Catalonia events


Guifré I, El Pilós, begins the dynasty of Barcelona.

985 Ràtzia d’Almanzor destroys Barcelona.

988 Borrell II breaks vassalage with the Franks.

1137 Dynastic union with the kingdom of Aragon (Ramon Berenguer IV Peronella of Aragon).

1148-1149 Conquest of Tortosa and Lleida.

1213 Battle of Muret: head of the domain in Occitana.

1218 The Corts are born in Catalonia.

1229 Conquest of Mallorca.

1235 Conquest of Ibiza and Formentera.

1238 Conquest of Valencia.

1274 Creation of Council of One Hundred (Barcelona).

1282 Conquest of Sicily.

1287 Conquest of Menorca.

1323-1324 Conquest of Sardinia.

1348 The Black Death.

1359 Creation of the Government of Catalonia.

1410 Martí I, the Human, dies without offspring. End of the Barcelona dynasty.

1410-1412 Inter kingdom.

1412 Compromise of Casp and, El Trastàmara , new reigning dynasty.

1443 Conquest of Naples.

1462-1472 Civil war.

1479 Dynastic union with the Kingdom of Castile (Ferran II-Isabel of Castile).

1481 Constitution of the Observance. Insaculation in the election of public positions.

1484 Introduction of the Inquisition in Catalonia.

1486 Arbitration judgment of Guadalupe.

1492 Expulsion of the Jews.

1494 Creation of the Council of Aragon.

1640-1652 War of the Reapers. Corpus de Sang (June 1640).

1641 The Catalan government under the protectorate of the French monarchy (until 1652).

1652 End of the War of the Reapers. Capitulation of Barcelona.

1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. Catalonia north of the Pyrenees, in France.

1700 Charles II dies without issue. Philip of Anjou , successor.

1702-1714 War of Succession (Philip of Anjou – Charles of Austria).

1711 Charles of Austria inherits the German Empire.

1713 Treaty of Utrecht. The allies sign peace with Philip V.

1714 End of the War of Succession. Fall of Barcelona (September 11). Abolition of Catalan institutions.

1716 Decree of the New Plant of Catalonia. New political-administrative structure under the Castilian pattern.

1737 Foundation of the first Indian cotton factory (in Barcelona).

1773 Avalot de les Quintas.

1778 Decree of Free Trade with America.

1,789 Rebombori del Pan. The French Revolution begins (until 1799).

1808 Invasion of French troops (Napoleon). The War of the French begins.


1808-1898 Riot of Aranjuez. Abdications of Bayonne. Constitution of Bayonne. The French War begins (until 1814). Entry of French troops into Catalonia. Superior Council of Catalonia.

1810 Courts of Cádiz.

1812 Constitution of Cádiz. De facto annexation of Catalonia to the French Empire.

1814 The French War ends. Armistice and evacuation of French troops, return of Ferdinand VII. Manifesto of the Persians.

1820 Pronouncement of Reg. The Liberal Triennium begins (until 1823).

1823 Intervention of the Hundred Thousand Sons of Sant Lluís.

1824 Independence of Spanish America.

1827 War of the Malcontents.

1833 Territorial division of the State into provinces. The First Carline War begins (until 1840). Foundation in Barcelona of the Bonaplata factory (first with steam) (it was destroyed in 1835). Beginning of the Renaissance.

1834 Royal Statute.

1836-1837 Laws of confiscation ( Mendizábal ) and disengagement.

1836 Foundation of the company Nueva Vulcano . Restoration of the University of Barcelona.

1837 Progressive constitution.

1839 Convention of Bergara.

1840 End of the First Carlist War. Law of Municipalities. Constitution in Barcelona of the Association Teixidors (first workers’ association).

1842 Uprising of Barcelona against Espartero and bombardment of the city.

1845 Moderate constitution.

1846 Early Morning War (Second Carline War) in Catalonia (until 1849).

1847 Foundation of the company Industrial Spain.

1848 Road Board of Catalonia. Barcelona-Mataró railway.

1851 Agreement with the Holy See.

1855 Foundation in Barcelona of La Maquinista Terrestre and Marítima. General confiscation of Madoz. Railway Law. First general strike in Catalonia.

1859 The Eixample project in Barcelona (Cerdà) is approved. Restoration of the Floral Games.

1862 Cotton crisis (cotton famine) (until 1865).

1866 Economic and financial crisis.

1867 Pact of Ostend .

1868 September Revolution (La Gloriosa). Fall of Isabel II. The first Cuban war begins (until 1879).

1869 Progressive constitution. 1872 The Third Carline War begins (until 1876).

1873 Abdication of Amadeus I and proclamation of the First Spanish Republic. Cantonal insurrection.

1874 Pavia coup. Statement by Martínez Campos.

1875 Alfonso XII arrives in Spain: the Bourbon Restoration.

1876 New Constitution. End of the Third Carlist War.

1879 Phylloxera crosses the Pyrenees and in ten years destroys almost all the Catalan vineyards.

1885 Greuges Memorial, ends the period of the gold rush (since 1871).

1888 Barcelona Universal Exhibition.

1890 Universal suffrage. First May 1

1891 Strong rabassaire agitation (until 1896).

1892 Bases of Manresa.

1895 The Cuban insurrection begins. Beginning of the replanting of the vine with American vines.

1896 Separatist uprising in the Philippines.

1898 War with the USA. Treaty of Paris: loss of colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines).


1901 Foundation of the Regionalist League.

1902 End of the regency of Maria Cristina (since 1885). Reign of Alfonso XIII (until 1931).

1906 Catalan Solidarity Foundation. Conference of Algeciras .

1907 Foundation of Workers’ Solidarity.

1909 Tragical Week (Barcelona, July). 1911 Constitution of the CNT.

1914 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Catalonia (suppressed in 1925).

1917 Assembly of Parliamentarians. Defense Boards.

1921 Annual Disaster.

1923 Coup d’état by Primo de Rivera.

1924 Creation of the Patriotic Union.

1926 End of the war in Morocco.

1927 Creation of the FAI. 1930 Resignation of Primo de Rivera. Pact of San Sebastian. Republican coup in Jaca (Husca).

1931 Foundation of ERC. Municipal elections. Proclamation of the Second Republic. Alcalá Zamora, president. Macià proclaims the Catalan Republic. Establishment of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Statute of Núria. General elections. Azaña Government. New Constitution.

Sanjurjo ‘s coup d’état . Agrarian Reform Law. Anarchist revolt of Alt Llobregat. Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, election of Parliament of Catalonia. Macià, president of Catalonia.

1933 Foundation of the Spanish Falange. General elections. Government Lerroux . Foundation of the Catalan League. Comrades, president of the Generalitat.

1934 Agricultural Contracts Law. Events of October 6 (Comrades proclaim the Catalan State), arrest of the Government of the Generalitat. Revolution of Asturias.

1935 Suspension of the Statute of Catalonia. Resignation of Lerroux .

1936 Formation of Popular Front. General elections (triumph of the Left Front). Azaña, president of the Republic; Casares Quiroga, head of government, return of Companys and restoration of the Generalitat. The Civil War begins (July). Governments Franco (national area) and Giral and Largo Caballero (republican area). CNT-FAI controls Catalonia. Foundation of the PSUC.

1937 Bombing of Guernica . Negrín Government (republican area). Barcelona, capital of the Republic.

1938 Franco’s government decrees the abolition of the Statute of Catalonia. Battle of the Ebro. Final offensive on Catalonia.

1939 End of the Civil War (April). Franco’s regime throughout the State. Foundation of the National Front of Catalonia.

1940 Execution of President Companys.

1942 Constitution of the Spanish Courts.

1945 Manifesto of Joan of Bourbon. Fur of the Spaniards.

1947 Festivities of the enthronement of Our Lady of Montserrat.

1950 SEAT in Barcelona.

1951 Tram strike in Barcelona.

1952 Eucharistic Congress of Barcelona.

1953 Pact Spain-USA. Agreed with the Holy See.

1954 Tarradellas, president of the Generalitat in exile.

1955 Entry of Spain into the UN.

1958 Law of Fundamental Principles of the Movement.

1959 Foundation of ETA. Stabilization Plan.

1960 Events from Palau de la Música Catalana. 1961 The New Song.

1964 I Development Plan.

1966 Foundation of the Democratic Union of Students (La Caputxina da). Organic Law of the State.

1968 II Development Plan.

1969 Franco appoints Joan Carles de Borbó as his successor.

1971 Foundation of the Assembly of Catalonia.

1972 III Development Plan.

1973 The economic crisis begins. ETA attack against Carrero Blanco.

1975 Death of Franco. John Charles I, king. The process of democratic transition begins. Continuity government of Arias Navarro.

1976 Suárez, head of government. Political Reform Law. Appearance of the newspaper.

1977 Law of Political Associations. General elections (UCD victory). Pactes de la Moncloa , restoration of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Return of President Tarradellas.

1978 Statute of Sau New Constitution (December).

1979 General (UCD victory) and municipal elections. Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia.

1980 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory). Pujol, president of the Generalitat.

1981 Resignation of Suárez. Coup of the 23 F. Calvo Sotelo, Prime Minister.

1982 Spain joins NATO. General elections (PSOE victory). González, Prime Minister.

1983 Municipal elections. The industrial conversion begins. Creation of TV3.

1984 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory).

1986 Entry of Spain into the EEC. NATO Referendum. General elections (PSOE victory).

1987 Municipal and European elections. 1988 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory).

1989 European and general elections (PSOE victory).

1990 Approval of the LOGSE (reform of the educational system).

1991 Municipal elections.

1992 Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia (CiU victory). XXV Olympiad in Barcelona.

1993 General elections (victory of PSOE).

1994 European elections.

1995 Municipal and Parliament elections in Catalonia (CiU victory).

1996 General elections (PP victory). Aznar, Prime Minister.

1999 Municipal, European and Catalan Parliament elections (CiU victory).

2000 General elections (victory of the PP).

Enric Giné I Orengo

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