What is the Universe?


If we ever look up at the sky during the day, we might be able to see the clouds if there are any. If there are no clouds, we will see the Sun, and if it is night, we will see the Moon or the planets and finally we will be able to see the stars and maybe some galaxy like ours and this is where our Universe ends, with our own eyes . If we use modern equipment we can see a little more, but not much more. To start I would like to present a very interesting video, because it can give a different perspective of what we understand by the universe:


What we see, is this the Universe? Well, it seems so, but the question does not end here, but begins here, because the Universe is everything, what we see and what we don’t see. According to some very clever gentlemen, they say that the beginning of the Universe occurred with the famous big-bang and that the expansive explosion is still developing, that is to say, that every day the universe is getting bigger. How long this will last, because I don’t know, and for these scientists the universe is the big-bang, and that’s where it all ends. But this does not satisfy me, it seems to me an incomplete theory. It’s like looking at the sky on a cloudy day and saying that the stars don’t exist because we can’t see them, or because the devices we have can’t see them either. Couldn’t there be 2 big-bangs?? Or 3?? Or a thousand or millions?? Or trillions?? of big bangs in the Universe?? I believe that we must distinguish that there are two Universes , the organic and the non-organic . That is to say the organic which would be as the word itself says organic with all its organic fullness, electromagnetic like matter, light, heat, gas, etc., etc. This one is indeed limited, even if it is expanding and getting bigger every day. This one I say is limited because it can be measured. The other Universe, the one that is not organic , this is the rest, and that which is nothing cannot be measured. It is Eternal and this means that it is infinite , and since there is nothing, no space, no time, then it cannot be measured, and this characteristic is typical of the universe. What is the absolute universe? The absolute universe is nothingness! Where the organic universe ends , where the star is and where something organic like a stone or a person or something you can measure can come. this is the organic Universe . Where there is nothing, there is no space and where there is no space there is no time, if there is nothing you cannot measure anything, and if you cannot measure anything, it is the absolute universe. Where the organic universe ends, is where the absolute universe begins. As you can see, that’s why I say there are 2 Universes , but really there is only one!! And this is absolute Universe . However, where we live is the Organic Universe , and this is within the absolute Universe . However, when we talk about these things, it’s all very complicated. However, I try to make it as simple as possible so that it is understood. What I mean is that the Universe is a whole that is with us and outside of us and within us, as with the previous video there is no limit to travel outside the outer Universe, and neither is it within us . We would never find 1 barrier or sign that says “End of the Universe”, when the planets, the stars, the galaxies, that is the organic universe, will come to an end, the other part of the Universe will come, and this one will it is also the Universe in which are all the Small universes that exist. This Absolute universe is the Infinite, Eternal universe. The others are finite and limited, and although the organic universe is the most interesting, because it is where we live, and it is our life, but this one is very small. Imagine a universe like ours and your journey in a utopian plane that can travel 1 million times faster than the speed of light, and after many millions of years you reach the end of our big- bang, where the big-bang is far away, and you can hardly see it, and there is a lot of darkness, and a little more of your utopian travels, there comes a time when the darkness is complete. Now this is the Absolute Universe, you could travel beyond millions and millions of light years, finding nothing or maybe finding another big-bang, and so on forever and, it’s strange when we talk about the organic universe and the absolutely We say that an organic universe is a universe that can be measured because there is space and in the absolute there is not. The Organic Universe in which we live is approximately 13,761 and 13,835,000 years old. It seems that as in the organic there is life and in the absolute not, in our house in the organic, there is space and time, then we can measure, but it is an objective thing, because for a dead person the state is no longer organic but absolute. But anyway, although time for others continues to flow, I explain myself, with the absolute there is no longer anything, no space, no time, no nothing. However, with this example I mentioned earlier of the journey through the Absolute Universe, which is a utopia and is absurd and unrealizable, if we had a clock we could measure time, even if the vehicle would not move, because in addition to being dark night there would be nothing, neither space nor time.

That makes you think, doesn’t it?

Enric Giné I Orengo

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