Racism Discrimination Equality Feminism



Let’s define first, what I define, what is what!

1) Racism, Discrimination . It is giving or treating a person differently because of religion, race or skin color.

2) Discriminate . It can be defined as separating, distinguishing or differentiating something from another, seeing something different from the other. “Discriminate or Indiscriminate” could be like Racism, but it is not, although you could discriminate against a black person from a white person. That would be discriminating, and not discrimination , since discrimination is if you treat her differently because she is black or white. Then it’s Racism . Discriminating for its own sake is a taboo we have given. Society, over time, has given the word discriminate the same meaning as Racism , that is to say it is a synonym, but it is not. Then I want to go deeper into this topic.

3) Feminism . Feminism is and cannot be in any other way, just as it is Masculinism. This means an Identity, and nothing more than that. That a Feminist movement has been created is another thing, but this movement has chosen the wrong name, because Feminism is an identity , like Masculinism , and Feminism means that women are women, and nothing month. Male-Female equality has nothing to do with Feminism, despite the fact that the Feminist movement mixes Feminism with Equality . And a woman has a very different Identity and behavior from the Man as we will see and I explain it in great detail and in depth. Now, the equality of men and women legally, which means that there must be equality between men and women, and that is not there in our society, I explain this in detail and in depth in this chapter.

Feminism, as I have already said, is the opposite of what the Feminist movement is fighting for. It’s a misunderstanding, it’s an entelechy . The Feminist movement fights for women’s equality with men and playfully, when she really doesn’t want to be equal to men, in rights, yes!! But that’s another thing. If equality is called Feminism , it is as if the man called his equality Masculinity or Chauvinism. That doesn’t make much sense, does it? Really isn’t it? Well, I go much deeper in my analysis , to the point 2G) Male-Female equality , which makes my point of view on feminism very clear.

4) Equality . It is a social desire where, among many other things, it is demanded that both men and women should have the same rights. The problem is usually that women are physiologically different from men, and so is their behavior. This is obvious, but you don’t necessarily need to interpret it as intellectual inferiority, maybe just physical. Equality in society is very complex, much more than Racism and Discrimination, since these two are very well defined. However, Equality , as we will see, encompasses a lot in our society, and we can see the following facets:

A) Labor Equality

B) Igu        height Race

C) Gender Equality (biological or psychological)

D) Social Equality

E) Economic Equality

F) Sexual equality (Homosexuality)

G) Equality Men Women.

A) Labor Equality . A workplace, it must be possible for both a man and a woman to occupy this position. As long as a job requires certain qualifications to be able to carry out this work, it can be occupied by either a man or a woman who has these qualifications, and also the same salary, this would be Labor equality.

B) Racial Equality . There is theoretically no problem here, but in practice yes, and why? Theoretically, we have already said that it is necessary to give the same treatment, regardless of race, religion, and that is very clear. However, in practice, we discriminate or rather make a difference, of a race or religion because of the prejudices we have of what we have seen before in our society and what is this? In other words, when it comes to the black race, Muslims, or other races, etc. these races, socially and economically are different from our culture and this means that we usually do not understand them well. And that’s when the observer is white, but it’s identically the same when the observer is black or Chinese. Equality of race, religion, has a lot to do with social equality and economic equality. They are within different social and economic layers and we must see this very clearly. However, theoretically there should be no problem. We must treat all people equally regardless of race or religion, whether we do it or not is another matter.

C) Gender equality (biological or psychological ). What do we mean by this? I will deal with Gender Equality as I believe it should be done or behaved in our society. The point is that all people should be treated equally, regardless of their sex. This means that we must treat people equally, regardless of their sex, both biologically speaking, and psychologically, the sexuality with which the person identifies. And this also means that people, sexually speaking, are those who have a sex with which they themselves identify, and which they have because they were born that way, but which is not necessarily marked by the one they have, psychologically. For example, they biologically have a genital apparatus, however, they have nothing in common with it and decide for another, where they feel completely identified. However, we must treat everyone equally, regardless of their sexuality.

          D) Social Equality . Here, as in all the sections I write about equality, Social Equality, theoretically, should be treating all people equally, but in practice, it is not done. Why? Society is built of social layers, very well defined, completely different layers such as rich, poor, educational as cultural, people with a high level, people with a low level, gypsies, whites, blacks, Muslims, South Americans, marginalized people , religions, refugees, pensioners, youth, children. Well, I could make an endless list of social classes, but in theory it would be that you should treat all people the same without making a difference of social classes. That would be Social equality.

E) Economic Equality . Here it is more complicated, because economic equality does not exist. It should exist, however, the rich don’t want to give to the poor, and because there are very complicated laws that control economies. However, perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that is that there are countries such as Scandinavia, where economic equality is not as distant as the rest. There they have understood that if there is not so much economic inequality in the country, it works better. To do this, you also need to invest more money in having a higher education than the rest.

F) Sexual Equality (homosexuality) . This is also theoretical, since (every day) we accept sexual equality, but it is still far from being fully accepted and there are many prejudices, in many countries it is criminalized. However, sexual equality should be accepted. There are people who are attracted to people of the same sex, however there are many people who reject this behavior.

G) Equality Men Women . Male-Female Equality is also theoretical, because the difference is so great, that in the “2G” section I will deal with it much more deeply. However, there are things in society that indicate that equality exists, especially in Labor equality, when men and women meet the same requirements.

2 A) Labor Equality . A workplace that requires qualifications to be able to carry out a specific job, can be occupied either by a man or by a woman, this would be Labor Equality. For example, a job that requires significant physical effort could not be occupied by a woman whose physique is normally not as developed as a man, but perhaps it could not be occupied either by a man with a physique not suitable for the specific job. Then the most important thing is not that it is a man or a woman, the important thing is that the work is suitable for the worker.

2 B) Race Equality . This is purely theoretical, because in practice it does not exist.

2 C) Gender Equality . Gender equality is also theoretical. This treats everyone the same, regardless of gender, but in practice it doesn’t exist either.

2 D) Social Equality . Here also theoretical. All of society must be treated equally, no matter what social class you belong to. However, in practice we treat people very differently from the social layer to which one belongs.

2 E) Economic Equality . There is no need to comment here. People want more equality, and when I say more equality it’s because there isn’t any, and now I’m making a comment. Usually people want economic equality. We want people to live better, but the rich are very careful that their money goes out of their pockets. This is a problem that society has had throughout its history, and it is still not solved. We have gone through Reign, Feudalism, Communism, Socialism, and capitalism. It is a political problem, which needs a political solution, and we have not yet been able to solve it. That is why Economic Equality is also Theoretical, it does not exist.

2 F) Sexual equality . This is also theoretical, since (every day) we accept sexual equality, but it is still far from being accepted and there are still many prejudices.

2 G) Equality Men Women . Here I want to make a point about the inequality of men and women or vice versa. Man and woman are equal, or at least intellectually and legally, if not intellectually as a result of history is on the way to being also intellectual. What does it mean? This means that women must occupy more academic positions in society, since she is no longer in the kitchen or at home doing cleaning and housework. But still, nowadays, when the woman comes home she still has to do housework and take care of the children as before. This slows down the future of the woman a lot and this is where the man has to help the woman, and we are no longer talking about criminal acts against the woman like rape or charges against her, but if we talk about the physical difference, it is obvious that it exists, and that the two groups agree on what they must agree on for a good coexistence and a good survival of the human race. However, let’s make it very clear that equality, no longer between men and women but between the person, whether male or female, must be equal, and as we can see in this section, I defend the equality of the person. Although I defend it, it does not mean that the equality of the person is not violated, that is something else, and that Feminism does not exist, as the woman defends it does not exist. For me Feminism is a matter of identity, and here I do agree, because in the sense that women behave very differently from men. However, it does not mean that this one respects people as an equal, and with all the points I refer to below, whether they are fulfilled or not that is another thing, Labor Equality, Race Equality, Gender Equality (biological or psychological), Social Equality, Economic Equality, Sexual Equality (Homosexuality), Male Female Equality.

          Thousands of years ago the woman took care of the children, in the house, and the man went to find his life to provide support for the family, and it has been like this for many thousands of years, and this makes the woman has virtues that man does not have and vice versa. The woman has a weaker physique than the man, and he is more robust, to be able to face life. Well, and this has lasted for thousands of years, and until recently, the woman has invaded and changed her status. The woman has begun to invade the professional world of the man, and it seems that an era has begun that will still take a long time, but a long time, to definitively establish a man-woman Equality effectively speaking.

However, what is the difference between man and woman today? Legally there is no difference, at first glance they look the same. Well, not the same! The woman has a receiving apparatus, the genitals, and the man has an emitting apparatus, the genitals, well that’s obvious, but what else? Well, the woman usually has long hair, and the man usually has short hair, so what? She wears clothing that men would never wear, such as very tight and low-cut blouses, and they show a little bit of her chest, and her pants are also very tight, and she does this unconsciously to show people that she is beautiful , and this for men is provocative. In addition, the woman paints her face, eyes, eyebrows, lips, and puts on perfume. Not all women do this, but this is one of their characteristics. It’s the idiosyncrasy of women, generally men don’t do it, why do women do it? Well both men and women for many reasons want to please. Men use their strategies and women use theirs too, perhaps sexuality here, unconsciously, plays an important role. Some may do it to look for a partner, but not all, as there are married women who have no intention of changing partners, but they do, and they do it simply to look pretty. It is the idiosyncrasy of the woman, nothing more, not with any other intention. Why do they do it then? I think it’s a part of genetics, that even they haven’t speculated on this. As I said before, the woman is receiver, the image of her can be linked with an example, that when a man embraces a woman, she is in the middle, and the man is embracing her and protecting her, the woman she is better suited to the role of being protected than to protect, and for man her role is to protect. This could be why the word “Masclista” has a fairly well-defined and very real and authentic origin. We also have in the sexual act, in which the man is the one who is on the woman, sender, the role of the woman (in relation to the man), receiver, usually, is one of submission, and is within her not at all, just like the man behaves dominantly and is fine with that role, and it would be hard to change that role, and the woman wouldn’t be fine either, and neither is the man. This seems to be an example that male-female equality is also theoretical this time.

Man must be man and woman must be woman. The man obviously has names of men and the woman, of women, and as we have seen there is already a very differentiated part of man and woman. It may be that in a few thousand years man and woman will be equal, but we are a long way from that happening, and for now man must wear his masculinity as best he can, just as the woman with her femininity, because in addition both men and women consider themselves better defined with this role. To go deeper with this topic, we can see that with my reasoning, equality almost does not exist in society, and the saddest thing is that we are proud, and we want to impose this equality in society, but we do not behave in this way. way This happens to both men and women. That women and men are different, this does not mean that one gender is superior to the other. It’s just a behavior of conductivity. It is clear that men, women, children, the elderly, must be treated differently but always with respect and affection, there must be no differentiation here. And what is very funny is that seeing that there is so much difference between a man and a woman, the woman wants to have the same equality as the man, and continues to behave like what she is, a woman, maybe a little funny, because we have already seen that it is not equal, and that the woman does not want this equality even if she fights to achieve this equality!!

I’ve explained it before, the difference between men and women. When I say this, I don’t mean it in a derogatory way, that the woman should be in the kitchen cleaning the house and so on. “No” and “no”. I just want to say that woman behaves differently in society and not because man has imposed it, but has been forced through, as I said, history, and now it is because she wants to be that way, and it’s completely legitimate, because that’s how she wanted it. The woman is no longer in the kitchen, she occupies highly qualified jobs in society and more deservedly and fortunately for society, and for the enrichment of our culture, but this does not remove the fact that there is much difference between a man and woman, maybe not intellectually, but physically and behaviorally different. In addition, the woman cannot take out her behaviors like the ” Look ” , the woman wants to be beautiful, she likes to go to the beach with a bikini, and the smaller it is, the better and the more provocative the better. Man, the smaller a woman’s bikini, the bigger a man’s swimsuit. Men’s dress has not changed since time immemorial, it is the traditional dress and if there are 100 men at a meeting, an elegant party, they are all dressed in the same or similar suit, trousers, jacket, shirt and tie and usually with short hair. The woman is a world apart, plus they spend a fortune on dresses, shoes, jewelry. They are usually gaudy dresses with wide necklines, well, no more comments, right? The ” Look ” is very important to her, she paints her face, eyebrows, eyes, lips, and if she has to dye her hair, she does it, which means spending 2 or 3 hours at the hairdresser, to do permanent or other manipulations. He doesn’t mind wearing very high-heeled shoes, even if it’s a sacrifice to be able to walk without falling. The woman is used to this and does it, even if it is a martyrdom, she only demands that it be more beautiful. If you watch an ad on TV, you’ll see many times that the ad is a woman in very little clothing, sexual in nature, and that has nothing to do with the ad she’s doing. The Eurovision programs, in many songs from many countries the women came out to sing, very provocative, which this provocation does not make the song better or worse, but for me I find this behavior goes against equality of the woman Equality is being criminalized here, and the woman does nothing, is this the equality we want? We must fight for women to be more aware of what they are now, and women, together with men, must fight to show that in addition to a physical appearance, and identity there is also an inner, intellectual , and this is where I wanted, for this and other reasons I believe and say, that women are different from men, both physically and behaviorally. I also want to mention some behaviors that women do, such as ” the Feminist Movement” . Women suffer much more from men’s violence, which is called gender-based violence. It seems that the man, being physically stronger and perhaps with some cases better possessed in society, commits violence against women, but this is not masculinist behavior , it is punitive , criminal behavior . There are, however, many demonstrations in which women and men take to the streets to defend so that there are no more deaths and there is less violence and more equality between men and women, but what equality? Should we ban all features of women? Should we ban all male characteristics? Should the woman be like the man? Should the man be like the woman? Now men have to wear bikinis, high heels, paint their eyes and eyebrows, etc., etc. What equality? Let’s define, what equality? To others, if a well-balanced analysis is made without passions and with deep reasoning, we will see that in many cases the man, when he has committed a crime, I mean he has killed his partner, sometimes he has also killed his children, and then , he commits suicide. This suggests that this man has gone so far as to kill his wife or partner, his children, and ended up taking his own life, and this happens very often, almost every day and society does nothing more than wait for it to happen again, and then we will go out again with a banner in the street saying “we want women alive” or “no more violence” or another banner like that, and so on every day. But this behavior of women does not fix anything. The reason for these barbarities cannot be fixed with banners and street demonstrations. It is behavioral, however, it is necessary to study and investigate, behaviorally, because it is a problem of behavior, not of gender equality . Technologies in society have skyrocketed, despite the problem of coexistence between couples or marriages has been a taboo and this is where we should study and investigate and work, not with banners or good intentions. When we have such serious problems in society that a person takes the life of his partner, and sometimes, also murders his children, and then he commits suicide, it means that something is not working well , and it is not because of the equality, and so every day we will go out with banners to demonstrate “no more violence”. I consider this as an act of sick desperation, which has nothing to do with a sexist act . Any man or woman can take the life of another person, this is a criminal act. But I do consider it a sexist act and even more criminal to have sexual contact without the permission of the other, and here there is a flagrant gender inequality, and as we can see there is inequality in society, as I have already commented in the paragraphs A) B) C) D) E) F) G), and this inequality should not exist. Today, on the day that I am writing this about equality, is Women’s Day, and the media has had a lot of publicity about people’s actions, many demonstrations and little content, their women saying enough is enough! ! There were even girls who said enough too!!! Crowded streets, it’s a shame that so much energy is wasted for nothing. Tomorrow we will surely see on TV another rape or another crime of a man who has killed his partner and then committed suicide, sad very sad, and we are unmoved. The woman must be a woman, and she must feel like a woman , if that’s what she wants, and the man must be a man and feel like a man if that’s what he wants . In common there must be an understanding, since we are in the same boat, and the survival of humanity starts from us, and we must live together and love each other and then we will be happier. Man and woman are not good people, but people and people are by nature violent and we cannot attribute to ourselves that we are good, quite the opposite. We are bad, if we look at the world of wars, or we see that 24 million people die of hunger every year in the world and 75% are children, we will see that we are bad, so we must behave well, as good people , and civilized and equality in society would be a good thing, if the equality of women and men existed, and without ceasing to be men and women. This reasoning gives a discussion, and a lot of debate, and what about equality? Well, then equality does not exist and if it does exist, it is only theoretical.

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