Formentera.

1238 Conquest of Valencia.

1274 Creation of Council of One Hundred (Barcelona).

1282 Conquest of Sicily.

1287 Conquest of Menorca.

1323-1324 Conquest of Sardinia.

1348 The Black Death.

1359 Creation of the Government of Catalonia.

1410 Martí I, the Human, dies without offspring. End of the Barcelona dynasty.

1410-1412 Inter kingdom.

1412 Compromise of Casp and, El Trastàmara , new reigning dynasty.

1443 Conquest of Naples.

1462-1472 Civil war.

1479 Dynastic union with the Kingdom of Castile (Ferran II-Isabel of Castile).

1481 Constitution of the Observance. Insaculation in the election of public positions.

1484 Introduction of the Inquisition in Catalonia.

1486 Arbitration judgment of Guadalupe.

1492 Expulsion of the Jews.

1494 Creation of the Council of Aragon.

1640-1652 War of the Reapers. Corpus de Sang (June 1640).

1641 The Catalan government under the protectorate of the French monarchy (until 1652).

1652 End of the War of the Reapers. Capitulation of Barcelona.

1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. Catalonia north of the Pyrenees, in France.

1700 Charles II dies without issue. Philip of Anjou , successor.

1702-1714 War of Succession (Philip of Anjou – Charles of Austria).

1711 Charles of Austria inherits the German Empire.

1713 Treaty of Utrecht. The allies sign peace with Philip V.

1714 End of the War of Succession. Fall of Barcelona (September 11). Abolition of Catalan institutions.

1716 Decree of the New Plant of Catalonia. New political-administrative structure under the Castilian pattern.

1737 Foundation of the first Indian cotton factory (in Barcelona).

1773 Avalot de les Quintas.

1778 Decree of Free Trade with America.

1,789 Rebombori del Pan. The French Revolution begins (until 1799).

1808 Invasion of French troops (Napoleon). The War of the French begins.


1808-1898 Riot of Aranjuez. Abdications of Bayonne. Constitution of Bayonne. The French War begins (until 1814). Entry of French troops into Catalonia. Superior Council of Catalonia.

1810 Courts of Cádiz.

1812 Constitution of Cádiz. De facto annexation of Catalonia to the French Empire.

1814 The French War ends. Armistice and evacuation of French troops, return of Ferdinand VII. Manifesto of the Persians.

1820 Pronouncement of Reg. The Liberal Triennium begins (until 1823).

1823 Intervention of the Hundred Thousand Sons of Sant Lluís.

1824 Independence of Spanish America.

1827 War of the Malcontents.

1833 Territorial division of the State into provinces. The First Carline War begins (until 1840). Foundation in Barcelona of the Bonaplata factory (first with steam) (it was destroyed in 1835). Beginning of the Renaissance.

1834 Royal Statute.

1836-1837 Laws of confiscation ( Mendizábal ) and disengagement.

1836 Foundation of the company Nueva Vulcano . Restoration of the University of Barcelona.

1837 Progressive constitution.

1839 Convention of Bergara.

1840 End of the First Carlist War. Law of Municipalities. Constitution in Barcelona of the Association Teixidors (first workers’ association).

1842 Uprising of Barcelona against Espartero and bombardment of the city.

1845 Moderate constitution.

1846 Early Morning War (Second Carline War) in Catalonia (until 1849).

1847 Foundation of the company Industrial Spain.

1848 Road Board of Catalonia. Barcelona-Mataró railway.

1851 Agreement with the Holy See.

1855 Foundation in Barcelona of La Maquinista Terrestre and Marítima. General confiscation of Madoz. Railway Law. First general strike in Catalonia.

1859 The Eixample project in Barcelona (Cerdà) is approved. Restoration of the Floral Games.

1862 Cotton crisis (cotton famine) (until 1865).

1866 Economic and financial crisis.

1867 Pact of Ostend .

1868 September Revolution (La Gloriosa). Fall of Isabel II. The first Cuban war begins (until 1879).

1869 Progressive constitution. 1872 The Third Carline War begins (until 1876).

1873 Abdication of Amadeus I and proclamation of the First Spanish Republic. Cantonal insurrection.

1874 Pavia coup. Statement by Martínez Campos.

1875 Alfonso XII arrives in Spain: the Bourbon Restoration.

1876 New Constitution. End of the Third Carlist War.

1879 Phylloxera crosses the Pyrenees and in ten years destroys almost all the Catalan vineyards.

1885 Greuges Memorial, ends the period of the gold rush (since 1871).

1888 Barcelona Universal Exhibition.

1890 Universal suffrage. First May 1

1891 Strong rabassaire agitation (until 1896).

1892 Bases of Manresa.

1895 The Cuban insurrection begins. Beginning of the replanting of the vine with American vines.

1896 Separatist uprising in the Philippines.

1898 War with the USA. Treaty of Paris: loss of colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines).


1901 Foundation of the Regionalist League.

1902 End of the regency of Maria Cristina (since 1885). Reign of Alfonso XIII (until 1931).

1906 Catalan Solidarity Foundation. Conference of Algeciras .

1907 Foundation of Workers’ Solidarity.

1909 Tragical Week (Barcelona, July). 1911 Constitution of the CNT.

1914 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Catalonia (suppressed in 1925).

1917 Assembly of Parliamentarians. Defense Boards.

1921 Annual Disaster.

1923 Coup d’état by Primo de Rivera.

1924 Creation of the Patriotic Union.

1926 End of the war in Morocco.

1927 Creation of the FAI. 1930 Resignation of Primo de Rivera. Pact of San Sebastian. Republican coup in Jaca (Husca).

1931 Foundation of ERC. Municipal elections. Proclamation of the Second Republic. Alcalá Zamora, president. Macià proclaims the Catalan Republic. Establishment of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Statute of Núria. General elections. Azaña Government. New Constitution.

Sanjurjo ‘s coup d’état . Agrarian Reform Law. Anarchist revolt of Alt Llobregat. Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, election of Parliament of Catalonia. Macià, president of Catalonia.

1933 Foundation of the Spanish Falange. General elections. Government Lerroux . Foundation of the Catalan League. Comrades, president of the Generalitat.

1934 Agricultural Contracts Law. Events of October 6 (Comrades proclaim the Catalan State), arrest of the Government of the Generalitat. Revolution of Asturias.

1935 Suspension of the Statute of Catalonia. Resignation of Lerroux .

1936 Formation of Popular Front. General elections (triumph of the Left Front). Azaña, president of the Republic; Casares Quiroga, head of government, return of Companys and restoration of the Generalitat. The Civil War begins (July). Governments Franco (national area) and Giral and Largo Caballero (republican area). CNT-FAI controls Catalonia. Foundation of the PSUC.

1937 Bombing of Guernica . Negrín Government (republican area). Barcelona, capital of the Republic.

1938 Franco’s government decrees the abolition of the Statute of Catalonia. Battle of the Ebro. Final offensive on Catalonia.

1939 End of the Civil War (April). Franco’s regime throughout the State. Foundation of the National Front of Catalonia.

1940 Execution of President Companys.

1942 Constitution of the Spanish Courts.

1945 Manifesto of Joan of Bourbon. Fur of the Spaniards.

1947 Festivities of the enthronement of Our Lady of Montserrat.

1950 SEAT in Barcelona.

1951 Tram strike in Barcelona.

1952 Eucharistic Congress of Barcelona.

1953 Pact Spain-USA. Agreed with the Holy See.

1954 Tarradellas, president of the Generalitat in exile.

1955 Entry of Spain into the UN.

1958 Law of Fundamental Principles of the Movement.

1959 Foundation of ETA. Stabilization Plan.

1960 Events from Palau de la Música Catalana. 1961 The New Song.

1964 I Development Plan.

1966 Foundation of the Democratic Union of Students (La Caputxina da). Organic Law of the State.

1968 II Development Plan.

1969 Franco appoints Joan Carles de Borbó as his successor.

1971 Foundation of the Assembly of Catalonia.

1972 III Development Plan.

1973 The economic crisis begins. ETA attack against Carrero Blanco.

1975 Death of Franco. John Charles I, king. The process of democratic transition begins. Continuity government of Arias Navarro.

1976 Suárez, head of government. Political Reform Law. Appearance of the newspaper.

1977 Law of Political Associations. General elections (UCD victory). Pactes de la Moncloa , restoration of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Return of President Tarradellas.

1978 Statute of Sau New Constitution (December).

1979 General (UCD victory) and municipal elections. Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia.

1980 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory). Pujol, president of the Generalitat.

1981 Resignation of Suárez. Coup of the 23 F. Calvo Sotelo, Prime Minister.

1982 Spain joins NATO. General elections (PSOE victory). González, Prime Minister.

1983 Municipal elections. The industrial conversion begins. Creation of TV3.

1984 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory).

1986 Entry of Spain into the EEC. NATO Referendum. General elections (PSOE victory).

1987 Municipal and European elections. 1988 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory).

1989 European and general elections (PSOE victory).

1990 Approval of the LOGSE (reform of the educational system).

1991 Municipal elections.

1992 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory). XXV Olympiad in Barcelona.

1993 General elections (victory of PSOE).

1994 European elections.

1995 Municipal and Parliament elections in Catalonia (CiU victory).

1996 General elections (PP victory). Aznar, Prime Minister.

1999 Municipal, European and Catalan Parliament elections (CiU victory).

2000 General elections (victory of the PP).

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Catalonia History

The territory that makes up present-day Catalonia has been populated for at least half a million years. The fact of the situation, a society that lives facing the sea means that since the Neolithic revolution, discovery of agriculture, several civilizations have passed through our country that have left their footprints, Greeks, Carthaginians and especially Romans who , unlike the others, were established for about 7 centuries and left us two very important things: the Catalan language and Roman Law. The Visigoths, who replaced the Romans, bequeathed us many things, aside from the officialization of the Catholic religion, which was already the religion of the town. The arrival of the Arabs at the beginning of the 8th century formed 2 Catalonias, Northern Catalonia, which was only under Arab rule for a century, and Catalonia that goes from the Llobregat river below, which was under Arab rule for more than four centuries . The one who makes up Catalonia today is the Christian Catalonia of the North, which from around the year 900, began to become independent from its lord, the king of the Franks. From the year 1000 Catalonia is totally independent. This territory governed by several counts who eventually became feudatories of the count of Barcelona, began to be known as Catalonia. Approximately in the year 1100, shortly before the Count of Barcelona formed a Confederation with the King of Aragon and formed the Crown of Aragon, in Catalonia, however, the highest authority will always be the Count of Barcelona, who was king in his personal capacity . Catalonia will never have a king. They were completely independent towns with the same head of state. Starting, more or less, from the beginning of the 13th century, Catalonia will live an era of great splendor with the conquest of the current Balearic Islands and the current territory of Valencia and especially thanks to trade in the Mediterranean, Catalonia, as well as the republics Italians will become one of the axes of the business derived from the silk route, which includes trade with the Hanseatic League, especially the port of Bergen. The 15th century is a century of continuous internal struggles and crises that affect even the population. It is at the end of this century that the Crown of Aragon unites with Castile with conditions of inferiority. Despite everything, they are two crowns with the same king, but with different laws. The Crown of Aragon continues with its federal structure, not exactly confederal, and the Crown of Castile is governed by more authoritarian systems. In Catalonia, an organization established in the 14th century, becomes, in these years, together with the municipal councils, the true government of Catalonia. When, from the beginning of the 16th century, the Spanish Crown tried to break with the federal system, there was a revolt in favor of independence that failed and sought the support of the French crown, which proved to be as absorbing as the Spanish crown. The end of the War is a bit of a draw, with the loss of Roussillon and other Catalan territories that become dependent on the French crown. The 15th century was a period of crisis, but it had a very positive event. Catalan farmers cease to be serfs, that is to say, cease to be subject to feudal lords, thus becoming semi-proprietors. This condition meant that at the end of the 17th century, Catalonia began to become a prosperous territory, a prosperity that would be cut short by the War of Succession. The King of Spain Charles II dies without offspring and this problem causes a War in Europe. France and the Crown of Castile in favor of Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV, the Sun King, and Charles of Austria, son of Emperor Maximiliano, who has the support of England, Austria and Holland. The end of the War was catastrophic for Catalonia, abandoned by the English with whom it had signed an agreement to protect its freedoms. King Philip V adopts the French system, based on the laws of Castile, which already had a uniformitarian character. The country is fully subject to Spanish laws and administrative organization. We had already pointed out that at the end of the 17th century an economic renaissance began based on the formation of capital from agriculture. Thanks to the work, the serious moments of the end of the War of Succession were overcome when the Spanish government established a harsh political, economic and human repression against those who stood out as supporters of Charles of Austria who had stayed in the country Many emigrated to Vienna. More or less from 1735, a period of prosperity begins, thanks to legal trade with the Mediterranean and above all illegal trade with America, trade reserved solely for the Crown of Castile. Until well into the 18th century, the towns of the Crown of Aragon could not legally trade with America. Despite the ban, trade with America based on textiles and brandy helped to form more capital and was the basis of the pre-industrial stage, first, and the true industrial revolution in the 19th century, the only in accordance with the European models that occurs in Spain, with a handicap and that is that Catalonia has neither iron nor coal, the basis of the first industrialization. When the steam turbine appears things change. The industry of the Basque Country is another story. These economic changes generate a bourgeoisie that finds it very difficult to conquer political power, with which it becomes economically very entrepreneurial and politically very conservative, because it depends, to a large extent, on the Spanish market, especially after its intervention in the fall of the Spanish Old Regime and the triumph, at least economically, of liberalism. The triumph of romanticism in Europe has a great impact on Catalonia, which dreams of a return to the prosperity of the Middle Ages. This first literary and artistic movement will look for formulas at the end of the 19th century, firstly federalism that fails because it has no support in Castile and because of the failure, the birth of autonomy that after a dictatorial period (1923-1930), finds an understanding in the republican period 1931-1936. 1936-1939 War, the republic, although with cuts, grants autonomy to Catalonia and later to the Basque Country and Galicia. Precisely the autonomist policy of the Republic is one of the determinants of the Civil War. The triumph of General Franco is one of the periods of maximum repression against the political personality of Catalonia which also lived through times of economic misery, especially between 1940-1960. Economic liberalization and the beginning of the tourist phenomenon revived the Catalan economy. With the death of General Franco, political liberties were restored and the autonomy that was achieved in 1980 began to be discussed again, always, however, with many misgivings on the part of the Government of Madrid. The orographic composition of Catalonia gives it a characteristic climate and vegetation, although it is, in general, a Mediterranean climate and vegetation, in Catalonia we find in greater or lesser proportion all the climates of Western Europe. We think that in some places they separate the sea from the mountains between 2500 and 3000 meters high, only about 100 km on the other side, the coastal range next to the sea and the pre-coastal range about 30 or 40 km from the coast with peaks of more than 1000 m, sometimes 1700 m, means that the territory behind the pre-coastal range originates that the interior of Catalonia has a continental climate. This variety of climates is a guarantee for the development of tourism, one of the important sources of wealth for a good number of years and which allows the development of other types of tourism, aside from those who seek only the sun, otherwise. Catalonia has an important artistic wealth, the Iberian world, the Roman world, the Romanesque and Gothic arts of the Middle Ages, modernism with Gaudí as a leader, as well as some internationally renowned painters such as Picasso who started his activity artistic in Barcelona, Miró, Dalí and Tàpies. All these arts and characters mentioned generally have specific museums dedicated to these arts and this work. The fact that Barcelona brings together an important part of the Catalan artistic legacy does not mean that there are not other places worth visiting, such as the museums of Montserrat, Tarragona, Vic, Girona, Lleida, Badalona, Mataró, etc., and above all a large number of local museums, the total number is close to five hundred.

Jordi Monés

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My dear Cuban slaves

               A country I really wanted to visit was Cuba, and I liked it very much, especially its nature, a very beautiful country, but I came here very desolate and sad, how the Cubans live, with a salary that goes from 5 € for a pensioner to 30 € for a lawyer or a doctor, in Cuba there are two currencies, the Cuban pesos, which are what they receive from what the fidelist regime calls salary, and the convertible pesos (Cuc) that tourists use, the dollar is penalised with 20% and the €uro is exchanged in the street 1 * 1 Cuc, the cars that exist are taxis, either from the time of colonialism, ramshackle Americans, or Ladas, almost all are taxis because a new car is unthinkable to buy with a salary of 10 € or 20 that a wage earner earns, all the cars are 98% taxis and 2% private cars, but the state of the vehicle is degrading, the tyres worn out, the taxi full of smoke from the exhaust pipe, the windows broken and dirty, the doors fall off, the seats with very large holes, only a minority are in good condition etc… The bus transport is very precarious or old and ramshackle, some of them are imported or rather donated from France and even though they are very old they have not yet changed the exit or entrance signs are in French and like the buses that came from Italy the signs are in Italian, the transport in Havana could still be said to be bad but it does exist, but outside the capital there is no public transport, so the poor Cubans, who could be farm workers or nurses or doctors or even soldiers, because I have seen it with my own eyes, they hitchhike, both to go to work and to go home, and as private transport is minimal, because with 20 dollars a month you can’t buy anything, the transport is state transport, the poor hitchhikers have to wait hours and hours for a truck to pass, a state taxi that they are obliged to stop or any other public transport, so they spend more hours on the roads than working, the houses where they live in the cities is degrading, the electrical installations are like in the 40’s in Spain, I have seen many dogs, but all of them are sick and mangy, the people are desperate, they can only live on the tips they receive from tourists, and begging, in the countryside things are a little better, The land belongs to the state but the cultivation is shared 50% with the state and they have to sell to cooperatives that also belong to the state. The cattle cannot be slaughtered for food as they belong to the state, and if someone thinks of slaughtering a cow, they go directly to prison for many years, In Cuba there are 11 million people where 1 million are policemen, the Cubans are completely controlled and nobody thinks of talking about politics with a foreigner like me for example, if there is the presence of another Cuban, in an excursion that I made in Cuba the taxi driver guide explained me his life condition, which is this, he had a father who died 4 months ago, the mother was paralytic, the wife had no work because she had disorders, the wife had no job because she had disorders, she had no job because she had a disability, the wife had no work because she had hormonal disorders, and she has a 6 year old girl, she would like to have more children, but it is impossible given the precarious economy, well, this young Cuban had to work every day of the week, because if he does not work he does not get a salary, with 20 dollars a month he has to support the mother, the wife, the daughter and himself, this is impossible, This is the reality of the Cuban people, and without the possibility of being able to go and work abroad, the first day I was in Havana and I didn’t know the Cuban reality, I was very annoyed by the begging and the perspicacity of the Cubans to have access to some tips, going through the streets of Havana is impossible without the intervention of their needy people, examples: a normally old man comes and asks you if you want a newspaper, this newspaper is not a normal newspaper it is a communist party newspaper, they give it to him, he gives it to you for free but when you take it he tells you that he has not eaten and if you can give him some help, another they ask you where you are, if you answer you are already lost they do not let you go and at the end you have to give a Cuban peso or something like that, requests if one wants a taxi or a Coco (taxi on motorbike) taxi on bicycle (tricycle)or taxi on tartana, This is constant, and can be overwhelming because you are harassed hundreds of times every two or three minutes, another example is a woman with a baby in her arms, asking for food for her child or a disabled person asking for food, in the John Lennon park I took a photo next to the statue of John Lennon, then a man came and put John Lennon’s glasses on him so that we could take a photo of him, so that he could have his dollar for a tip, all these things can be overwhelming, but understandable when you know that you have to give a Cuban peso or something like that, The problem is that not many people know the reality of this problem and this can be frustrating for them, the prices in Cuba are not very high so you have to think about giving a Euro or a dollar tip to all the people, they are very grateful for it because it is the only source of income, the problem is when the person is a cook, office worker or someone like that who is not in direct contact with tourism, the current reality in Cuba is the legalisation of slavery, of misery, of frustration, of desperation, Cubans are very kind people, very open, but their survival is threatened with extinction, it is very difficult, an internal revolt because there is a lot of control, and a lot of fear, even some Cubans have told me that the only solution is to shoot themselves in the head, having said that…. I think it’s all said….a quick and very superficial analysis is the following after the 1959 Revolution where Fidel gave back to the Cuban people what was theirs, the regime repressed the Cuban people with a demagogic and communist dictatorship and distributed poverty and misery that today after so many years the dictatorship does not find any solution, before there was an agriculture and industry today totally non-existent, One of the many causes that I believe has done Cuba a lot of harm, was the Soviet Union, a country that was the supplier, and that supplied Cuba with all agricultural and industrial products, the Cubans did not even have to cultivate the land or set up industries. The Soviet Union did this for two reasons, one was because they wanted a communist country almost at the centre of the U.S.A. and this hurt the Americans and the other because they wanted to build a war arsenal in Cuba, the atomic one did not work out well, and after a few years when the Soviet Union was dissolved, all Soviet aid ceased, and this meant that now in Cuba there is neither agriculture nor industry and everything is state owned, this is a very quick analysis but I think it is totally true, what can be done for these people? …. Well, I don’t know… there must be some strategy, but I don’t know, what I do know is that it is deplorable to see and not be able to do anything, my problem is that I love these people, these people, and I would like freedom so that they are no longer slaves of an evil, cruel and despot regime and that they see their citizens go hungry, misery and calamity and without any future.

For a free Cuba

Enric Giné I Orengo

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Enric’s music

This music and lyrics are composed by Enric Giné

These 7 songs are composed, sung and played by me. That means I sing and play all the instruments, and I do that because I have a very small studio in my house and it’s like having a tape recorder from the old days. First I play the guitar for example. Then on another track I sing, finally I play the bass and so on all the instruments until I think everything is fine… It might sound like there’s an orchestra, but really it’s just me alone. I like to do it this way because I do it the way I want. I’m not a singer, nor a pianist, I’m a bassist, but I like it that way, and I enjoy what I do. First of all the musical themes are a part of me, of a feeling of my Country, and also when it comes to the Song “Estimem-se” it is the philosophy of my life. It’s not very professional, I don’t want it to be either, but anyway, it’s done and it comes from inside my heart…

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom


Llibertat, Llibertat, Llibertat


1 Llibertat llibertat llibertat

Catalunya és sa nostra nació

I volem sa nostra llengua

Protegim sa nostra senyera

I defensem sa nostra gent

I guardem sa nostra terra

2 Llibertat Llibertat Llibertat

Llibertat, justícia i benestar

vencerem as final

I sa Pau regnarà i com

germans viurem

amb Llibertat Llibertat

3 Molts són els que sa vida lliuraren

nostra trista història està plena d’orgull

malgrat que hi ha gent que no ho volen

però lluitarem fins es final

4 Llibertat Llibertat Llibertat

llibertat per a un poble oprimit

quan de temps ha passat

que hem perdut es nostres drets

però ben junts serem molt forts

I assolirem sa llibertat

però ben junts serem molt forts

I assolirem sa llibertat

Lli….Ber….. Tat…..

Composite 1976


Dolça Catalunya


Dolça Catalunya

Dolça Catalunya
Pàtria des meu cor
Mai et deixarem sola
I volem lluitar per tu

No perdis sa esperança
Es camí es llarg i dur
Però des de temps immemorables
Hem lluitat per mi i per tu

Son molts anys d’història
que tenim es catalans
però tots ben junts podrem
Assolir i gaudir sa nostre Llibertat

Nostre dolça esta ferida
Però no dubteu des catalans
Que lluitarem per Catalunya
I per se seva Llibertat

Visca Catalunya
Visca es Catalans
Visca sa nostre Senyera
I sa nostre Llibertat


Tossa Bella

Tossa Bella
Al Sud de la Costa Brava
Hi ha un poblet màgic i blau
Quatre cales té la Vila
sa Palma, Reig, Gran i es Codolar
Lo primer que es veu a Tossa
és es turó des cap d’Or
es Far i ses muralles
i la marc amb sa blavor
Tossa Bella, encisadora
Amb ses cales blaues i llocs encantats
Tossa Bella ets estimada i estàs molt dintre des nostru cor
Vila Veia és mil·lenària
et transporta a un somni molt real
així és Tossa Bella
sempre la recordaràs
es Puig de ses Cadiretes
és el lloc més alt que hi ha
tocant el cel divises
es paradís terrenal
Tossa Bella, encisadora
Amb ses cales blaues i llocs encantats
Tossa Bella ets estimada i estàs molt dintre des nostru cor
S’amaga entre mig de turons
es Coll de Sastre i Sant Grau
Montllor, sa Coma i es Cars
sa Gabarra, Terra Negra i Puig Nau
La Mare de Déu de Gràcia
ses Alzines i can Martí
Puig Gros i Puig d’en Pela
Giverola i Porto Pi
Tossa Bella, encisadora
Amb ses cales blaues i llocs encantats
Tossa Bella ets estimada i estàs molt dintre des nostru cor
Cinc-cents anys de pelegrinatge
complim cada 20 de gener
anem a peu i molts descalços
a Santa Coloma de Farners
Tossa Bella, encisadora
Amb ses cales blaues i llocs encantats
Tossa Bella ets estimada i estàs molt dintre des nostru cor
Tossa Bella, Tossa Bella des meu cor



Països Catalans
sa historia es sa nostre força
sa Llengua es sa nostra sang
sa Gent es orgull de aquest poble
que lo únic que vol es Llibertat
Cel Mar i Muntanya
es aquest País formós
de Salses Guardamar i de Fraga a Maó
sempre em sigut
som i serem
germans per a sa Pau
des nostres ideals
sa Llengua i Cultura
sa Terra i la gent
sa nostre senyera i
sa nostre Llibertat
Països Catalans
sa nostre identitat es molt forta
aquí als Països Catalans
sa rauxa esta ben controlada
amb aquest forts sentiments
lluitarem com sempre ho em fet
contra repressió i ocupació
fins que aquesta estigui Lliure
de enemics i represos
sa historia es sa nostre força
sa Llengua es sa nostra sang
sa Gent es orgull de aquest poble
que lo únic que vol es Llibertat
Cel Mar i Muntanya
es aquest País formós
de Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a Maó i de Fraga a Maó

i de Fraga a Maó



El Meu País




Despertem-se germans


Tossa Bella F.A.



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